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[im going to be focusing on this story until it's finished.]

"Do you want anything else?"

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"Do you want anything else?"

Draco was curled up in his bed, Ariella in his arms.

He'd been laying here an hour, Ariellas cheeks tear stained and dry because of the cramps she'd been having. By now, she was four months along and her baby bump was very clearly there, but not fully developed.

It made Dracos heart swell to see her with a baby bump, his arms wrapped around her body while his large hand settled on her stomach, rubbing small circles on it to sooth the pain. That was what made her feel better before, Draco rubbing it while she eventually fell asleep against his chest.

Things with the Mafia had been pretty settle- surprisingly, nobody looked for Hailey. Draco would guess she wasn't on the Gryffindor side, but he knew it was a lie because of the tattoo she had on her neck; a lion.

About a month ago, Draco had gotten a tattoo himself. It was on the left side of his chest, a darn green dragon that represented his side, but it also had an outline of a red dragon with it, one that he knew would represent Ariella without him having to get her name tattooed on him.

A knock on the door sounded through the room, and Draco winced because he didn't want Ariella to wake up again in pain. Draco waved his hand and the door swung open, a pillow duck taped to the back wall where the door would've slammed against it and loud enough to wake up his witch up.

Blaise popped in, paperwork in his hand with a smile on his face. "Paperwork's-"

"If you wake her up," Draco glanced back at Ariella who still had her head tilted, small breathes leaving her lips. "I will cut your tongue out and feed it to you. We can do this quietly."

Blaise nodded his head, a smile still on his face. "I have the paper work right here," he whispered, his knees bending down to the bed while Draco grabbed the paper and started reading where he needed to sign.

He was signing the Mafia over to Blaise.

He wanted a normal life now- especially since he's got a baby on the way. He didn't want this life- with a high chance of something happening to his family, he really, really just wanted them to be safe.

He took the cap off of the pen with his mouth, blowing it out somewhere in the room before signing his signature with one hand. "It's officially yours, Blaise." Draco said lowly with a smile on his face.

"You should really come down stairs, Mattheo and Theodore did something and I'm so proud," he stated with a proud look, taking the paperwork back and standing up. "But you should probably let her sleep."

Draco sighed softly, "I don't want to leave her."

Blaise scoffed playfully, his feet turning him around to take ahold of the door handle again. "You're whipped, Draco."


"Do you want anything else?" Draco asked the little black haired boy standing in front of him, a giddy smile on his face while he licked the ice cream that Draco had given him. "Or do you want to eat the whole kitchen while you're at it."

The child, also known as Milo, only shook his head before walking away with a beard from ice cream. Draco couldn't believe Theodore and Mattheo would adopt a child together- it was cute, but what he didn't understand was how they'd managed to do it as a secret.

Meanwhile, he was still looking at security cameras in the new house he just bought. It was sort of an old house, he knew Ariella didn't want anything knew and fancy. Vines covered some parts of the house, a dark brown brick walled mansion that was two stories high with space around them to have anything they wanted.

He wanted to give Ariella everything she wanted.

Blaise laughed from the couch, putting some fresh flowers in a vase. "You have to be easy, Draco." He told Draco playfully, "He's only five. Anyways," he grabbed the vase of freshly picked roses. "I'll be back, gonna go visit Lorenzo." He walked out the door, heading towards Lorenzos grave to put fresh flowers on it.

Draco gave a small smile, one that was riddled with guilt but kept his fingers on the screen of the IPad, watching his men put in new furniture and bedding. He was also having a new pool installed- he read that swimming is good for girls when pregnant, he'd also been reading a lot about how to take care of child.

Small foot steps pattered behind him, making him practically throw the screen against the counter and watch it turn off. He didn't care if it shattered- he'd just buy a new one. Ariella raised an eyebrow at him, "Looks like you're hiding something."

Her hands opened the fridge, grabbing the strawberry cream cheese and the bagels, setting them on the counter. "I have nothing to hide, Love." His hands came behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder while his hands clasped around her waist in the front. "Just something that's supposed to be a surprise."

She hummed, "Can you tell me why I woke up by myself, showered by myself and now there's a little boy in the living room?" She had an attitude, one that made Draco want to bend her over this counter if she wasn't pregnant, but he could handle her mood swings. "What if I fell? Exactly, your ass would be down here."

He chuckled, "I wasn't going to leave you, Baby." His lips pressed a kiss to her cheek. "But Theo and Matt had to run to the store and they didn't want to take Milo with them-"

"Milo?" She mused, her butter knife spreading her cream cheese. "Would you look at that, he's got a name."

Dracos grip tightened on her, watching as she put the lid on the container. "It's clear you're upset, so talk to me."

Huffing, she turned in his grasp and took a bite of her bagel sadly. "I know, I'm sorry." Her words came out muffled due to chewing, her eyes becoming watery. "But I hate waking up by myself." A drop of cream cheese slipped off her bagel, getting on the small little sundress she was wearing. "God damnit-" she broke into a fit of sobs. "This was my new favorite dress," she chewed sadly.

Draco chuckled again, laughing at how this pregnancy was effecting her. "I'll buy you another one, Darling."

"But-" she took another bite, tears streaming down her face. "The fabric won't be the same."


"I don't know," she cried.

His hand dipped into his pocket, his other one settling on her cheek while he gripped the ring box in his left hand.




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