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[this is the exact reason I stopped updating for maybe two days, because I thought if I stepped down for a little then it would stop. But some people are seriously rude😐.

Anyways on the bright side, I'm close to 3k followers so if you don't don't follow me please do (no pressure) but it would be appropriated🤍.]

"𝐍𝐨, 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"𝐍𝐨, 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮."

"Hey, Theo," Ariella called over all of the chatter in the room.

As of right now, all the boys were in a room playing a game of pool of drinking tequila. But Ariella wanted to do something, it was about 9 at night and she wanted to go to a public library to get a book. Obviously Draco had a library, they'd fucked in there- but when she went to go rest a book, she was highly dissatisfied to only find dictionary upon dictionary and basically work books instead of romance novels she likes to read.

Five days ago after her dream, she'd kind of been distant from people. For some reason she really didn't want Draco to touch her- it definitely had nothing to do with him himself, she just wanted to be by herself. Where she felt like she could keep her secrets, to herself, the part of her body that she felt the most disgusted at- just to herself. Even the mere thought of her and Draco having sex made her skin crawl.

Theodore sat his beer down on the table, a small amused smirk on his lips. "Which one?"

Mattheo laughed, setting his pool stick down who was playing against Blaise. Draco was eyeing Ariella discretely, because she'd hardly spoken to him after the dream she had. Only he didn't understand, it wasn't a dream.

Reality was a cruel thing to face when you didn't want too.

Mattheo made his way to Ariella, "What can I do for you, Babe?" His tone was light, and Dracos eye twitched.

Ariella leaned over to him, "Can you take me to the library?" She whispered in his ear, pushing some strands of hair behind her ear. It didn't do anything better because it just fell right back over her ear. "Draco won't let me go if he knew I'd be leaving the house. Theodore can come with, I know where Dracos motorcycle is."

Mattheo pulled a laugh, "So you can be risky?" Ariella smiled up at him, and watched him nod while motioning for Theodore who was watching them. He got up from the table, walking towards Mattheo and Ari while a smile was on his face too.

"We're taking her to the library downtown," Mattheo muttered to Theo before turning back to the boys in the room. "We'll be back," and drug Theodore and Ariella out of the room before Draco could even protest.


It was clear Ariella had never been on a motorcycle before.

By the time they'd gotten to the library, she left with four books and her body shook when she got off. Her legs were wobbly and she held onto Theodores shoulder while walking back into the mansion. The guards allowed them to leave because she was with someone who they were familiar with.

But once they entered, everything was hectic. Draco was yelling at people, ordering them around and his face was full of anger. Lorenzo was the first one to spot them, and he pointed to them.

Ariella rolled her eyes, while Draco fumed at the sight of her with Mattheo and Theodore. "Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted, gripping her arm and it caused a gasp to leave her lips while he pulled her into an empty bedroom. Her books slipped out of her hands and onto the dresser, "If you wanted to go to the library you could've fucking asked. I thought you tried to-." He cut himself off abruptly, while she began to grow upset.

"No, I couldn't have asked you." She snapped, her arms crossing over the sweater she was wearing that just so happened to be his. "Because you don't trust me- and you never will."

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, looking at her with a murderous look in his eyes. "You have been ignoring ever since Tuesday. What did I do? Hm?" He pestered, coming closer to her, his hands balling up into fists. "How can I trust you when you leave without even telling me where your going- with two men at that."

She scoffed, backing up from him, a mad expression on her face. "Are you implying I slept with them? Are you serious? The last time I checked you were the one who told them they were together. If I don't want to talk to you, I don't have to, Malfoy."

She couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth right now. He wanted to get mad at her? He had no right, not when it was clear now that he still didn't trust her even after she was trying to make it clear that she didn't want to go back to her side. She realized it, being with a different group- with the enemy's made her realize how much she hated brother and Adrian.

And Draco was just throwing it in her face by not trusting her. As if he didn't see the tape recording of what she went through.

"I don't fucking understand you- honestly, what do I have to do to get you to talk to me?" He questioned with eyes rolling, and as soon as he began to take off his shirt she was panicking.

She pulled it back down on his chest, his arms slipping back through the holes of the fabric where the arms lay, "No. We are not having sex-."

"That's what you want, right?" He furrowed his eyebrows, taking a closer step to her. "What do you want me to do?"

"We can't fix this with sex, Draco." She whimpered, she eyes welling up with tears. She hated being emotional, hated it with her whole heart but he was making her feel like having sex was the only way to fix things. She didn't know it was what he was taught. "Not everything can be fixed with-."

"Then what do you want me to do!" He shouted, his jaw clenching and his fists turning white due to anger. "Do you want me to sit here and comfort you while you fucking cry? Hm? Or how about I go ahead and tell you that everything's okay and you can tell me your sob story about how you got drowned. Is that what you want? Well to bad, Potter. You don't always get what you fucking want."

A tear leaked out of her eye at what he just said. It seemed to dawn on him too, the way he mentioned what was on that tape and before she could register it, her hand slapped him across the cheek.

Words couldn't describe how torn up she felt- her heart was all the way in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes watered more, the thought of him seeing what was on that tape just to throw it back in her face made her sick.

"Get out." She stammered her words, watching as Dracos anger only grew.

She knew it wasn't a good combination, his anger mixed with an argument. She knew he had anger issues but she didn't understand that he was trying to work on them for her.

But instead, something vile came out. "Gladly, I'll go Fuck Astoria while I'm at it."




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