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[guys I really do apologize my updates have been so slow lately but I've been busy and I'm gonna try my hardest today.]


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Ariella shouldn't have kissed back.

She knew she shouldn't have- but she was so caught it up on how soft his lips felt against hers, and the way he caressed her skin that she didn't even think about pulling away.

But when she did - Draco didn't say a single thing to her besides 'Your pathetic,' and walked away leaving her in the dark dim lit empty hallway. It made her want to slap him- he kissed her first and although she didn't pull back that didn't mean she asked for him to be rude to her. She didn't know where else to go, but she decided to pick a room to stay in because there was no chance she was staying in that dungeon again.

That was three days ago.

Their kiss, was three days. The warmth of his lips on hers while they moved in sync, the way his soft delicate caressed hers made her nearly want to melt. But she knew it was wrong- she'd basically been kidnapped by this man, and although she found him extremely hot she was planning her escape.

She's had a shower, and she'd been handed fresh clothes. They weren't much, just regular grey sweatpants that felt like wool cotton, and one of Dalilahs skin tight crop tops. It was all Dalilah owned- crop tops. But the sweatpants.. she couldn't exactly say they were Dalilahs. Because they were huge on her, nearly drowning her legs in them because they were a large.


Ariella was slumped in a bed, thinking about everything. She'd been able to sneak around at night, figure out what guards she needed to distract and sneak past, figured out their break schedule and how they do things. She wasn't tied to the bed this time- thank Merlin.

Her feet swung over the bed, it was about 9:00 at night and she knew this would be her only chance because Draco hadn't been seen all day. He was out with a women who had brown hair and green eyes- for some reason Ariella felt upset because he just kissed her not even a week ago.

She opened her door, making her way down the long corridor. And she hoped nobody saw her- she'd been working her brain so hard for this for the past three days. She wanted to get out- she wanted to leave and go live with her brother.

"Fuck," she cursed as she turned a corridor where Draco stood, leaning against the wall with papers in his hand and he looked furious.

Right next to him stood the girl with brown hair, making her grow more angry for some odd reason. "What the fuck is this?" Draco shouted at the women, making her narrow her eyes in slits.

"You wanted someone to be by your side- why not just make me your wife? What's better than a Mafia leader with a women by their side-."

"I'm not marrying you." He seethed, gripping the paper tightly and balling it up in his fists. "I'm not- You're so fucking desperate, Astoria."


Ariella rolled her eyes, taking her chances and crossing the hallway into the other one, making a run for it. She knew it was stupid- but Dracos back had been turned towards her and she thought she could've made it.

She was terribly wrong.

Her feet were going as fast as they could, but then she heard shoes clack behind her and she knew she screwed up. She knew she would ruin her chance for this at all times.

But she was now running faster, turning another corridor and she could practically see the light from the main foyer where the door in the middle would free her from this hellhole.


A strained gasp left her lips because she knew it was Malfoys voice- and he knew she was growing closer to the way out.

She could finally see the foyer, and she tried to ignore the stinging in her thighs because she wasn't cut out for this- she wasn't athletic. But she was at the door now, pulling it open and she knew the guards were on their break.

"Fucking Potter!"

She slipped out of the door with ease, her hands leaving it and her feet running down the cold pavement. She didn't have shoes- her heels weren't an option.

But a cold, large hand wrapped around her tiny throat forcefully pulling her back.

Another gasp left her plump lips, her back colliding with a muscular chest and her mind became actually fuzzy due to how much Draco was squeezing her neck in his hands. She was being held like a child, only with her throat and if he pulled her up any higher he would've lifted her off the ground by the neck.

And then- she heard a gun click.

"Did little saint fucking Potter actually think she was going somewhere?" His breath fanned on her neck, his hand still causing her to hardly breathe. She could smell his scent- it only made her want to sink into his body further. "Are you forgetting that there are guards surrounding us outside of that gate? Or were you really that stupid to think you'd get away that easily?"

"Fuc-k- yo-." She was cut off even more, his hand tightening and she felt the tip of the gun in his other hand, push into her stomach and trail downwards to her sweatpants- his sweatpants.

"Don't say things you don't want, Princess." He taunted, going further with the metal weapon and once she felt it directly where her clit was- she knew if he pushed it in any harder she would have to contain a moan. It would be hard because of his hand around her throat, but she knew she would like it. "Because I can fuck you. But your not prepared for that, so shut the fuck up."

His hand did push the gun in further, a wave of pleasure going through her pussy through the sweatpants and her underwear, gliding against her clit and twirling in circles. He felt her body relax, her legs threading to spread to give him more access where she wanted to be touched.

Dracos hand loosened on her neck, finally allowing her to suck in a breath and once he went harder with the gun she knocked her head back against his chest- she didn't mean to let him do this to her, but for some reason ever since she'd seen him she wanted him to please her.

"Let me explain something to you, Dollface." His tone was harsh, and aggressive causing her to nearly moan. "Unless I get my ring back, your mine." He slid his hand off of her throat, gliding it down her stomach and pulling her sweatpants band open, while he trailed his hand into her underwear, touching her bare clit. "Unless I get my ring, your never leaving." A small moan came from her lips and it sounded like heaven to Dracos ear. "Unless I get my Goddamn ring, this Fucking cunt is mine."

And with that, he pulled away from her and shoved her back inside while her legs felt like completely jelly.




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