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[TW, torture.

And don't bash Jenna in the comments but then bash Draco for her karma🌚.]

"𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐭? 𝐎𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞,"

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"𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐭? 𝐎𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞,"

Draco couldn't believe what he was seeing.

After he'd said that Jenna was spotted, he ordered people to bring him here. He made Delilah go check on Ariella, make sure she was still asleep. But now, he was standing in front of Jennas body that was tied to a chair.

Theodore acted like a complete idiot when he saw her- his exact words were, 'Two for slytherins and zero for Gryfindors,'

But Blaise- Blaise looked like he'd seen a ghost. Draco knew his and Jennas past, they were hopelessly in love but Blaise cut it off because Jenna chose her side over him. She chose George over him, and ever since then he'd never quite been the same but Draco was there for him, they all were.

Draco stood staring at her unconscious body- she wasn't dead, he was thankful for. But he was only thankful so he could answers. Answers right now was what he needed, especially from Ariella and mostly about that tape.

He wore a black turtle neck, the black shirt hugging his chest and allowing everybody to see how it made his abs more prominent. The grey pants he wore only accustomed to the combat boots- the combat boots that Ariella had once wore. His hair was messy, in waves from taking a quick shower and some strands falling over his face. The watch decorated his wrists, the earrings in his ears giving him more of a hotter look.

They stood in a room, some of Dracos men in here with him along with Mattheo, Blaise, Lorenzo and Theodore. "Blaise," Draco turned to him, watching Blaises eyes connect with his. "If at any point you don't want to see her get hurt, then tell me and I'll unlock the door for you to leave. But I need to do whatever I can to get answers-."

"This isn't Ariella," Theodore cut him off, giving him a look of annoyance. "I brought popcorn for a reason, Blaisey boy can handle it. But seriously- Just think about all the stuff Jenna did to us."

Blaise gave Draco a look, one that he couldn't quite pin himself. "I'll be fine," he sucked in a breath, motioning for one of the guards to get the bucket of water ready. "She chose her side, I have to stick to mine."

Draco held up two fingers, and then pointing them towards Jenna. The guard threw the ice cold water on her, and almost immediately her body jolted up, a strained gasped leaving her lips. All the men watched her hair drench in her face, her body pulling at the ropes that held her down on the chair. The ropes were also connected to the ceiling- if Draco wanted to pull her into the air off of the ground, and then drop her back down with no remorse, he could.

Jenna lifted her head up, her face covered in dirt and the wound on her leg indicated that she'd been sliced open by one of their traps. "What the- The hell?" She pulled at the ropes again, and Draco began to grow extremely mad.

He didn't know why he was mad, but seeing her try and act like she still ran everything even though she was tied up and defeated, heated his blood. "Granger, lovely to see you here." Malfoy snarled, his look of disgust making her roll her eyes. "Oh, but wait- what exactly are you doing here again."

Jenna let out a humorless chuckle, one that made him slap her across the face. Her head swung to the right, and she stopped smiling. "Oh you know, just taking a stroll in the fucking park. What else would I be here for?" She laughed again, looking him straight in the eyes. "None of it matters now, she's a fucking traitor."

"Your the one who broke the window," Mattheo stepped forward, a knife clearly in his hand. "And we were all idiots to believe it was her. Which means the only person who could have a flash drive, was you."

Draco tilted his head, watching her raise her eyebrows like she was proud. "That's my main concern, but what I'm still confused over is the flash drive that was in the front yard." Blaise pitched in, and when he stepped forward too it made Jenna chuckle- again.

"Did she watch it? Or did you five," her mouth twitched into a smirk, one that made Draco want to smash her head in a wall. "I'm gonna go with you five. Did you enjoy watching it? Oh the look on her Face I'd give to see if she ever found out that was on tape."

Another slap was given to her face, one that showed Draco wasn't playing around. That, and the fact that he hated hearing her talk bad about Ariella- he wanted to be the only one who did that. "Who did that to her." He demanded to know, before taking the knife out of Mattheos hands and slipping it into his own. "Why did you give it to us."

She shook her head like she didn't want to talk, and Draco didn't hesitate to point the knife into her hand, that was tied up by the wrists on the arm of the chair. Her eyes widened, and when he pushed further opening her skin and making a wound, she hissed out in pain. "Okay! Take the damn knife away and I'll fucking tell you!"

Draco gave her the nastiest look her could give and didnt pull the knife away all the way.

"You want to know why I gave you that flash drive?" Her tone was laced with venom, and it made Draco snarl at her even more. "Because when I show up here to get her back, the little fucking whore is sleeping in bed with you. That wound on her back and neck didnt come out of nowhere, and I gave you that little tape to show you how much of a bitch she is-."

The knife was pushed all the way down, going through her hand completely and Jenna screamed, her pleads filling up the room. Her hand tenses, her knuckles flexing while she bowled out in pain. "Get to the point, and stop calling her names that describe you."

"She- she's afraid of water-." She huffed out, still trying to catch her breath and stop herself from crying because of he just stabbed her through her hand. "I gave it you because your all too- too predictable. You wouldn't believe her, and that's what I wanted. I wanted you to torture her- she betrayed us by sleeping with you. And I'm not talking about actual sleep."

Draco wasn't ashamed of sleeping with Ariella, he was just slightly embarrassed because now his best friends knew. A small tint was formed onto his cheeks, and Blaise chuckled beside him while Mattheo started to bust out laughing.

Jenna rolled her eyes, "She slept with our enemy. So of course I wanted her to feel pain. What, did you think she was trying to swim her way away from you? Idiots. She can't swim, hasn't since she was six and if you really wanted to torture her, you should've sealed her in a small room. God, what I'd give to see her-."

Another knife was pressed onto her other hand, now half way through her palm and she bowled out in pain. It wasn't Draco who stabbed the knife, it was Lorenzo.

Because Draco had a look of guilt on his face.

The reason why Ariella looked so torn up when Blaise carried her out of that room was because he realized that's exactly what they did. They locked her in a room without her knowing that's exactly what she was afraid of. And it all made sense why the man in the tape was drowning her in water, because obviously she feared it.

"Who did it." Draco questioned, and Jenna Rose and eyebrow at he in confusion. "In the tape. Who was- who did it."

Jenna chuckled darkly. "Harry hired Adrian Pucey to punish her when she failed a mission."




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