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[TW, panic attack.]


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Ariella sat in the kitchen waiting for Draco to come back.

She'd been sitting in the kitchen for two minutes now, occasionally dipping her finger in the icing of the cake and licking it off. How long was she gonna wait here? She didn't know, but once she heard a gun shot, everything sounded like alarms going off in her head.

Why the fuck is he firing a gun?

Her feet carried her out of the kitchen, her eyebrows narrowed and once she reached the main foyer a million thoughts surged through her mind.

There stood, at the door, Draco with a gun in his shaking hand, a look of awkwardness on his face before he ordered someone to take care of the body. Ariella stood there waiting for him to turn around; to see her watching him with a gun in his hand, a girl right in front of him dead with a pie now laying on her chest.

Once Draco turned around, his face completely faltered and dropped the gun, stepping towards Ariella. She didn't step back- she wasn't afraid of him. "It's not what it looks like."

She Rose and eyebrow at him, "Really? So you didn't just kill a random girl? Might I remind you, if she's apart of the Gryffindor side, you just broke the treaty."

He looked at her body that was now being shoved in a bag from one of his guards, and he looked back at Ariella before walking towards her but putting space in between them. "I just- she tried to touch me and it- it wasn't you," he pulled at the shirt that was around his neck, feeling like it was choking him. "She was my cousin and she- she wanted to touch me-."

Ariellas heart slightly broke for him, and with the way he was acting, looking around the room as if something was suffocating him, she knew he was having a panic attack. "Draco-."

"Don't," he stepped back as she tried to step forward because she wanted to at least hug him. She didn't know how to handle something like this- how could she? "I don't want to be touched right now."

She felt hurt with what he said, but nonetheless, she understood. Because she knew what it felt like to have a panic attack, but nobody there to help her when she had hers. She was all alone to help herself calm down, and the only thing that did was either biting the skin on her cheek, or pressing her thumb to each of her fingers in a line, and then repeat.

Draco glanced at Ariella one last time before he gave her a hurt expression, and walked away. He was going to find Blaise; he knew how to handle things.


Ariella was curled on in blankets, the bed she was laying on wasnt very comfortable.

It was the next morning, and she'd fallen asleep with the shirt she wore of Dracos in her hand, balled up into fists. She didn't understand why he wouldn't let her hold him, she didn't understand why he didn't let her talk to him or even come back last night to find her.

But what she didn't know, was that Draco passed out in Blaises bed whole Blaise was reading to him.

A sharp pain hit her stomach as she whimpered in pain- this pregnancy hurt. Cramps were twice as bad as they were on her period and she didn't know if she was going to be able to do it without Draco. But she guessed she needed to give him space; it was what she did best. Leaving people alone.

Her stomach ached as she made her way to the bathroom toilet, puking because of the morning sickness. Everything she ate last night was now in the toilet, but she kept throwing up until somebody started to hold her hair back, rubbing her back soothingly so she could finish.

Her eyes were welling with tears at the awful taste of throw up, and she already recognized who was holding her hair back by the scent of mint and cologne- with a hint of green apples.

"You're okay, Love." He whispered comfortingly, grabbing her some tissue so she could wipe her mouth. She took it softly, wiping her mouth before standing up to brush her teeth.

Draco had a pained look on his face- he didn't mean to fall asleep, he was going to come back to her last night but Blaises voice calmed him down and eventually he got too tired to stay awake. Now he felt even more bad- not waking up with her when she was throwing up.

His arms wrapped around her waist, her hands setting her toothbrush back down. She leaned against him, resting her head on his chest and felt him rub small circles on her stomach.

He kissed her cheek, "I'm sorry, Angel." He told her gently, before going to pick her up bridal style and carry her back to the bed that was a guest bedroom. "I didn't mean to fall asleep with Blaise last night."

She hummed against his chest, feeling him lay sideways and pull her body closer to his. Her hands went to his hair, playing with his soft strands before pecking his cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I promise." He smiled warmly at her, "But I'm still sorry I wasn't here with you. Do you want me to go make you some tea? We should get you some breakfast, you need to eat-."

She smiled, pushing her finger onto his lips. "It's okay.. but can I ask what happen last night?"

"I don't- know," he sighed, closing his eyes for a brief second. "She showed up at the doorstep, and told me she was my cousin but she- she wanted to sleep with me and it just- made me upset. She wasn't you." Draco wasn't just upset, he was triggered.

What Hailey did last night, triggered something in his mind. It brought him all the way back to when he was 12 and his father forcing him to go with the two adult girl. It triggered his mind horribly because he realized he was about to have a family, and nothing was going to ruin that- not even his father.

Pushing his lips onto hers, she happily kissed him back. It felt great to have her lips on his already, it felt great to hold her because it felt right. It didn't feel like he was getting violated, it didn't feel like he wasn't supposed to hold her like he was doing now.

When he pulled away, he sat up, pulling her onto his lap to straddle him. It wasn't anything sexual, he just wanted her to be as close as she could be. "Ella, I'm gonna-." He took a deep breath, opening his mouth to say his next sentence.

"I'm going to open up to you. Tell you things I've never said out loud before." He held her tighter against him, ready to talk about what his father did.




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