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[its currently three in the morning where I am, and I do not regret writing this chapter besties😌.]

"𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲

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"𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲."

Friends surrounded Ariella, sitting on the couches as everybody talked, laughed.

She felt like she could actually be apart of then for once, Delilah was braiding her hair in two Dutch braids while Pansy went through every shirt she had bought in approval. Draco took her shopping, got her clothes she wanted and needed.

Of course, this was before she talked to Silas. The wolf. The big, fluffy animal that just stared at her whenever she silently handing him a kiwi. The wolf was a big fan of kiwi, surprisingly. Ariella named him Silas, she stuck with it because he wasn't growling at her, he wasn't showing his teeth in defense to show he wouldn't hesitate to rip her apart. Instead, he opened his mouth gently and allowed her to share her breakfast with him.

Her bottom was positioned on a couch, a blanket wrapped around her from being cold while Delilah stood behind her and braided her hair gently. Pansy of course was still nodding her head yes to the shirts Ariella picked out- some of them made Draco want to plant hickeys all over her chest because that's how revealing they were.

Theodore and Mattheo- again- were perched on the same couch, slowly but surely leaning into eachothers touch. "So, what movie do we watch?" Theodore asked, his eyes flicking between everyone before landing on Ariella. "Pick a movie, all of us here know each other's taste. What do you watch, Ari?"

She smiled lightly, her eyes threatening to flutter shut because of how Delilah was braiding her hair. "I like romance movies. Or horror- just not clowns, I hate those bloody things."

Draco raised an eyebrow at her, watching her eyes shift to the person next to him. Because Astoria was actually planted next to him, her shorts riding up her thighs and it was like she wanted to gain every boys attention in this living room.

Blaise was sat by Pansy on the floor, watching her intently before peeking up. "I know a good romance, it's called The notebook." His hands pointed in the direction of his room upstairs, "I packed it just in case. Someone go get it, I'm focused."

"Focused on what, watching Pansy sort through my shirts?" Ariella giggled, the sweet sound making Draco turn his head to look at her again.

"It should be a sport, to watch women go through clothes and know their taste." Blaise responded, his smile creeping back on his face as he kept his eyes on the pile of clothes that was wracking up.

Lorenzo stood up, volunteering to get it and once he left the room, Ariella connected eyes with Draco. He cleared his throat, shifting in his seat before walking to the kitchen, going to get something to drink. When he got up, and walked away so did Astoria- she wanted to look back, wanted to see if he was going to do anything with her.

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