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[i know there's no smut in this chapter but i pinky promise there will be in the next.

Sorry in advance for this chapter.]

"Don't be a bitch, help me-

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"Don't be a bitch, help me-."

Ariella was laid Dracos arm, his arm cradling her head and not allowing her to rest her head on his chest.

She still couldn't sleep, the clock next to her reading 5:34. The blanket was hardly covering her, but she didn't care because she was hot. The only thing she was wearing was Dracos white T-shirt, nothing underneath and apart of her wished he would pull her in closer to his body.

Her head slightly tilted, looking over at Draco who was now taking small, peaceful breaths, his mouth slightly parted and his hair sticking to his forehead due to sweat. Ariella knew she wasn't crazy- someone had to be messing with the thermostat, there's no way Draco Malfoy would stay in a place that was burning hot.

Her feet shifted, her body aching from everything Draco put her through last night. He made sure to wear her out- he ended up fucking her so hard that he made a permanent bruise on her hip, and a hole in the wall from the head board slamming into it. So she didn't think she could stand- it would take a while.

Before she could fully step onto the floor, Dracos arm gripped a fist of her hair, pulling her back down and he let out a huff. "Where the Fuck do you think your going." His voice was gruff, just waking up and he still didn't open his eyes.

She sighed, taking ahold of his wrist, and pushing off. "For one, someone's fucking with the temperature and I'm burning up. And two, I'm thirsty."

He chuckled, his fist tightening in her hair and pulling her head closer to his, just enough for him to be able to whisper in her ear. "I know something that would satisfy that thirst."

Even a small laugh came from Ariellas mouth, because she knew he was joking. He wasn't erect- it was more a joke than a proposition and he finally let her hair go, opening his eyes. Oh, how bad she wanted to get lost in his beautiful, silver blue eyes. They shined in the moonlight coming from the window, his blonde hair only adding to the beautiful color. They both stared at each other, Ariellas lips slightly parting before she finally took the courage to stand up.

But of course, her knees buckled and she dropped to the floor. This made Draco twist in the sheets, burying his face into a pillow to hold in his laughter, and Ariella rolled her eye. "Don't be a Bitch, help me-."

Draco gripped his wand, before sending a spell to her legs and they instantly felt relaxed. The pain that was emitting between her thighs and up the apex of her knees stopped hurting, allowing her to stand up and finally pull the T-shirt down over her body.

"Now, go fix the fucking temperature. I'm burning up- and don't even think about leaving, Ariella. I'll find you again anyways." He spat back, his eyes closing again and he pushed the covers off of him completely.

Ariella sighed again, moving her feet away from him and out the door. It was dimly lit in the hallway, no longer having a guard outside the doors and allowing her to actually freely walk around. This was a first- she hadn't been able to do this since she got here, with Draco. She was always tied up or having to be guarded.

It felt nice to her that he trusted her.

She walked down the stairs, and surprisingly, she saw a head of brown curls sitting in the chair that was in the living room- she instantly recognized it as Jenna Granger.

Jenna heard her footsteps, turning around and standing up. Ariella was smiling at her, Jenna coming closer and eventually they made it to the kitchen where Ariella wanted a glass of water. "Jenna," she gave her a hug- only Jenna didn't hug back.

Ariella was pushed off of her, and the impact caused her to stumble back and hit the corner of the island of the kitchen counter. A hiss of pain came from her mouth, her eyebrows furrowing and she watched Jenna scowl her and cross her arms.

"Your a fucking traitor." Jenna snarled, her face scrunching up in disgust and looking at Ariella with such an emotion she couldn't quite pin. "Sleeping with the enemy."

Ariella shook her head, trying to rub her back where she could feel blood drawing from how hard she was pushed into the corner of the tile. "No, it's not-."

"Save it," Jenna cut her off. "Do you know infuriating it is, to risk my life to save you from that bastard, only to see you curled up in his bed and wearing nothing but a shirt?"

Ariella tried to come up with something- she couldn't. It was no use, because there really wasn't an excuse for what she had done, it was clear as day. She had nothing underneath this T-shirt, and Draco was only sleeping inches away from her. They were supposed to hate each other,

And instead, they decided to sleep together.

Tears pricked at Ariellas eyes when she saw Jenna draw out a small syringe, "Jenna please- nothing happened-." Lying was the only option, otherwise she wouldn't get out of this. Jenna took a step forward, Ariella taking the chance to run around the island. "Remember Blaise-? He's- he's here, right here and I'll take you to him-."

"Blaise isn't in my life anymore," Jenna seethed, taking another step and Ariella began to grow actually scared. "What, Cedric wasnt enough for you? You just ruin everything- your such a fucking whore, who can't keep their legs shut for shit-."

Ariella scowled her from across the island, because she'd had the grudge against her for so long. Jenna had a major crush on Cedric, but Cedric always showed interest in Ariella- she never even slept with Cedric. Her body count was now two, Fred was the only person she'd slept with and it wasn't a secret either, that Ariella only messed around with him. Jenna had no right to call her a whore- not when she made the mistake of giving into Malfoy.

By now, blood was dripping down the shirt from the cut in her back. She didn't even know how bad it was, she couldn't figure out how bad she'd actually hit it. "You don't know anything, and it's not my fault Cedric wasnt interest in you." Her breathing became unsteady, she tried to calm herself down but the fear of Jenna telling everybody on the gryffindor side that she slept with Malfoy- she would be considered a traitor. "Just be reasonable-."

Jenna ran around the counter before Ariella had the chance to process it, pressing the syringe to her neck, and everything went blank in her vision. Her body stilled, before falling into Jennad arms and her eyes fluttered shut.




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