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[slightly mature content- everything was consensual.]

"Eat, and get up

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"Eat, and get up."

Ariella laid in bed, her pillow over her head and her eyes drowsy.

She'd been in bed all day and night, she didn't answer anybody at the door, she didn't even want to see Draco at all.

Giving in was definitely not apart of her plan when she came here, but she did. She did because at least she spared one out of three men's lives. It made her feel better in the slightest, it made her feel like she did something right for the first time in her whole life. She knew she wasn't a good person, she'd killed multiple people on the Slytherin side. But that wasn't the only thing that made her feel uneasy inside, it was the fact that-

She found it extremely hot when he pulled the trigger with no hesitation.

If she hadn't been already sobbing her heart out then a thorn would've increased between her legs. But she was crying, she was crying because of the comments he had made and the fact that she'd barely drank anything for the past week. She couldn't help it- he was being so rude to her and she never thought it'd get to the point where she couldn't handle it, but it definitely did.

But still, watching Draco take his finger through the loop of the gun and pull the trigger with a straight face, made her completely melt on the inside. She thought about it over and over, seeing the glint in his eyes when he looked straight into hers and pulled the loaded gun with absolutely no hesitation in his grip.

She really, really shouldn't have found it attractive.

Not after he made her completely sob.

But she did, and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

A knock sounded on her door, causing her to let out a small groan. She'd been tangled in her sheets all night, buried between two pillows and sulking into the comfortable mattress. Her legs were all twisted in the sheets, laying on her stomach with her hair a complete mess. But when she cried, and then fell asleep right afterwards it felt like the best sleep in the world to her.

They didn't wait for her to answer before twisting the doorknob and opening the door themselves.

What's the point in fucking knocking if your going to barge straight in.

Ariella was only wearing a large T- shirt, nothing underneath because she was tired of asking Dalilah and Pansy for their clothes. It felt like a burden to ask them for clothes, so instead she continued to dress in the large black T- shirts that were folded in the dresser.

She could take a hint that they were Malfoys just how they smelt.

The door swung open harshly, before footsteps sounded closer to her, and a hard wooden cutting board was set on the bed next to her. "Eat, and get up." The cold voice of Draco Malfoy sounded through the room, "Were going to Italy. So put on this stupid dress- if it doesn't fit, make it."

She didn't move, only shifted her legs in a more comfortable spot. She simply didn't want to listen to him for her own sole purpose- to piss him off. And it seemed to be working with how she could hear him take a deep breath, and pop his knuckles.

The next she knew the pillows were being yanked off of her, tossed onto the floor and then the same with the blanket. A gasp emitted her lips before she harshly pulled the T- shirt down, but it wasn't fast enough from Malfoy catching a small glimpse of her perfectly shaped ass.

"Did you not hear me, Fucking Potter?!" He shouted at her, his deep voice causing shivers to run down her spine. "Or are you that fucking daft-."

"Sorry, I don't talk to ratchet ferrets." She retorted back, taking her hands and keeping them on the shirt so it stayed down.

This only seemed to piss him off further- which she was hoping for. But what she didn't expect was a hard slap to her ass, and then hands gripping her ankles pulling her back from the front of the bed. Dracos grip on her was harsh enough to jerk her body around, now laying on her back instead of her stomach.

And it caused her shirt to ride up, now exposing nearly her entire body. But he kept his eyes on her face, staring straight into her hazel hues and then his hands were on his waist. "Do you want to repeat that, Little Girl?"

He was now directly in front of her face- she wanted him so badly to touch her.

So she opened her mouth to speak, opened it to repeat what she had said but instead, two thick fingers were shoved down her throat at the same time his other hand came to her clit and pushed his thumb down on it.

The sensation caused a moan to leave her lips, but it was muffled by his fingers all the way at the back of her throat. She squirmed underneath his grasp, trying to get him to move his thumb on her sensitive bud but he didn't, he only pressed down it lightly. It was pure torture, for him to only touch it slightly and she was so lucky she had a bathroom connected to her room or else she wouldn't have showered last night.

"Repeat it." He demanded her, now pumping his fingers in and out of her mouth while he started to lower hisses between her legs. "Fucking repeat it, Ariella." He licked a stroke on her core, his tongue lapping her up and it caused her eyes to roll in the back of her head and spread her legs further for him. "That's what I thought."

He started to dip his tongue inside of her, taking his other hand away from her clit and replacing it on her thigh giving it a tight squeeze. She moaned around his fingers, and despite the fact that she didn't know, it was music to his ears.

He abruptly pulled away, his lips glistening with his arousal and how hard he just dipped his tongue inside of her pussy.

"Eat. Get dressed. Go downstairs and wait. Don't make me repeat myself."




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