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[TW, blood and death.]

"Shut up, Riddle

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"Shut up, Riddle."

Ariella felt like an actual criminal.

She felt like she didn't belong here anymore- she needed to get out of this mansion and away from Draco Malfoy.

He was a menace, a cruel person who put on this facade that he didn't own a heart at all. She didn't understand how he had managed to do it, but over the last four days he had been a complete dick to her. He'd spilt her breakfast on her, he'd talked about how she didn't have parents.

And it pained her, because no matter what she did she would always be looked at differently in this castle. Everybody- even the guards looked at her like she was some type of disease. The only people who didn't was Delilah and Pansy. But Mattheo and Lorenzo made no move to stop Draco when he was rude to Ariella.

He'd trip her in the hallways, making her fall face first sometimes unless her arms caught her. He barely ever let her out for meals, and when he did she had to physically try and eat somewhere away from him or he'd spill her drink on her, or possibly her food. So she hardly got to eat, and by now she began to grow weaker and weaker. Her bones were becoming more prominent, her eyes drained from any hope at all. She'd only been in here for at least two weeks and she already felt the urge to just end her life completely.

She was tired.

He was so rude to her.

And she didn't know how to make it stop unless she told him where the ring was, but she didn't want to give in. No matter how much pain he put her through, she would never let him have what he wanted because as long as he kept treating her like this, her stubbornness would get the best of her.

Right now, she was sat in the kitchen with three people she currently hated. Draco, Mattheo and Lorenzo. She thought Mattheo and Lorenzo were different, she thought they were nice.

Ariella didn't even get to take a single drink of her water before Draco purposely took his wand and spelled it to drop from the table to the floor. Her eyes sulked into a deep sadness, because she was so thirsty. It was only breakfast, and she feared if she tried to drink during lunch he would just do the same thing over and over.

"Damn," Draco started his usual remarks like he did every morning. "No bitchy comments today either? You look like shit."

Despite her brain telling her not to, her emotions got the best of her and her eyes welled up with tears.

She hung her head down, taking a bite of her single pancake that was granted to her. Her eyes were trying to fight back the stinging feeling in her eyes, trying to hold in the single tear that was threatening to fall. Her hands were starting to shake, her mind trying to comprehend what was happening.

She chewed on her food as a distraction to stop her lip from quivering, her cheeks growing hot.

"Why do you put yourself through this," Dracos voice that was right next to her ear, snapped her out of her thoughts. She realized he was now standing directly beside her at the large table, his hand on the surface and looking straight at her. "You wouldn't have to suffer like this if you'd just tell me where the ring is."

Ariella took a deep breath, and set her fork down. Nonetheless, she was greatfull that she got to finish her single pancake- it was rare that ever happened. But she still felt like she was about to burst into tears- she hated it here. She hated the fact that he was so rude to her, and treated her like some whore who he found on the side of the street, and not somebody who had a life and he kidnapped.

Draco wasn't realizing that she was close enough to pass out- she needed something to drink. It was the same thing over and over, he wouldn't even give her a chance to grab her drink before it was either poured on her, or shattered to the floor.

"Draco maybe you should try and be more nice-."

"Shut up, Riddle." Draco snapped, slamming his other hand on the table with a gun laced between his fingers.

She didn't see him motion for three guards to come over here, she didn't even dare look up until he pointed the gun at somebody. She looked up with her eyes brimming with tears, and he didn't give her an ounce of his regret.

He backed away from the table, sliding his hand around to the mans shoulder and holding him in place while he pointed the gun towards the mans head.

"You have two choices, Potter." His cold harsh voice rang in her ears at the realization of what he was about to do. "Either you tell me where the ring is, or you'll be responsible for these men dying."

Ariellas face paled, her hands now full on shaking and her chest tightening. It felt like somebody had physically ripped her heart out and squeezed it to the point where all she could do was cry. Because the way a glint formed in the mans eyes, silently begging her to just tell Draco where the ring was- it made a tear roll down her cheeks.

She had to, she was being forced to tell Draco where her ring was at. Her feet stood on the ground, pushing her chair backwards and trying to comprehend what was happening- nobody could blame her for how she was reacting, it's what anybody would react too; shock.

But she wasn't fast enough to tell him.

"Do you think I'm joking?" His index finger looped on the trigger and pulled it, watching the life drain from the mans eyes.

A sob escaped her throat- she should've been used to this, she should've been used to watching people die but knowing that this man was completely innocent was crushing her heart.

"It's in a safe- Draco please stop-." She babbled on, her whole body shaking and now she was completely sobbing because Draco got what he wanted.

She felt like it was her fault he died.

"What safe." He demanded to know, and she shook her head trying to remember if it was the one below her clothes or above- Draco didn't have time to wait.

He took ahold of the second guard, watching her face grow even more worried and she tried to remember as hard as she could. "It's- there's two in my closet-."

"Your playing around, Potter. Stalling to buy yourself more time." Draco pushed down on the trigger again, and again, the mans body dropped to the ground and it was only then that realization hit him as hard as it could at the sound of a terrorized screamed falling from Ariellas lips.

She dropped to her knees, scooting back against a wall and another loud sob tore through her throat. Her heart was absolutely shattered at watching that happen, and she could only hope that Draco would stop now.

He did, watching her face in complete fear.

Her cheeks were soaked due to how much she was crying, her legs bent to her chest and she tried to keep herself from shaking- it didn't work. She kept sobbing, her eyes wanting nothing more than to see something that would cheer her up instead of watching an innocent man die because Draco didn't think she was telling the truth.

"Ariella- stop crying." He did his best at trying to tell her he was done, that he wouldn't push her any further today. "Your fine."

She took one glance at the two lifeless bodies on the ground, and she scrunched her face in another disgusted way as she cried harder. "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry I couldn't-." She wanted apologizing to Draco, she was saying sorry to the two men who still had a life ahead of them.

Draco knew he definitely shouldn't have went this far- but it was already done now. He tried to come closer to her- but as soon as she slightly screamed out a sob in a form to tell him not to come closer, his face completely paled and backed further away.

"Carry her a room." Draco ordered Lorenzo. "Get her whatever she wants, water, food I don't care. Just do anything she tells you besides letting her go."

Lorenzo did as he was told, picking Ariella up bridal style before carrying her to a bedroom where she finally felt safer.




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