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[not much dialogue in this chapter, bare with me. A wolf can't exactly talk 🙂.

But it might be a little while until i update on 'your sins' because I'm kinda invested in this one.]


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Ariella found an escape route.

Well, more like she found an exit in the lake house that wasn't guarded by men. Of course, she didn't exactly plan on leaving but she wanted to get out of the house. She didn't have anywhere else to go- and apart of her wanted to scare Draco.

Wanted to make him believe she actually got loose. That she actually got away, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. Because right now, she was laying in an empty room. Draco didn't want to touch her, she figured he kept her in here because he was disgusted by what he saw. But she'd been able to shower- she doesn't take baths, never will- and get some clean clothes from him.

Delilah brushed her hair, without a single word but she was very gentle with Ariella. And that made her feel worse- that even Delilah wasn't going to believe her. Nobody would, she'd come to that realization.

The clock above the doorway read 5:56, nearly 6 in the morning. This was her chance, she didn't care about sleep anymore. She'd slept when they drugged her to sleep, only this time, she woke up in a bed freely without anyone bothering her. Her feet slipped out of bed, her body standing up. Her eyes were finally clear and not blurry- she found out they put eye drops in her eyes to actually make her not see. They wanted Draco to be kept a secret in that room, just so they could get the answers they wanted from that tape.

She still didn't even know they had seen that tape.

She opened her door- surprisingly it was unlocked. They trusted her sleep enough to leave her door unlocked, thinking she was still gonna be knocked out by the time they woke up.

How stupid can they be?

The hallways were cold, narrowed into a dark, slim corridor. She didn't want to go down the hallway, but she did it anyways. Her eyes stay focused on the walls, and by the time she realized it she was silently running down the hallway and finally made it to the open foyer.

I'm on the bottom floor, if I skim past that camera behind the piano I'll make it to the door.

She did what she thought she could do, and slipped past the piano, ducking her head and then running down the hallway where the hallway laid with the door she needed to get through. This was so stupid in her eyes- but after everything they put her through she wanted to rebel.

The door was right in front of her now, and as soon as she opened it a breath of relief escaped her lips. But chains rattled behind her, and she snapped her neck around only to be met with two, dark, yellow eyes that have a hint of green around the pupil surrounded by fur.

A wolf.

"Fuck," she whispered to herself as she turned her body around completely. It was staring right at her, the creatures eyes piercing into her soul and the thing that scared her the most, was it wasn't a normal sized wolf. It had to at least be twice the size of a full grown wolf. She could expect anything different, this was a mixture between a wizarding world and a mafia world.

The wolf was chained up, so it could reach her but if those chains worked like the ones in the room she was kept in, an alarm would go off. She really, really didn't need an alarm to go off right now. Things already looked bad for her, and if she was caught escaping, she didn't know what they'd do to her after that.

She didn't want to find out either.

So she slowly crept backwards, her feet nearly tripping on the other one. The wolf growled again- it made her turn back and run the same way she came, behind the piano and back down the small corridor.

When she made it back to her room, she stopped at the doorway.

Because standing around in her room, was Delilah looking around the area with panic. But when she turned around she was met with Ariella, who was surprisingly looking calm.

Delilah stared at her with worry- not because she thought she wasn't safe, but because she thought she escaped. Ariella cleared her throat, "I went to use the bathroom."

"O-oh." Was all the came out of Delilahs mouth, staring at her enemy who was supposed to be dead because of what she had done. It wasn't a lie to any of the Slytherins that Draco wanted her dead, after they took the ring, and now, after his flash drive went missing. "I'll um- I'll leave you be. Sorry to bother you."

Delilah slipped past Ariella in the doorway, and she walked into her room slamming the door behind her.


Draco tossed and turned in his bed, tears brimming his eyes.

"You do not talk back to me." Lucius snarled at Draco, who was only 12 at the time.

His father had brought two girls into the manor, only it wasn't for fun. Draco had talked back to his father after he shouted at Dracos mother, called her a disgrace. So Draco fought back- he absolutely hated when people disrespected his mother.

The two girls shook there heads, nasty grins on their faces while they stared at Draco. "Take them up to your room, Draco." His Father Time him sternly. "Show them what it takes to be a man. If not," he raised an eyebrow at Dobby, the poor little house elf who was scraping the table off. "You know the consequences."

Draco opened his mouth to speak, he wished he didn't, "But father I've never touched a girl before-."

A hard slap was what was received, but it definitely wasn't on him. It was on Dobby, and Lucius had hit him hard enough to fling his small little body across the table with a small whimper leaving his lips. None of it was fair, Lucius always tortured Dobby when Draco didn't do as he was told.

But the thing was, he'd never had to actually touch a female before. Most of the time he watched his father do it, he watched his father touch these girls who didn't even care because they were Malfoy men. Draco was a virgin, he didn't have a single clue on how to make a girl feel good.

But his father made him, and he wanted to protect Dobby from suffering.


He shot up in his bed, swiping the blankets over his face so fast that it became a reflex. He didn't let anyone see his emotions, nobody. He was met with a stern look on Lorenzos face, it was full of panic.

In the corner, he could see Blaise slightly crying.

"What the fuck is going on?" He swung through covers over his body, and his mind went to the first thing he could think of. "Did something happen to Ariella?"

"A body was found at the end of the lake on the east side." Lorenzo explained. "It was identified as Jenna Granger."




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