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[im back <33.

This is about to take a major turn in the plot and I'm so excited 😭.]

"You fucking sick bastard,"

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"You fucking sick bastard,"

For a moment, Ariella was actually scared for Draco.

But her brother was hesitant to pull the trigger, and Draco never once backed down. His arms were still around her body protectively- he thought he was going to have to take a bullet for her, and he'd do it if that's what it took.

But Draco also knew that Harry wouldn't shoot his own sister- he might- but a very small possibility. Ariella didn't think he would, but then again, she never knows exactly what he would do. Especially with Adrian in the same room as her- all it took was one wand, and one arm wrapped around her to take her away from Draco and apparate back to the Gryffindor side.

George stepped forward, a gun in his hand and right beside him was Fred- it made Ariellas heart crush. Fred didn't do anything wrong, if anything, he was the one who made her feel better about her body after it had been violated. But the snarl on his face broke her heart even more. "Where is Jenna." George seethed.

Blaise had a look of disgust creeping up on his face, still bitter than Jenna chose George over him. "She's dead."

Thanks to Silas.

George's face completely fell, but Ariella wasn't focusing on him. She was focusing on the boy who was now approaching her brother that was right in front of her- too close to her. Adrian. He was menace, a cruel person who didn't care about what happened to her body unless it benefited him.

Her mind was going fuzzy- she tried to stop the flashbacks of what he did to her, tried to stop how she wanted to sob right there. She'd never do it- Adrian would never see her cry again, the last he did was when he touched her without consent.

But she forgot Draco could enter her mind.

And he back away from Harry's gun- he threw his fist into Adrians jaw, popping it out of place.

"Fuck!" Adrian cursed, his body stumbling back and towards more of Dracos gaurds.

Both of Harry's and Dracos men were mixed together, guns pointed everywhere and ready to be shot. The good thing was that Dracos men outnumbered Harry's- by at least 35.

Harry should've backed down- but he didn't.

Dracos breathing heaved, his arms holding Ariellas body tighter. He didn't mean to slip into her mind, he was trying to tell her a plan but once he saw even a glimpse of her body on that cold floor, with Adrian above her, his mind completely went fuzzy. He wanted to kill Adrian, but he knew that Ariella would want to even more. She deserved to get her revenge, especially for what he did to her.

Harry's face was blank, but he pulled the gun up again and pushed it back into Dracos head. "I'll do it, Malfoy. Make another move towards him-."

This time, Dracos hand collided with Harry's gun, knocking it out of his hand. "You fucking sick bastard," Draco clenched his jaw, a murderous look in his eyes. "You need to leave, Potter. You're outnumbered, and-."

Harry reached into his pocket, pulling out a small little box that was the same box Dracos mother ring was in. Dracos face seemed to solidify, realization coming into view that if he let Harry take Ariella then he'd get his ring back. But he wouldn't do it- he'd never give her up that easy, but he could most likely trick Harry into giving it to him.

Only, Ariella knew something was wrong. "That's not his ring," she muttered towards Harry, finally filling the vile in her throat with the sight of Adrian in front of her.

"How are you going to tell me that this isn't his ring? Hm?" Harry taunted, a snarl on his face while everybody's attention went to them. "You have no say in anything anymore- you're a fucking traitor."

Water welled up in her eyes, but she kept herself composed. "You left me no choice," she responded, a stern but sad look on her face. "You never cared about me, Harry-."

"That's a lie-."

Ariellas hand connected to his cheek, giving him a rude and hard slap. His face went to the side from the impact, a stinging red mark on his cheek that made her feel proud.

Draco pulled a smirk, but pulled her body back closer to his and wrapped his arms tighter around her frame. Chatter could be heard in the background- Lorenzo was arguing with Fred- and Draco leaned down to Ariellas ear, his breath fanning on her neck. "Good girl."

Chills went down her spine- now was not the time to get turned on, but with his large hands nearly covering her entire waist, and how he whispered in her ear- it was hard not too.

"What the fuck, Ariella?!" Harry fumed, his hands balling into fists- Draco stood in front of her body to protect her. "Move out of my way Malfoy-."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "No. Get out of my house, right now. You're going to get yourself killed."

Harry scoffed, before finally throwing a punch to Malfoys face, Ariellas scrunching up in disgust and worry. Draco was taken back by it, but he threw a punch back and that's when the guns started to go off. He left Ariellas body, causing her to become afraid because everybody was shooting guns, most of Harry's men dropping dead.

She took the chance to run, trying to find Silas who was down the hallway. He was down a hallway, her voice calling for him. "Si- Silas!" She yelled out, his ears peeking up at the sound of her voice and following it, coming around the corner.

He howled out, running towards her and she could still hear guns firing everywhere. Bullets were being shot around her, but she stayed in the corner until she heard a familiar voice groan out in pain.


She furrowed her eyebrows, before leaving Silas and coming back around the corner to see something she wished she didn't.

Lorenzo was pushed on Draco, a bullet shot straight through his back and into Draco.


[i feel like this chapter sucks but I swear they will get better.]


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