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[mature content, and I'm making Draco a bitch because I want the drama 😌.

Also, we're gonna have a pet in this story. A wolf, because I want her to have an animal to confide in.]

"Oh look,"

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"Oh look,"

Things were looking horrible for Ariella.

When she woke from her medicated sleep, her eyes had to adjust to the light that was above her. She shifted on whatever hard wooden bed she was on- it was so uncomfortable, and when she went to rub her eyes, her hands were jerked back due to the chains around her wrists.

She didn't know where she was at- she thought she was at the lake house, and if she was, then this was some kind of underground room she had no clue about. Her eyes tried to open again, and she yanked on her feet, only to find that they were tied up and not chained.

Big mistake.

She sat up, her body tired and weary from the drug she had induced without consent. She finally adjusted to the light, her eyes skimming the room, Check your surroundings first. The rope around her feet were in a good knot- she couldn't lie, but she knew exactly how to twist her feet to un do it. It was just like making a knot with her tongue.

She started to move her feet, fortunately for her the were in Draco socks and it made her even more lucky because the rope wouldn't rub against her bare skin. While she twisted her feet with force, the rope was slowly loosening and she looked down to see someone had put underwear on her, but nothing else beside that. She didn't like this- she was so bare and exposed to anyone who would walk in here and she prayed that it would only be Draco.

Her eyes scanned over the room, her eyes growing more wide by the second. There were knives, shovels, hammers- even wands that were strapped to the wall. She didn't know if they were for her own scare, or if they planned on being used anytime soon. Finally, the ropes loosened around her feet and a small sigh left her lips.

She tugged at the chains- it alerted a siren off.

And it didn't take long for the door to open, a large buff man appearing with a knife in his hand and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh look," the man spoke loud and harsh, twirling the knife in his hands. "The pretty girls awake."

Behind him, she could see a patch of blonde hair and her eyes never once looked at him. She was trying to pull her shirt down- the chains wouldnt allow her to reach that far and it made her even more upset. That she was sitting here, in just underwear and a T- shirt that was up to her waist.

He made his move towards her, but she was already too fast. Her feet connected to his face, a holler of pain coming from his mouth and she did it again, hearing the faint noise of a crack. "Stay the fuck away from me." She seethed, her jaw clenched.

"You broke my nose, Bitch!" He took the handle of the knife, gripping it tightly before grasping the calf of her leg, and slicing it open.

And Draco did nothing.

A scream of pain come out of her mouth, her body instantly kicking him back again, this time both of her heels hitting his eyes and he stumbled back. "Fuck," she groaned, pulling her thighs up to her body and trying to fight the urge to go batshit crazy on these people.

"Enough," came Dracos voice from the entrance, and behind him she could clearly see Mattheo and Blaise. However, they both had looks of disgust on their face. "Where is it."

She furrowed her eyebrows, her head shaking. "I don't understand what I did-."

"Where the Fuck is it!" Draco shouted, slamming the door behind him before kicking the random out too. Ariella had never seen him so mad- not even about his ring, and she still managed to get him off her back about that. "I give you an ounce of my trust, and you still try to escape! Where IS IT!" He fired a gun off, indicating that he was in no mood to play.

"I wasn't trying to escape!" The punctured hole in her back was now burning, her remembering what happen last night. "I didn't take anything! I was- I was drugged-."

He came between her legs, gripping her throat and she became a scared mess. "What fucking bullshit is that?! The flash drive, you broke every single camera I own in this place, you managed to get outside before I found you in the fucking lake! Cant swim? Hm?"

Ariella was more than confused- she was so confused about everything. "No- I didn't do any of that, it was Jenna- she came here because she saw us in bed!" She tried her hardest to explain herself, but Draco didn't believe her.

And suddenly, a sinister smirk came over his face. "Okay," was all he said before he dropped to his knees, pulling her thighs as close as they came to the edge of the table. Her arms were stretched, yanking the chains and causing her to let out a whimper.

There was blood on the bed from her leg wound, but he didn't care. His fingers started to rub her clit through her underwear, earning a small moan from her lips. "Malfoy-."

"Shut up, Love." He kept his voice calm, trying to make her believe that he believed her. "Let me please you, okay?"

"Ok-okay," she whimpered again, his hands sliding down her underwear and gripping her thighs again. His tongue slipped inside of her without warning, another moan leaving her mouth and she wanted to grip his hair so bad.

He took his left thumb, rubbing circles on her clit while his right hand slipped a finger inside of her dripping core. Her feet shifted, her thighs so spreading more for him to have access to her body and he took his thumb away, replacing it with his mouth.

The bundle of nerves were gaining pleasure for every moment his mouth sucked and circled harshly on her clit. He added a second finger, dragging the first one out and then unexpectedly slipping both of them in, stretching her out with his thick fingers. Moans were coming from her mouth, and her arms pulled at the chains but no matter what she couldn't get free.

Her toes curled, the pleasure slowly building up as he lapped her pussy up, her eyes fluttering shut and eventually squeezing shut. Her own lubricant was growing by the minute, "Stay Fucking still." He demanded, his hand coming to push her stomach down and stabilize on the table she was sat on.

She was about to he on edge, his tongue and fingers doing wonders to her body. He curled his index and middle finger at the exact angle, making her cry out in pleasure. He knew she was close- her walls tightened, and he instantly pulled out.

It definitely wasn't the first time he pulled out mid orgasm, but now she was clenching on absolutely nothing, emptiness now trying to fill that desperation need to cum.

"Whatever you say now, is useless." He seethed, pulling her underwear back up with such force and then letting the thin straps hit her skin harshly. It caused a jolt of pain to emit at the spot, her eyes watering from not having an orgasm and him being so rude to her. "I will find that fucking flash drive, and when I do," he looked at her with pure disgust. "You will be handled like I should've done when I first saw you."

He opened the door, and once Ariella laid eyes on Astoria- her heart broke for some reason. Because Draco gripped her by the waist, pulling her closer and right before he closed to the door,

"I will never touch you again." His words cut through her like a knife, and he pulled Astoria in a full tongue kiss.




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