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[why didn't any of you tell me that there was actual butter beer- bye, because I drove two hours to get it and I'm ashamed.. yes that is me holding it up because I'm proud.

Mature content warning.]


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Ariella felt disgusting.

She'd been sobbing the whole day, nobody dared mess with her because all they'd get was yelled at. Her pillows had soaked up her tears, her cheeks damp and extremely red.

They knew.

I can't believe they saw that.

After Ariella had told them that Adrian was hired for her brother, she was kept out of the dark. They notified her about what they did to Jenna, they told her that she was still down in the basement tied to a chair. But they also mentioned the tape. And the worst part about it, was that Ariella didn't even know that it was being recorded.

And she broke- not in front of anyone, but she did. She felt disgusting, she felt like a whore and she definitely felt like she shouldn't tried harder. But she couldn't, magic had its pros and cons. Adrian was too powerful against her, and at the time being when it first started- he didn't even need magic, because she was only five years old. She thought it was normal because she grew up with it, she didn't even think to consider that Harry was the real monster.

Because despite the fact that Adrian violated her, despite the fact that he was the one to torture and abuser her, she realized that Harry was actually the one who hurt her.

She wrapped the towel around her body, stepping out of the shower and looked in the mirror. She hated the person that stared back at her, her hands moving the towel over and looking at the scar on her hip.


She was six.

A sigh left her plump lips, her hands securing the towel back around her body and then heading to open the door. She skimmed past in the hallway, all the way towards her door and opened it, her body slipping inside and she lightly shut the door back. She almost- almost slipped the towel off of her body, until she looked in the dresser mirror and saw Draco sitting on her bed.

Her breath nearly left at the sight of him, his hair messy and wavy, his bare chest exposed from not wearing a shirt while his grey sweatpants hugged his legs and waist. He was sitting on her bed with a small little ring in his hand, his eyebrows furrowed.

He's fucking hot.

He noticed she entered the room, hot and water droplets falling from her beautiful, delicate skin fork just having a shower. "Malfoy," her voice was soft and gentle- she didn't want to piss him off by calling him Draco. "What are you doing in here?"

He stood up, his eyes staying on her face and approaching her. "I um- I got you something," he held out the small ring, a dragon imprinted on it in stone, small little green diamonds as the eyes. "It's a peace offering, and it's also an apology.." he looked up at her, connecting eyes and she now had a red tint to her cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

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