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[this book will be 42 chapters.

Also, would any of you mind if I put 'Your sins' on hold? I have no motivation to write that, plus if I put it on hold, then I can start writing the doctor book. I already have a draft written.

Mature content warning.]


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Ariella sat with her hands in her lap, a book displayed in them.

She was laying in Dracos room, resting while he told her he was getting somethings done. She had no clue what he was doing, but she wasnt very happy about it. Draco hadn't touched her in a long time, not since their argument and it was killing her.

She wanted him to take care of her needs like he usually does; in the best way possible.

The book that was laying in her hands was closed harshly, a sigh leaving her lips. Her core throbbed badly, because this morning when she went to get some apple juice to drink with Blaise, she saw him in the living room cocking a loaded gun. Ever since then her pussy was aching for release.

It's been three days since she found out she was pregnant, and Dracos smile on his face was stuck in her mind with how happy he looked to have a child with her. It warmed her heart, to think he was happy about being able to raise a baby together- she knew she was certainly more than happy.

Walking out of his room, she took small steps and walked down the stairs, looking around for him in the living room. It was later at night, and she knew Blaise, Theodore and Mattheo were playing pool, and Pansy and Delilah were out shopping. So it was really just them here besides Astoria and his guards- but Astoria didn't matter.

She called his name, but no answer.

Walking outside where it was a little colder, she shivered and instantly closed the door. Her footsteps echoed throughout the hallways, taking her all the way to the top kitchen on the second floor, hearing pans and dishes clank together.

She approached the kitchen, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Draco, his eyebrows furrowed while he stirred something together, a list of instructions in his hand while he became frustrated. She giggled, catching his attention, "Are you baking something?"

He rolled his eyes playfully, taking the spoon out of the bowl. "Correction, trying to." His feet carried him to a pan, the white tank top he had one was hugging his chest tight enough to see the outline of his muscles. "Are you okay, Love? Do you need anything?"

Her heart fluttered, but her core throbbed.

She lifted herself on the counter, "Mm, nothings really wrong. But I am having trouble with something."

He rose his eyebrow at her, coming closer to her and once he was in her range, she grew too bold for his liking, securing her legs around him and pulling his body in between her legs. He was still taller than her even though she was on a counter, his hand coming up to grip her chin and he got dangerously close to her face.

"Ariella, don't provoke me." His eyes glanced at her lips for a split second, before looking back into her eyes. He could practically see the lust swirling in her eyes.

Her body moved upwards, the thin shorts she wore doing nothing to cover up her thighs, and she pressed her core straight onto Dracos bulge that had now grown. "I'll provoke whoever I want too."

"Mm," his hand clasped down on her throat, pulling her closer to him before his lips collided with hers, his other hand gripping her waist tightly. "You're acting like," his tongue slid over her bottom lip, "You want to be fucked like a Whore."

A moan left her mouth, her pussy aching so hard that it was nearly unbearable. Draco got the hint, his hands sliding to her waist and pulling down her shorts with her underwear- he had to make this quick. Nobody else was in this house, but he knew Pansy and Delilah would be back soon.

He had an intention on finishing with her, and then finishing his cake he was baking for her.

She pulled back on their kiss, biting his lip in the process and dragging it outwards, letting it pop back in place before giving him an innocent smile. This only pissed him off further, his hands leaving her body and pulling his trousers down with his boxers and taking out his erection.

"You come in here," he aligned at her entrance, her lubricant already coating his tip. "Distract me from what I'm doing, and want to get fucked?" Sliding inside of her with ease, she let out a satisfied moan with his movements. "Then Shut up in the process."

He shoved two fingers inside of her mouth, silencing her moans before he delivered a hard thrust, vibrations and pleasure roaming throughout her lower body. She'd wanted this for so long- and now that she was actually having it, it made her eyes roll to the back of her head. Dracos other hand slid down on her waist, before sliding up and lifting her shirt, pulling her boob out of her bra and taking her nipple in his mouth.

Her lubricant was making it easier for him to pump in and out of her, burying his cock between her walls that squeezed him hard enough to release a moan out of his own mouth.

It felt so good to have her underneath him, giving her the same pleasure that she gave him. Ariella tipped her head back, his fingers still in her mouth while a blush crept onto her face, Draco continuing to fuck her on the kitchen counter. She wished she could moan, tell him how good he made her feel with him thrusting inside so deep inside of her he hit her cervix.

By now she'd gotten used to his size, and the pleasure that came with it was immaculate. "Fuck," Draco cursed against her nipple, his fingers leaving her mouth, allowing to her moan while he slid them down to her clit. "Moan my name, Dollface."

She didn't hesitate to obey him, her legs bending and spreading so he fuck her harder. Her moans came out in a chant of his name, the coil in her stomach growing tighter and tighter by the moment. "Shit- Harder-."

He took her nipple out of his mouth, before placing both of his hands on her waist and pounding inside of her, their hips snapping together and a loud moan leaving both of their mouths.

"Draco, I'm gonna-." A slap was delivered to her cheek, not hard enough to make it hurt but hard enough for it to make her whimper.

His eyes locked with hers, his thrusts keeping the same hard and fast pace while he glared down at her. "Who gave you permission to cum? Hm?" Her thighs started to shake, her eyes shutting with how hard she was trying to hold in her orgasm. "Now ask nicely."

She whimpered against, tears welling up in her eyes with how much pleasure she was about to endure. "Please let me cum- I'll be good-."

His thumb came down on her clit, signaling for her to release and she let out a loud shattered moan, her head tilting back almost hitting the cabinets, eyes squeezing shut and her legs trembling while she finally released onto his thick cock.

Draco continued his thrusts, riding out her orgasm before finally pushing inside of her deeper, his cock pulsing before his cum leaked from his tip and inside of her. He let out a final moan, his orgasm clouding his mind for a split second before he came down from his high.

Pulling out gently, they both had to catch their breath. "You're going to kill me one day," Draco cursed under his breath, pulling her shorts and underwear back on her body.

"Mm," she hummed, regretting what she said next. "You still love me."


[please ignore what I said on my message board, I don't know what I was doing 😭.]



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