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[sorry for putting you guys through all that 🌚.]


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Ariella felt her breath hitch in her throat.

Everything felt like it wasn't real, like she didn't just hear those words come out of the doctors mouth. The thought of being pregnant made her eyes water more- she wasn't even supposed to be able to get pregnant, her chances were severely low.

But it still made her feel like she had a reason to fight. This could be her only chance at having a child and she was not letting her brother take that away from her.

Her mind was still somewhat caught up on the fact that Harry said he loved Draco. How was she supposed to know that? He expected her to figure it out but how was she supposed to do that when all she's ever known was that they hate each other. He was angry that she slept with Draco before he did- it's not like he ever had a chance anyways. Ariella knew that; Draco hated Harry with everything he had.

Harry stopped the knife in Ariellas stomach, stopped moving completely from where he was going to stab her. Tears streamed down her face at the thought of losing the only child she was probably going to have by her own brother.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me correct," the doctor answered Harry's shocked expression. "She is two weeks along."

He scoffed, looking at his sister in disgust. "That baby is a disgrace. I want it removed, Now. Take her to the hospital."

Her heart shattered into a million pieces.

They didn't untie her from the chair, the doctor only gripped the back of it and drug her out of the office room. She screamed, her cried filling the hallway with how badly she didn't want them to go through with this. She'd do anything, she'd let Adrian torture her again, she'd let her brother abuse her mentally and physically if it meant she could keep this child.

She choked on her own tears, kicking against the ropes. "No! Please-."

Her heart felt like it was about to explode. They were going to take away the one thing she didn't even know she could have, something that mean everything to her. She'd always wanted a child. Someone to call her own, someone that she could love unconditionally.

Her screamed filled the hallways, the chair now being drug into the main foyer closer and closer to the hospital. She cried for Draco, his hand leaving her lips over and over, her lip quivering and her nose burning from so much tears.


She thought it was in her head, thought she wasn't really hearing Dracos voice. Her hands shook beneath the ropes, and suddenly a gun shot went off, her chair sitting up straight and the doctor dropped dead right behind her.

She turned her head around, looking at the blonde boy that owned her heart. He rushed towards her, cutting her ropes with his knife and she still tried to stop the tears from falling against her face. He cut the last rope from her feet, trying to pull her into his arms but Harry came around the corner.

He shot a bullet into Dracos leg.

"No!" Her voice filled the main foyer, her hands trembling while Draco fell to the floor with a strained gasp. "Please- stop," she whimpered, Harry's hands pulling against her arms and back away from Draco.

"Since you don't want to obey," he took something out of his pocket, a little vile with purple liquid swirling in it. "This will kill your baby either way." He popped open the cork, ready to shove it down her throat.

She kicked and screamed in his grasp, but he opened her mouth forcefully and pushed the liquid inside. She wouldn't swallow it- she couldn't, not when she was so close to killing her brother. The gun that he used to shoot Draco with was in his hand, and he wasn't gripping it very tightly.

Running could be heard around the corner, and Cedric could be seen with a worried face, his face lighting up when he saw Ariella. She took this as her chance, and spit the nasty liquid out onto Harry's face and gripped his gun, pulling it out of his grasp.

Adrian could be seen coming down the stairs, a smirk forming on his face while he looked at Ariella. It faded once he saw the gun in her hand. "Stay away from me," she pointed her gun at Harry, his face scrunching up with purple liquid streaming down his face. "You don't get to take some thing away from me," she cried, "Not when you've been doing it my whole life."

Adrian was sneaking up on her, but she turned around right when he approached her, pulling the trigger and shooting him in the chest. He hollered out in pain, and Ariella took the chance to see behind her, and Blaise, Mattheo and Theodore stood there with guns pointed at Harry.

They gave her a small smile, one that made her choke up another sob and turn back around to her brother. "Ariella, come on." Harry took a step forward- she pointed her towards his crotch. "You won't do this."

Shuffling on the ground, Draco picked up his gun with a groan. "She might not," he aimed the trigger at Harry's head, "But I will." He pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting Harry in the side of his head.

A sigh of relief flooded through Ariellas body, her knees dropping to the floor while crawling over to Draco. "He's losing blood," she told Blaise who was picking him up with his arms.

"He'll be okay, I promise." He responded to Ariella softly. "Let's get you guys back home."

Theodore picked her body up bridal style, walking out of the door with most of Dracos men following behind them. They drew out there wands, apparating back to Dracos mansion, their bodies twisting and turning, a groan leaving Dracos mouth as they landed.

Ariella was so concerned- she was so worried that she had already lost this baby. Harry had punched her stomach, twice, pushed a knife into it barely past the tip of the blade, and even forced something down her throat. She was over thinking that she swallowed a little bit of the liquid and now she'd lost her child forever.

"I need to-." She tried to speak as they entered the doors, her vision going in and out. "I need to get to the hospital.."

Blaise raised an eyebrow at her, "Ariella, is there something you're not telling us?"

She was getting lightheaded, her vision fading into stars every second. Her body was going limp, and the only thing she could think to do it weakly point at her stomach, murmuring something along the lines of pregnancy.

Mattheo widened his eyes, looking at Draco who was trying to focus. "Oh fuck- she's pregnant."




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