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"Here, Love

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"Here, Love."

Ariella laid on Silas, a whimper leaving her lips.

Her stomach had been hurting all day- a lot more than it should have, and she was already 8 months pregnant, but about 8 days until her due date. So it was clear that she was about to have her child in less than a week or so, but as painful as it was, she thought it was worth it- to have a child.

Draco went to the store to get her some ice cream, his face plastered with worry when he left. She's only been laying with Silas for at least seven minutes before she heard the door open again, the new house being a lot smaller than the other one.

Silas nudged his head on Ariellas back, trying to sooth her while she held her stomach even more, hearing Dracos foot steps appear behind her. "I'm back, Love." He turned her over gently, sliding his hands underneath her body and picking her up with the bag on his wrist. "I'm just bringing you to the couch, let you watch muggle TV. Maybe it'll take your mind off of it."

Her eyes opened to see his platinum blonde hair in front of his forehead, sweaty from running around hogsMeade hurriedly to get what he wanted for Ariella. She slightly smiled and curled into his chest more, before he sat down on the couch with her in his lap sideways.

When he went to leave, she grasped onto him. "Don't you dare leave me again, Draco."

He nodded his head, grabbing his bag off of his wrist and getting her ice cream out. "Accio spoon," he muttered, a spoon flying to his hand while he handed them to Ariella. His hands grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. "What do you want to watch, Baby?"

"Finding Nemo," she responded lightly, watching Silas descend the stairs and lay down near the couch. "I heard it's about a fish who lost his mind, because he never really had a child fishy in the first place."

He put on the movie, watching as she took a bite out of her vanilla ice cream. "I got you some butterbeer whenever you want to drink it, it'll be on the table, okay?"

She nodded her head, watching the big screen. Her pain seemed to be eased right now, making Draco feel more relaxed that she wasn't in pain anymore. He hated seeing her like this lately, it had been getting a lot worse in the last month.

And just as if she couldn't get a break, warm liquid pooled down her thighs and straight into Dracos lap.

It wasn't that, that he cared about. "That's not pee.. is it?" His voice was shaky, looking at her with worried eyes.

Her voice cracked before she broke out into sobs again, her ice cream still in her mouth. "No," she cried, her tears rolling down her cheeks before she hiccuped. "I can't- even in peace! What the fuck!"

He cursed under his breath, taking her ice cream out of her hands making her cry even harder, but he didn't care. He needed to get her to St. Mungos quick. His hands tightened around her, pulling them both up before he gripped his wand.

First, he mumbled a spell to dry off his pants, and then used it to Accio the potion sitting on their dresser. "Here, Love." He popped the cork off, "I need you to drink this for me."

She hiccuped again, taking it with shaky hands. Swallowing the orange liquid, she scrunched up her face but Draco was apparating them, the potion she took making it safe for them to Apparate without hurting the baby.

Bright lights flashed their vision, appearing in the hospital where the doctors noticed Draco at an instant. "What can I help you with, Mr. Malfoy-?"

"Her water broke," he cut her off sharply, Ariella still in his arms while he held onto her tighter. He wasn't letting her go- he wasn't going to leave her.

The women nodded her head before yelling at someone to grab a bed, a rolling bed coming out so Draco could lay her on it. Her eyes opened with tears brimming them, her hands grasping Dracos in hers holding onto him for life. "If you leave me, Draco Lucius Malfoy, I will chop off your dick."

Despite the situation, he slightly chuckled with a worried face. His head bent down to press a kiss to her forehead, the bed rolling into a different room while he walked by her side. "I would never leave you, Ella."

The doctor was hooking her up to wires, before another man came in. Draco instantly furrowed his eyebrows, "Excuse me, who told you it was okay to be in here?" His voice was sharp at the doctor- but he didn't care.

"Sir, I'm here to help your-"

"Yeah no," he cut him off, his hand tightening around Ariellas while she stared at him blankly. "Go get a women, thank you. And it's Malfoy to you," he spat at the doctor, who instantly walked out. Draco knew it would make Ariella uncomfortable if it was a man.

"Draco," she whispered, another whimper leaving her mouth before she pushed her other hand to behind her mouth and watching him lean down. "I'm not shaved- it looks like a forest down there, you know?"

He rolled his eyes, finding it cute how she was trying to stay positive. "You lie, Ella. I just helped you shave two days ago." He whispered back, her head tossing back.

"Okay," another doctor came in while the first one kept talking. "You are dilated to a ten, so it's safe to start pushing."

Ariellas eyes widened, pain shooting through her stomach before squeezing her eyes shut. Her hand gripped Dracos in hers, before the other one held the handle on the bed and she gave a strong push, a strained noise leaving her mouth at how bad it hurt.

She whimpered, Dracos hand stroking her hair. "You're okay, Darling." He whispered to her, watching as she started cry harder. "I know it hurts, but you're the strongest person I've ever met. It'll be over soon, I promise."

She gave one more push, Dracos heart hurting for her. He couldn't even imagine how much pain she was in, but he would be by her side through it all. "It- it hurts," she whimpered again, her muscles tightening before she let out a loud cry, giving one more hard push.

A babies cry could be heard in the background, a feeling of empty ness leaving Ariellas body while Draco had the biggest smile on his face.

Ariella, however, started breathing heavier and passing out.




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