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[okay, first I'd like to start this off by saying I do apologize for the drunk chapter yesterday, but some people seem to have a problem with that because I'm 15. Yes, I drink, and you guys don't know my personal life at all because take this in consideration; if I actually had a parent figure who cared about what I did, then I most likely wouldn't drink. Just try to laugh next time it happens, not get offended.

I will keep up the chapter if you guys want me to, I found it funny too.


"To keep me 'in line

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"To keep me 'in line.'

Draco knew this was gonna be difficult, talking about his past.

But here he was, sitting on a bed with Ariella in his lap, his arms wrapped around her figure holding her as tight as ever while he tried to form a single sentence. He was telling her because it felt right- he wanted to finally tell someone.

And he tried to stop his eyes from stinging with tears, but it was happening anyways.

She cupped his face in her hands, feeling his soft, delicate skin collide with hers. "You don't have to tell me, Draco."

Her voice comforted him, stopped the ringing in his head that was telling him that everything he did in life was a consequence to the choice he made when he was twelve. "My mother and father split up when I was 15," was how he started.

Ariella listened intently, her hands settling on his chest while her eyes searched his.

"But when I was twelve, my father- he um.." his eyebrows furrowed, feeling a vile crawl at the back of his throat. He couldn't do this-

He thought he could, but now, he couldn't.

Because talking about what he had to do with those girls was somehow even more embarrassing and disgusting to him then actually doing it. And he knows thats not how it should be, but it is. He felt disgusted with his body, with what he was forced to do with it against his will, hands touching him that he didn't want.

Ariella seemed to understand, grabbing his hands from her waist and inter whining theirs together. "When i was five," she started and it made Draco realize that she was about to open up to him too. "My brother wanted authority. He was young, he bossed me around and I was just a little kid, but we were the Potters and somehow, that came with authority.

By the time I was five and a half, he had hired- Adrian," she gulped thickly, her hands tightening on his. "To keep me 'in line.' When I was still playing with dolls, Harry was planning things that I wouldn't ever commit. I wouldn't listen to him when he told me to practice on shooting guns- I never wanted to hold one.

So, when I was six," she looked away, trying to stop her own eyes from watering. "Adrian finally took initiative when I was in the pool. He- he pushed my head into the water because I- I was supposed to do target practicing. And he took a knife, slicing my hip with it." One of her hands left Dracos to slide down her shorts just low enough on her hip bone to show the little scar in the line of a slice.

"I had passed out because he almost drowned me, and my brother never cared. The only person who comforted me was Adrian himself- it confused me, more than anything but I was still a kid." Dracos thumb wiped the tear that had slid down her cheek. "And eventually.. he would to- touch me. In places that a child should never be touched.

It got worse over the years, when he first forced his-." She took a deep breath, trying to tell herself that what she'd been through wasn't embarrassing, but for her it was. "When he fingered me," another tear down her cheek and more followed that. "I didn't know what he was doing at the time- I was eight years old."

Dracos heart broke for her, looking at her with sorrow and horror in his eyes. Her lower lip quivered as she tried to talk, "When I was fifteen, I had to- I was ordered to kill two children because they had seen Harry kill someone." Her eyes watered uncontrollably, spilling over her eyelids. "And I couldn't- I wouldn't do it and that made Harry and Adrian angry.

I was expecting him to drown me again- he always used to do that a punishment because I'd become scared of water. It sounds so stupid but I wasn't expecting- to get.. raped."

Draco pushed her head into his chest, allowing her to sob and let out everything she'd been dying to tell someone ever since it happened. She actually did tell her brother, but all he responded with was something she was expecting. "You deserved it, that's what happens when you don't do what you're told."

While she cried lightly, Draco began to explain what he'd been through. He explained it because of what she just told him. "I was twelve when my father made me lose my innocence.

It was something I didn't want to do- I was hoping to save my body for someone who was special to me but- but he had other things in mind. He told me to bring two girls into my room.. they were adults and I- I wasn't. But my father told me to show them what it takes to be a man and he- he would've hurt my house elf that I loved.

So I did what he asked- when I spoke back, my house elf got abused and I hated it. But I didn't want it at all- it was awful." He sniffled, rubbing small circles on Ariellas back to soothe her. Her sobs were slowed down now, and now it was Draco who was about to lose it.

"When he told me to do it again, I became selfish and refused because I cared about what happened to my body and not Dobby. He- he died because of me," he hiccuped a sob, and Ariella lifted her head to see how he badly he aching to cry to her. "He'd still be alive if I'd- if I'd just slept with them like he asked," tears fell from his eyes, his baby blue eyes now turning slightly grey due to his crying.

Ariella wiped his tears with the pad of her thumb, before cupping his cheek, and he leaned into her touch, looking at her with glossy eyes. "What your father did was not your fault, Draco."

He nodded into her cheek, and this time it was her turn to pull him into her chest and let him sob.




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