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[I changed the number to Italian 😌.

Also, thank you for all the comments telling me I was pretty, it was very appreciated <3.]


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For a moment, Draco could've sworn her heart stopped beating.

The phone that was now pressed against Dracos ear, was a mere second from being crushed with his hand. They both sat up, a sour expression on their face while Draco continued to stare straight ahead. He wanted to yell- he wanted to plummet Ariellas body underneath him again and ruin her insides with Harry on the phone.


But she didn't have time to think before Harry spoke again, his voice laced with hatred and it definitely struck a place in her heart. "She doesn't belong to you, she knows exactly who owns her. Your taking away everything I've tried to train out of her-."

"What, is she a toy?" Draco spat, tossing the covers over him and slipping on his boxers. Yes, Ariella was his but it wasn't like she was forced. And she definitely wasn't an object- "Grangers here too. What a shame, never made it back."

Harry sighed deeply through the phone, Ariella already knew there was a scowl on his face. "I'm not dealing with your games, Malfoy. You either give them both back, or you'll be dead in the next few weeks."

"Mm," Draco bummed, tilting his head sideways and then the other way while exiting Ariellas room. "You get Jenna back when I get my ring back. Then we'll make arrangements- not arrangements for Ariella, but for your death. Your not getting her back."

There was a brief moment of silence from when Draco said that, one that made him more angry. Harry had no right- when Draco told Ariella she'd be his, he meant possessively. Not actually his toy, someone he can torture without consequences. He knew what Harry meant when he said she knows who owns her, and it made his blood boil but it also made his heart contract.

Adrian had been someone who betrayed him since he was a teenager- someone he wanted to kill because surprisingly, Adrian killed his father out of spite.

So Draco would do anything to have Adrian tied to a chair instead of Jenna.

There was shuffling on the other line, "And why's that, Malfoy? Grown to take a liking to her? I don't blame you, she's obedient, submissive-."

Harry didn't finish his sentence before the phone was physically crushed in his hands. Glass shattered, his hand now covered in tiny glass pieces while the phone laid bent in his palm.

Oh, he's fucking sick.

It took him a good minute to calm down, throwing the phone away and he didn't even bother to look at his bloody hand before turning on the water in the kitchen. He washed off his hand, taking out every piece of glass and then wiping it with a towel like nothing had ever happened.

He didn't even want to think about what was done to Ariella. He couldn't fathom it- he was her brother, and they acted like they were everything to Ravi other. Not having parents left them to only have eachother, but Harry had started it at such a young age that she grew up thinking it was okay. It made Draco sick to his stomach.

When Draco got back to Ariellas room, he looked at her and saw that she was sitting at the edge of the bed, staring off into space with a small fuzzy blanket around her body. "Ari-."

"You didn't negotiate with him, did you?" Her voice slightly cracked, her face still trying to process the fact that Harry got Malfoys number. "The ring for me. You didn't-."

"No," he cut her off sharply but softly, shutting the door behind him and approaching her gently. His hands went underneath her, picking her body up bridal style with the blanket still wrapped around her small body. "Your never going back to him unless you willingly do, Love. We'll discuss the ring in the morning, just got to sleep."

She rested her head on his chest, his body slumping down in the sheets and they both fell asleep.


"Your such an asshole," Theodore muttered from the living room, his eyebrows furrowing. Draco had thrown a banana at him- a little hint because he found Theodore sleeping on top of Mattheo in the living room when he woke up.

Draco snorted, cutting up another apple with a knife in his hands. "Hey, don't he ashamed. There's no shame in-."

"Please tell me your not talking about what I think your talking about," Mattheo walked into the kitchen, his hands rubbing his face that had a red tint to them.

Ariella grinned, her bottom planted in a barstool at the island of the kitchen, watching Draco make her a fruit bowl. "I don't know," she hummed softly, sipping her coffee with a blanket draped over her shoulders. "I kind of ship it."

Mattheo rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his face. "Whatever, when are we leaving for New York? And when I'm gonna get buddy a shrinking potion?"

Ariellas eyebrows perked up at this. "Buddy? Who buddy?" Her eyes scanned the room, reading it slowly and apart of her felt like it was the wolf she met this other day.

"You need to find an actual name for him," Draco gave him an annoyed look. He turned to Ariella, setting her fruit bowl in front of her, "He's the Wolf we brought in. My mother said he didn't have a home, and we can use it as a watch dog."

She hummed in response, taking a strawberry in her hands and taking a bite. She wanted to go back and try to see it again- she thought it was beautiful. "So, when do we leave for New York again?"

"Tomorrow," Draco responded as Lorenzo walked into the kitchen.

He looked tired, like someone had just slapped him across the face all the night instead of letting him sleep. They all Rose an eyebrow at him, watching him look at them like they were crazy. "What? Had a rough night."

Ariella grabbed her tiny bowl of fruit, "I'll be back," she told Draco, dragging her blanket on the floor due to it being bigger than she was. "I'm going to see the wolf."

Draco tried to protest, but she was already making up her mind. "Curiosity killed the cat, Ella."




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