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[as someone who has claustrophobia, please don't make fun of Ariella for having it. It's truly awful sometimes.]

"Please don't freak out

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"Please don't freak out."

<𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫>

My entire body hurt.

The shirt that was on me, was covered in dried blood and now the whole backside was nearly completely red. Because of the lake water that Jenna had nearly drowned me in, the wound in my back that was bleeding caused the shirt to turn a tint of red.

The slice on my calf, wasn't making my ache much better. It was bleeding out, but by now had dried up. The wooden table beneath me was making my ass numb, it was uncomfortable and it hurt. I didn't understand how someone could be so cruel, especially when I even tried to explain myself. He doesn't get it- he obviously didn't see the little blood trickle down my neck that was now dried up from how hard Jenna rammed it into my neck.

Everything hurt.

The ache in my heart was something I thought I'd never have to feel again. But after seeing Malfoy push his lip onto Astorias, taking her tongue with his as he permanently locked me in here- it hurt. It hurt more than it should have, it made my chest tighten and as soon as that door closed, and he turned off the lights I lost it.

My life wasn't perfect, it wasn't filled with joyous stories about how much love I had received in a lifetime. When your in the Mafia business, consequences happen and mine were never pleasant- they made me despise small, dark places.

This room was small, it was only a table that was enough to just fit my body on it. The knifes and weapons around the room, weren't hardly a foot away from the table. My foot could nearly touch the shovel where it curved for digging.

The air left my lungs, the tears brimmed my eyes and I couldn't stop myself from screaming. Sobbing in the mixture of so much pain into a shout to let me out of here, to at least turn on the lights so it didn't feel like the walls were closing in on me. Because that's exactly what it felt like, my throat burned from all the screaming, my legs kicked and I cried as hard as I could. My hands were rubbing raw against the chains, I was trying so hard to get out.

I wanted to push my hands against the wall, I wanted to physically try and push the plaster away from me further.

Claustrophobia was not my biggest fear, but it definitely struck as #2.

The door was beginning to open, but I couldn't bring myself to try and cover myself up. It's not like I could if I wanted to- all I could hope for was the lights being turned back on and that they wouldn't look at my bare body that was only covered by some thin underwear and a shirt.

"Ari- Ariella?" The faint voice of Mattheo rung in my ears, but my eyes were still watering.

I didn't know how long I'd been in here- how Long I'd been screaming. My stomach aches, along with my calf and my back but I hadn't eaten since yesterday evening and by now, I didn't know what time it was.

The door pushed open more, the light finally being turned back on and I looked around frantically, looking at the walls that in fact, weren't caving in on me. "Ariella- Jesus Christ," I could see Mattheo now, pulling his sweatpants down and I began to grow scared until he slipped his sweats onto my legs while looking at the ceiling. He had shorts underneath his sweat pants, so at least he wasn't vulnerable. "I need you to calm down, I'm just gonna remove the chains."


Please don't touch me.

It didn't matter how much I thought he was a good person, he'd still looked at me behind Draco, pure disgust written on his face and he left me in here. In my eyes, they all left me in here to survive on my own, heaving for air every second I got because I can't handle small spaces. It was like this room was designed for me, and only my fear of small rooms.

I jerked away from him, a look of regret and hurt playing on his face. But I didn't care, in that moment all I wanted was him to get away from me. If I had a chance to get out of the chains myself, I'd take that any day other than him touch me. I was still upset- I could still feel how helpless I was to these walls that were slowly trapping me in.

I sucked in a breath, watching someone else come in front of the door. Tears were blurring my vision- "Don't- Get away from me!" I cried, my hands tightening on the little table.

But Mattheo still moved closer, and all I could see was someone come beside me- the person I recognized now as Blaise, push something into my neck again and all I could see was black.


Blankets surrounded my body, my eyes still trying to adjust to everything in the room.

They were puffy, from crying so much and my throat was more than scratchy from screaming. Shuffling could be heard around the room, and I jumped when someone spoke. "Please, don't freak out."

My vision was blurry, from what, I couldn't tell. But I could see some people sitting around the room, looking at me as if I was a doll who just got ran over and needed immediate fixing.

I don't need fixing, I need Draco to take back everything he did.

"Ariella.. We need to ask a few questions." I could recognize that voice as Blaise, and someone sitting next to him had a head of brown curls. "Your still from our enemy's side, and although I get why you didn't want to be locked away, we still need answers."


They don't understand a single ounce of why I didn't want to be locked away. "We saw- we saw something on a flash drive," the voice that spoke this sentence was Mattheo, and there was one more person I could quite identify due to something being over there head. "I don't know how it got here, but we need you to talk. I am sorry, I am. But Dracos my best mate, and right now this flash drive is the most important thing finding."

A cough came from my throat, a small sob escaping my lips as I sat up. I rubbed and rubbed at my eyes, but no matter what I did, they never adjusted. "F- Fuck you," i coughed our shakily, not caring what they have to say to defend themselves. "I tried to- to explain and all you do is lock me- lock me away in a small- small room." A small tear came out of the corner of my eye before I could stop it.

"The knives in there weren't intended to hurt you-."

"It's not- Fuck you!" I jerked at my hands, noting that I wasn't tied up and neither was my feet. I did the only thing I knew I could do, I swung my feet over the bed and stumbled due to my eye vision. "I don't have your fucking flash drive! And you don't-," another cough came from my lips. "You don't deserve to hear what I have to say, not when I tried my hardest to explain it."

Someone was moving towards me, but all my eyes caught sight of was the silver of a doorknob. My elbow slammed into someone's head, not knowing if it was Mattheos, Blaises, or the random person I still can't identify. But they groaned out in pain, before I kicked the other person in the stomach and made a run for it.

The caught me by my shirt, there hands grazing over the cut on my back and it sent a wince of pain through me. Arms engulfed, pulling them to their chest and I threw my head back, hitting them in the face and they instantly let go of me. The knob was in my hands, turning but before I could someone grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back.

Again, I punched them in the face even without my vision being full there. They let out a hiss, before he knocked to the floor too and the third person that I could identify was now making their way to me and I fought the hardest I could.

The pushed something over my mouth, before I fell into their chest at the smell of mint and cologne.




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