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[TW, drowning and abuse.]

"Your being paranoid

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"Your being paranoid."

For Draco, it was weird being around Ariella.

Every time he walked in a room with her in it, he had to do a double take no matter what she was wearing or doing. He made her wear his clothes on purpose, and he liked the way she looked so small in his big shirts.

But last night, he gave her his trust, and to him, she betrayed it. In his eyes, Jenna didn't show up and hurt Ariella, but instead Ariella did everything he asked her not to. He'd gotten out of bed when he woke up again and she wasn't there- and when he walked down the stairs, the whole place was trashed. He looked everywhere for her, and instead, when he found out that the flash drive- which contained information about his whole life- was gone, he had no mercy for her. He found her in the lake by the dock, thinking she couldn't swim- because she couldn't.

It wasn't because she never learned how to swim, but ever since she was six, and had the accident, she never wanted to step foot in the water again. The scar on her hipbone proved it.

But Draco didn't know this- he had no clue she was scared of water. He had no clue that Jenna had actually done all of it. Had no clue that right now, Ariella was sobbing her eyes out because she was alone in the dark. If there was something she hated more than water that didn't come from a shower, it was small dark places.


All he felt was betrayal. In his mind, he was thinking that this was exactly what happen when you got involve with the enemy. He gave her his body- she gave him hers, and yet to him, she still tried to run away. Dracos whole childhood had been taught in sex. His father was not a good man, teaching him how to express his emotions through sex and only that. So again, in his mind, he thought she'd stay because he gave her his body.

Draco was sat in an office, one that was provided in the lake house and he was frustrated. He had all of his men searching the lake for that flash drive, along with the ground where she could've ran. He needed to find it- if anybody on the gryffindor side were to get that, he'd be screwed. It had all of his information on there- which is why he needed to get it back so bad.

"Malfoy!" Blaises shouts echoed through the room, before but footsteps drew closer and he opened the door with a fling. "Greece found a flash drive dove in the ground. We're not sure if it's yours, but he's on his way."

Draco got out of his chair immediately, watching as Mattheo, Theodore and Lorenzo went inside his office along with Blaise too. "I'll be back," Malfoy stated, walking towards the big man named Greece who had a small little flash drive in his hands.

Malfoy held out his hands, and Greece slipped it inside his palm while Draco silently thanked him with a nod. Apart of him prayed that it was his- a big part of him really hoped it was his. He didn't know what he would do if his rival got all of his information. Draco was a hidden man, liked to keep secrets and be discrete at all times. That wouldn't be able to happen if Harry got his flash drive. Even if Ariella didn't get loose, there was still a high chance of someone else finding it if she lost it.

Opening the door to his office again, he sat down in his chair with a big huff. "It looks like mine, but if it's not I'm sending someone back to New York."

"Your being paranoid," Theodore told him in a tone of 'duh' but Draco shot him a glare, not in the mood to play.

The flash drive in Dracos hand was exactly like the one he had, only there was a little dirt on the end of it due to being stuck in the ground. He plugged it in the computer without a second doubt, because all of the men surrounding him already knew about what he'd gone through. So it didn't matter that they were seeing it.

But as soon as he plugged it in- his computer when blank. "What the fuck," Lorenzo muttered, and Draco was narrowing his eyebrows.

"My computer completely shut off-" Draco hit the computer at the side, making an anointed sound at the back of his throat.

He kept hitting it, until finally a video tape screen was displayed, a large room could be seen and it was completely empty. "This isn't- This isn't your flash drive.. is it?" Mattheo asked, his tone laced with worry when the door in the video tape bursted open and it was clear that Ariella was thrown in the room by her hair.

Draco instantly became worried too- they knew they shouldn't watch what was about to happen, but they were going to anyways because they still felt like she was the enemy. There was a huge tub of water in the room, and Ariella got to her knees before someone forcefully pushed her down.

The person couldn't be identified due to the camera not showing his face.

It angered Draco, to see Ariellas face pushed to the ground, light sobs coming from her face. By the date on the tape that was shown on the bottom left corner, it was last year in august. She didn't look much different, but she still looked terrified. She was hardly wearing anything either- the only thing she was wearing was a night gown, looking like she'd just gotten woke up from her sleep.

"You didn't kill them." The man above her told her, before pushing her head further into the ground, his foot leaving her face and allowing her to try and fight back. She swung her arm at his knee, trying to hit the muscle but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet completely. "You never listen. What is it going take, that water?"

Ariella was being pushed in front of the tub of water, forcing her down on her knees, and her head was instantly pushed inside of the tub of water. Right before she was hitting the water, a small faint cry left her lips, "No!" Her hands pushed and shoved at the metal tub, trying to get it away from her, she hit the mans legs but nothing worked. She tried to stand up, but his feet physically broke her foot with his own, making a muffled scream erupt in the room from inside the tub of water.

The man was gripping her hair tighter, pulling her out of the water and she sobbed sobbed for him to stop. "Sweet girl, you should have listened. Because now," he pushed her head back on the water, no remorse at all and it was a good minute before she finally stopped fighting, her arms going limp from losing oxygen. "Sie werden das gleiche Schicksal erleiden, das sie haben sollten."

Draco took the flash drive out, flinging it across the room and his face was horrified. Mattheo looked like he'd seen a ghost, Blaise was on the edge of his seat with his mouth gaped open, Lorenzo was full of sorrow and hatred for the man- and Theodore was in complete shock and sadness.

For the first time in ages, Draco felt pity for the girl he just watched get dunked in water forcefully.

"I-." Blaise was at loss for words, trying to find any explanation on how that video was on the flash drive that was supposed to be Dracos. "None of this makes sense."

Mattheo stood up, a glare on his face. "You said you found her in the lake." He pointed to Draco. "She was unconscious, and it's clear she can't swim. So tell me, 'Mr. big boss man who thinks he knows everything.' Why the hell would she be bleeding from her back, nearly drowning in a lake just to get a flash drive that she probably didn't know you had."

Draco stood up, rolling his eyes. "I never said-."

"It's pretty clear someone did that from the gryffindor side. And I'm going to talk her like a normal person would, instead of tying her up and leaving her in a dark small room." Mattheo slammed the door being him, not looking back.




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