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"𝐒𝐨 𝐈 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭?"

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"𝐒𝐨 𝐈 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭?"

Ariella didn't want to wake up.

She didn't want to move, she didn't want to open her eyes because all she saw was Draco and Astoria together. She was beginning to think that she was nothing but pleasure to him besides being his enemy and if that were true, she didn't want to step one foot out of this room.

But she was going to in a few minutes, because she needed to talk to Jenna. Two main questions are nagging at the back of her head, she needed to find the answer. So she was slipping on a black romper, her hair down and curly at the end.

When she reached for the door knob she stopped.

Her heart was physically in pain- it felt like someone had shattered it to pieces. To even think about Astoria laying in Dracos bed right now because they slept together last night, made her eyes water again. Last night after he left, she broke down into sobs but nobody could hear her because her pillow covered the noises.

She didn't understand why he had to say such cruel things, why he had to bring up something that he knew she was sensitive about. He practically rubbed it in her face that she was drowned, tortured- and he didn't even care. When she told him to get out all he said was how he was gonna fuck another female and for some reason, that really pestered Ariella. She knew she shouldn't have, but she did grow feelings for him and it was only a matter of time before she figured it out and got jealous.

She pushed through her mind, opening the door and was met with the cold air that greeted her with goosebumps on her skin. It was 8 in the morning, she knew Draco wouldn't be awake, which is exactly why she took this moment to do what she needed to do.

Jenna was still locked up in the basement, she was difficult when they transferred her from Italy back to New York, but they threw her in a room and she was still tied to a chair. When Ariella entered the basement, her eyes scanned over the area and immediately saw Jenna with her head hanging low, asleep in the chair.

She had two deep wounds in her hands, bruises all over her body and her face was even more scratched up. Her hair was matted, tangled and everywhere while she sat in the chair and slept. Ariella was gonna ruin that, she took a bucket of water that the guards prepared and threw it on her, sending Jennas body into shock and waking up.

Ariella didn't smirk, she didn't smile, no. She held a blank expression because from what happened last night she was still upset. Who wouldn't be?

Jenna looked up at her with drowsy eyes before a small, evil smile crept onto her face. "Lovely to see you here, Traitor."

"Hm," Ariella hummed, slumping her body against the wall and propping one foot up to bend backwards and stay on the wall while she stood. "Wish I could say the same for you."

"What do you want," Jenna seethed, her hands tightening around the arm of the chair and slightly shivering from the cold water that was just dumped on her.

Ariella raised an eyebrow, "I want answers, and if you don't give them to me it'll only get a whole lot worse for you." She stated, but really who else could she call? She could always call Lorenzo, or any of the other boys but she wanted Draco. It would never be someone else. "So I suggest you play along, got it?"

Jenna rolled her eyes, an annoyed expression on her face. "Whatever. Hurry the fuck up so I can go back to sleep."

Ariella rolled her eyes, but a gut wrenching feeling started to rise in her throat. If she asked the question she really wanted to, and she got the answer that she was hoping for, everything would be fine. But if she got the answer she was dreading, her work just might crash again, only this time it'll be worse.

She cleared her throat, looking anywhere but Jenna and got off the wall while walking towards her. She stood right in front of Jenna, and took a deep, long breath. "The- the tape. You gave it to them, and you know what was on it." Her voice quivered, along with her lip.

Jenna smiled at this, "Oh, yeah. That was halarious-."

Ariella took the knife in her pocket and drove it straight back into her hand wound, all the way through her hand and into the wood of the chair. A holler of pain escaped Jennas lips, "Shut up." Ariella snapped, her whole body on the verge of killing her right here. "I want the truth and nothing but the truth, or I'll kill you right here."

The knife was still stuck in Jennas hand, making her want to cry. "Okay." Was all she could choke out, because Draco had taken the knife out after he stabbed her- Ariella left it in.

Ariellas breathing picked up along with her heart race, the vile rising in her throat even more. Instead of asking the question she wanted too, she asked the one that would least affect her. "Does Harry know about me and Malfoy." Even his last name on her lips sounded like a violation to her heart.

"No. I didn't get a chance to tell him before I was caught."

A hum of satisfaction came from Ariellas mouth, but she was trying to stall. She didn't want to ask this next question, not when it would make her spiral into something she didn't want to. "Okay," she choked out, before her hands started to shake. "The tapes- How-." She furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes welling up with tears. "Is they're anymore?"

The question was said, but somehow Ariella still felt like it wasn't enough. Her eyes were trying to keep the tears contained, her feet shifting uncomfortably and her cheeks were now a red tint. Jenna knew what she went through- she was there for it all. Not in the room when it happened, but she was there afterwards for Ariella.

This was harder than she thought it was gonna be.

Jenna lifted her eyes to meet Ariella, a sinister smirk on her face. "They're more tapes of you than you can count."




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