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"It wasn't her

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"It wasn't her."

Ariella couldn't sleep.

It wasn't just because of what she had done- what they had both done, it wasn't the fact that she was cold underneath these covers.

It was because while she was upstairs, staring at the ceiling with the cold blankets over her shaved legs, Draco was down stairs doing whatever he was doing. Ariella didn't know, nor did she think she would care but she didn't want to be alone, she hated sleeping alone. It's part of the reason she hated sleeping in that huge mansion of Dracos.

And another reason she couldn't sleep- was because Draco had specifically mentioned that the window downstairs was broken. Ariella knew she didn't do that- and she also knew for a fact, that Draco knew she didn't do it either. If he could go into her mind and read all the thoughts she felt about him, he surely used that as an excuse to fuck her hard enough to forget her own name.

But she didn't care- they both gained pleasure from it, it wasn't one sided.

So she slowly crept out of the bed, her shirt hugging her tightly. It was actually Malfoys shirt- it didn't come as a surprise, she'd been wearing his clothes ever since she stepped foot in his territory, it was rare she ever wore Delilah or Pansy's. Her feet carried her to the dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants that also wasn't hers, but she slipped them on and tied the strings tightly knowing that was the only way they'd stay up.

Two guards were outside the room, probably guarding her because Draco felt unsafe with not knowing why the window was broken. Ariella grabbed a TV remote, one that went to the muggle TV that was on the dresser, and tossed it down the hallway as a distraction for her to run across the hallway and be able to get down stairs.

The men were oblivious to her actions, while Ariella crept past them and finally made it to the staircase but stopped at the top, not being seen. Crowded around a little coffee table in the giant living room with a huge chandelier above them, sat Draco, Theo, Delilah and Mattheo. Merlin knows where Pansy and Blaise are along with Lorenzo.

Draco sighed a heavy sigh, his muscles in his back tensing through the white shirt. "It wasn't her. She's completely oblivious to her brothers actions-."

"She wouldn't be if you didn't have her locked up, idiot." Delilah shot back, spreading her arms across her chest before crossing them and shooting Draco a glare.

Draco squinted his eyes, "Don't tell me you've grown to like her? What, couldn't get enough of Lorenzo that you had to gain feelings for her too?"

Mattheo sighed, shoving his bag of chips into Theodores arms who happily took them, even though he was eating them in Matheos arm anyways. "Can you two not argue? What does it matter if Lili likes her? Besides, she's right. You hold her captive with us like she's not slowly becoming our friend, even if she's not becoming yours."

Ariella didn't know what to think- she knew if Delilah ever approached her about it she wouldn't turn her down. She was attractive, but the thing she feared the most was gaining feelings for Draco.

She didn't want to, but it seems like she couldn't stop it from happening.

"All I'm saying, is that tomorrow we make a move or else Potter will first." Draco spat back, his knuckles tightening around the chair. "But nobody- and I mean Nobody tells Ariella about it. She's mine to deal with, none of yours."

Ariella clenched her teeth out of anger, but before she got the mere chance to say anything, two big buff arms wrapped around her and under her arm pits, picking her up off the staircase where she was, and started to bring her down. "Boss, she slipped out-."

"Let me go, you Whore!" Ariella thrashed in his grip, her legs kicking and her arms trying to pull away but he gripped her tighter. She didn't like this- she didn't want people touching her but as soon as she saw the look on Dracos face she knew that it didn't matter.

He was pissed.

He stood up out of his chair, Delilah letting out a gasp while Draco approached them. "Get your hands off of her." He demanded, and the guard practically threw Ariella down.

Before she could hit the floor Draco caught her, his feet already on the stairs and he pushed her over his shoulder, walking back up the flight of stairs. She wiggled in his grip too, even though it didn't affect her much, she still wanted to be put down and give Draco a piece of her mind.

Draco kicked open their bedroom door, before kicking it back shut with the same foot. He was angry at her- he didn't know how much she'd heard but he'd eventually found out whether she told him or not. The bed bounced when he threw her back on the mattress, a slight squeal coming out of her mind while he towered over her with a snarl.

"How much did you hear." He asked her, not caring about anything else besides asking her what all she had heard. He didn't want her to what they doing, not just for her safety but because he wanted her to he kept in the dark. "Fucking answer me."

She shook her head, sitting up on her elbows. "You don't get to ask me the questions, bastard-."

His hand clamped to her throat, cutting off her air as quickly as it came. He watched her eyes snap to his, her thighs shifting on the bed. "What did I tell you, Potter?" He asked her in a husky voice, wanting to practically fuck her into obliviation. She couldn't answer him- she was having trouble breathing. "I told you that if you tried something dumb, you'd get Fucked Raw."

She knew he said that- but she didn't care.

"Was my cock not enough the first time?" He pestered, before pushing her head back into the mattress and allowing her to breath. "Hm?"




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