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[I am playing with your emotions in this chapter 😭😭.

Also, for everyone who is wondering 'Your sins' should be updated in a few hours. TW, abuse.]


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Draco stood outside of Harry Potters house.

A gun was in his hand, knives tucked inside of his pocket with all of his men behind him. Pansy and Delilah stayed home, he didn't blame her one bit and in fact encouraged her to stay because he didn't think he could lose anybody else.

He also knew going into this was basically asking to he murdered. But right now all he could see was anger clouding his vision- if they even touched an inch of Ariellas body, he'd kill everybody in this mansion that stood before him.

Guards surrounded the place, it was heavily secured but with the way Draco was being fueled by anger, he didn't care. His fingers pulled the trigger twice, shooting the two guards that were supposed to be guarding the front doors, the other men looking around to see who shot them. Their eyes connected with Draco, raising their guns but they weren't fast enough, Dracos hands going up in the air and giving his men the signal to take all the other guards out.


He started to approach the door, not hesitating to pull it open. Again, guards raised their guns, but Draco and his men raised theirs too, pointing at each other from both sides. From the side, he could see Fred Weasley and Cedric Diggory with their heads down, tears falling down Cedrics face.

Draco stepped forward, catching their attention. "Where is she." He demanded, his jaw clenched and his fingers coiled around the trigger, so close to pulling it.

Cedrics brown, honey hues stared back at Draco in despair. "Malfoy he- he killed her." He cried, his eyes watering even more. "She's gone-." He shook his head, holding back a sob and walking towards the kitchen.

Draco felt his heart shatter.

His face dropped, his hands slipping off of his gun and realization dawned on his face. It felt like his ears were ringing, his eyes searching Fred's face that was exactly the same as Cedrics. A knife to his heart is what it felt like to hear those words.

He never got to have a life with her- even start one. He didn't get to apologize the right way, he didn't have a chance to hold her and tell her that everything she's been through only made her a stronger person. His heart clenched and his eyes stung.

He never even got to start a family with her.


Ariella fluttered her eyes open, trying to adjust to the light.

She tugged at her wrists, only to find that her arms were tied behind her back to a chair. She didn't understand where she was, but her body was sat in a chair and tied to it. There was no possible way to get out of this, not when she had no clue where she was, her hands bound together by ropes and no weapon on her whatsoever.

It scared her, for the first time she was actually scared. Because all her mind was going to was Draco, and if he was alive or not. She didn't get a chance to see if he was before she was taken, all she saw was a bullet going through Lorenzo and straight into Draco. She really hoped both of them were okay, but she knew the hard truth of Lorenzo not being able to make it.

Shuffling could be heard behind her, "You're awake. Finally," the voice was recognizable as Hermione Granger- Ariella knew she was about to get slapped for killing her sister.

"Not really, but sure." Ariella responded with spite in her tone, groaning in response as she tipped her head up and off the back of her chair. They'd drugged her enough for her to sleep for at least 5 hours, and whatever drug they used was making her brain fuzzy.

Hermione moved in front of her, sitting at the desk that was in front of her. She could only guess she was in an office, pencils sprawled out on the desk along with paper and documents. "Harry won't take long. He's getting a doctor to come back with your tests to check if you have an diseases."

Ariella narrowed her eyebrows, looking at Hermione with an angered expression. "I don't have any fucking-."

"Why'd you do it, Ari?" Hermione cut her off sharply, tears welling up in her eyes. "My sister died because you slept with the enemy. Why would you do that to us?"

Shuffling in the chair uncomfortably, Ariella looked away from Hermione. She didn't mean for this to happen- she didn't mean to sleep with Draco. She didn't mean to fall for him, but she did. When he touched her body it wasn't like Fred and it definitely made her forget about Adrian.

A slap went across her face, swinging to the side at the impact. A red stinging pain emitted on her cheek, her plump lips falling open to release a gasp, looking up at Hermione who was staring back at her with an angered expression.

"What the fuck-."

"They think you're dead," Hermione spat back, hatred laced in her tone, still bitter from losing her sister. "Fred, and Ron- oh, and Cedric. Because eventually you will be dead, Harry had enough with you."

"You know what Hermione?" Ariella gritted her teeth, still trying to pull at the ropes around her arms. "You're a bitch. Always have been and always will. A know-it-all prick-."

"That's enough."

Ariella snapped her mouth shut at the sound of Harry's voice, the door opening and closing. Unwanted shivers ran down her spine, a doctor right behind Harry and entering the room before the door slammed shut.

She was slapped across the face again, only this time is was a lot harder. She coughed, her head going in the same direction that Harry hit her cheek in, an even bigger stinging pain on her cheek now. "Harry-."

Harry stepped forward again, fear rising in Ariellas body. He punched her in the stomach, making a scream emit from her mouth at how hard he hit her- it hurt badly. "Do you know how much I want to kill you, right now, Ariella? You're not even my sister anymore-."

"- I didn't count myself as your sister along time ago-."

He drew out a knife at her mouthing off at him, and she shut her mouth at the look of the sharp blade. "I waited and waited for you to figure it out, but you never did." Harry seethed, pushing the blade into Ariellas stomach just by the tip. "You slept with the person I was in love with, bitch. I loved Draco for as long as I could remember but he never once liked me back. Then you get kidnapped by him and he starts liking you?"

Blood dripped from her stomach, a sob leaving her lips as the pain he was putting her through. She had no idea he was in love with Draco- how could she? He was supposed to be with Ginny.

"Sir," the doctor spoke up, and Harry whipped his head around.

He chuckled, "Oh yes. Tell me, does she have any diseases? Any new disorders?"

The doctor shook his head, "No sir. But I'm afraid that Ms. Potter is Pregnant."




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