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[you guys can thank kiwi_l0ve for how this books ends.. literally black mailed me into a good ending but that's okay.

Mature content.]

"Outside? People could-

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"Outside? People could-."

Ariella was perched up on a guest bed, looking out the window.

She'd rearranged the room for the bed to be right by the window and the wall, watching the rain patter down on the glass. From her view on the top floor, she could see big city lights and building that made her want to take someone with her to walk in the rain, admiring how beautiful the city was.

But Draco wasn't speaking to her at the moment- and it broke her heart. He avoided things like this, and it made her upset because all she wants to do is talk to him about it. If he wasn't ready to say that three letter phrase that Ariella hated so much, then she was fine with that. They could put it past them, forget she ever said anything about it but he wasn't even talking to her.

Her heart ached for him, to pull him into her arms and just let there. She sighed, searching the buildings for an excuse to stop worrying about things. A few minutes ago, she was cradled up on Silas and almost falling asleep. But then she came up here, trying to get a good view of the city.

Her feet carried her off the bed and out onto the balcony, raindrops soaking up her thin, light purple night gown. It was cold, but she didn't care.

She didn't hear the door open to the bedroom, where Draco stepped in and watched her for a few seconds.

He admired her figure, admired how she stood so elegantly while looking out into the city, her night gown slightly riding up her body because she was leaning over the railing a little bit. How her hair was curling everywhere now due the rain settling on it, how her small hands grasped the concrete railing while her cheeks turned red.

He opened the balcony door, her body turning around with a slight jump at the noise of the door opening, and she sucked in a breath at the sight of Draco.

He sucked in a breath too, Just like Blaise told you. "Ariella," he stepped closer to her, her eyes searching his face. "I love you."

Her chest heaved up and down, her eyes nearly watering at the sound of him saying that to her. She thought it was stupid because she thought she was stupid. This whole thing wouldn't have happened if she hadn't ruined it in the kitchen.

Mouth gaping open, she put on a light smile before stepping closer to him. "Draco," her hand came up to his cheek, rubbing it gently and he leaned into her touch, a warm, cheeky smile on his face. "I love you."

His lips captured hers, his hands coming up to her waist and pulling her towards his chest, before backing her up on the railing. When she kissed him, she felt something on his tongue and instantly recognized it as a tongue ring, but she never knew he had his tongue pierced.

"Mm," he bummed into the kiss, pulling back with a smirk on his face. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Darling."

Her breath left her lungs when he dropped to his knees, the rain slowing down but still sprinkling, his hair quickly becoming wet and wavy while she looked down at him. His hands slid up her thigh, underneath her night gown before grasping the sides of her underwear and pulling them down- he still held eye contact with her.

She leaned her elbows on the railings, looking around. "Outside? People could-."

He was already bunching her night gown at her waist, "So let's give them a show."

She heard something vibrate, and his hands pushed her thighs apart before he connected his tongue to her entrance, licking a stroke on her bare pussy before her body jolted forward at the feeling of vibration on her core.

But her head still knocked back with a moan, her thighs parting more for him before he delved into her core, his tongue entering her with the vibration still radiating from his tongue. It didn't take her long to realize it was.

A tongue ring- that vibrated.

Loud moans slipped out of her mouth along with whimpers, her body pushing up against the railing behind more. His hands pressed into her thighs harder, rings indenting her skin while he tongue fucked her with everything he had. His ring vibrated her whole core, a feeling she'd never felt before and it was about to send her over the edge faster than she'd ever gone before.

Sliding his tongue out, his laid it flat on her entrance before moving it upwards, straight onto her clit and it made her moan harder, her chest moving up and down, her toes nearly curling at how euphoric she was feeling. "That feel good, Princess?"

Before she could respond, his tongue was going down her thigh slow and seductively, a low groan leaving his lips before he was taking her back in his mouth, his tongue slipping back inside of her entrance that made her hands grasp his hair and push him further down.

"Dr- Draco, I'm gonna- Cum!" Her hands tightened on his hair, her orgasm washing over her body in such ecstasy that she didn't think she'd ever recover from it. Her walls tightened around his tongue, his vibrations hitting the right spot inside of her while his thumb continued to rub circles on her sensitive bud, her release flowing into his mouth while he lapped her up.

She pushed his head away once she became sensitive, her hands shaking as she pulled her nightgown down.

He stood up on his feet, "Now, I want you to go see what I did for you. Tried my fucking best on baking- it shouldn't even be a thing, honestly."

She giggled, trying to catch her breath before walking back from the balcony, still soaked and her legs still slightly shaking from the rain. She slipped off her night gown and into some clean undergarments, pulling on some shorts with Dracos T-shirt.

They made their way down stair, laughing hand in hand, running down the hallway to get to the kitchen. He pushed her forward gently, letting her get a good look at the cake he baked on the counter that was in a pan, the words on it spelling, 'Ariella, I love you.'

Her heart fluttered. "Surprisingly, it doesn't look like shit." She giggled, her arms wrapping around his neck.

He smiled down at her, "Yeah yeah."

The doorbell rang, indicating someone was at the doors and Draco wondered why a guard hadn't alerted him. But either way, he told Ariella he'd get it and walked over in the main foyer, grasping the door handle.

When he pulled the door open, he was met with someone- the same girl he didn't recognize with Fred in his office the other day. She had a pie in her hands, a smile on her face while greeting him, "Hi, Draco."

He Rose and eyebrow at her, "It's Malfoy to you. And who are you?"

Her face seemed to slightly fall, but she still stepped forward again. "I came here to give my condolences. I'm very sorry to hear about your girlfriend but if you ever need someone to talk, I'm always here."

"I'm sorry?" He questioned her, debating on slamming the door in her face. "What do you mean, hear about my girlfriend? And you never even told me your name-."

"Hailey Black," she smiled at him, "And I thought your girlfriend died? Harry Potters sister?"

Draco became confused very quickly, "Everybody on the Gryffindor side knows that Ariella is still alive. So what are you doing here?"

Hailey smirked, "Okay, you caught me. I've just gotta ask.. is it true what they say? Are you really that good in bed? If so, I'd like to spend a night with you."




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