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Ariella didn't want to walk out of her door.

It wasn't because of her embarrassment, it wasn't how she remembered that Draco had touched her body and even put his mouth where she wanted to he touched badly. Wasn't because he'd just walked out and not given her an orgasm.. no.

It was because she couldn't stop thinking about him. It was because she now had the mere memory of his tongue inside of her, his hands touching her body and making her feel pleasure she'd never felt before. Sure, she'd had sex before but they were all just hook ups and with the same man at that. Fred Weasley was like a friends with benefits type of guy for her, but he'd never made her feel that much pleasure and Draco hadn't even barely touched her.

And it was also because of this dress- it was very revealing. It fit, that wasn't the problem, the problem was that it was skin tight and thin strapped, going down to her mid thighs and due to her being curvy, it hardly covered her ass. She may have body confidence, but that didn't mean she wanted everybody to see her bare ass- and her bra was starting to get uncomfortable.

So of course she didn't want to walk out that door- she didn't want to seem like a fool.

But she had to, or else she knew she'd be dragged out eventually by someone. And she want that- she couldn't stand the fact of anybody else touching her unless it was Draco. For some reason, she only wanted him to put his hands on her, she only wanted him to put a gun to her head and force her to go somewhere. Nobody else.

She silently walked down the hallway, her hands gripping the bottom of the dress to stay down instead of riding up. Footsteps could he heard approaching her, and she mentally sucked in a breath, preparing herself for whoever it is. The heels she'd been given to wear were uncomfortable, they didn't even fit- they were much to big for her feet and she didn't want blisters but by the way her toes kept riding to the front of the shoe, it was bound to happen.

"Potter." The faint voice of Draco rung in her ears, causing her to let out a shaky breath and look up.

His eyes were already glued on hers, scanning her body and even he thought it wasn't a dress he liked her in. It wasn't that she didn't look good- but he didn't want anybody else to see her body. And he watched as the heels swung back on the lower part of the back of her foot due to being big, he watched how she held it down while she walked.

He didn't like it.

Draco stood in a black turtleneck, with a suit jacket in his hand. His hair fell in his face, his silver eyes boring into hers. The combat boots he was wearing went well with the black pants he had on.

Ariella cleared her throat, before she was positioned in front of him. "Where are we going. You said we were going to Italy-."

"Did you eat." He demanded to know, his harsh tone nearly caused her to step back but she didn't. Her eyebrow raised, looking at him dumbfounded. "Did you. Eat."

"Yes." She taunted back, her tone laced with spite because of what he chose for her to wear. "Not to be ungreatful, but do you have anything else I can wear-."


He started to unravel his suit jacket, taking her by complete surprise when he wrapped it around her shoulders. It went down to her mid thigh but covered her ass- he was much larger than her and it scared her with how much he towered over her. But it covered her up, it made her feel like she wasn't about to show off everything she had.

He bent down, lifting her ankles and physically taking the heels off of her feet before tossing it back in the empty hallway, not caring where they landed. And he started to untie his boots, slipping both of them off before swiping them onto her feet and watching a shocked expression take over her face.

He stood back up after tying them, a satisfied look on his face. "Go downstairs, I'm right behind you." The only reason he wanted her to walk in front of him was so he could make sure the suit jacket didn't raise up when she walked, and it didn't.

They walked down the hallway silently, and she didn't know what else to say. She wasn't going to say thank you- even though she wanted to- she figured he'd end up doing something stupid that caused her to dislike him again.

Once she reached the stairs, her feet nearly tripped but Dracos hand wrapped around her waist and caught her. But her eyes caught sight of another women, a girl who had a mixture of white and black hair, her body looking as if she came straight from a castle- Ariella thought she looked beautiful.

She must've heard Draco and Ariellas footsteps because the women turned her body around form talking to Theodore Nott, her eyes lighting up when she sees Draco coming down. But then they scanned over Ariella, and another light smile came from the women's face.

"Draco, who is this lovely girl?" Her voice echoed over the stairs, and Draco took one look at Theodore who was smirking his ass off, to know what he'd done.

Theo called his mother here on purpose.

"Mum." He greeted her as they reached the bottom of the stairs, taking his hand off of Ariellas waist and going to hug his mother. "How are you?"

"Don't dodge the question, Dear." She pulled out of the hug, looking at Draco who didn't have the words to answer.

He cleared his throat, death glaring Theodore. "Mother, this is Potters sister. A- Ariella. She will be staying with us, until I get my ring back."

The women's faces scrunched up in disgust, looking at her son in disbelief. Ariella kept her posture straight, looking down at the ground while her hair fell in her face. "Draco, tell me your not holding her captive. You can't-."

"I can do whatever I please." Draco snapped, before gripping Ariellas arm harshly and pushing her in front of him while he walked away.




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