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[her outfits up top^.

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"Not at all,"

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"Not at all,"

<𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫>

New York was bustling with cars, lights and noise all around the city.

I always thought it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen, and even though I live here, they're still so many places I wasn't to see; visit. But being in the Mafia has its pros and cons, one of the cons because that I hardly got to travel.

If I did, it would result in me being 'punished.'

Nobody ever likes to talk about their trauma, I couldn't ever imagine why anybody would want too.

But they're are still so many things Draco has no clue about me. About what I've witnessed, gone through. I knew he was looking for Adrian, I knew Harry hired him just so he could 'keep me in line' like the little bastard he is. Sometimes, I like to play it off as cool around my brother- if I act like every things no normal, I'd only get it worse. But being here, on the Slytherin side made me realize that I have a chance of escaping him.

It pains me, honestly. To know my brother would go through so much shit just to make sure I was trained the right way at the age of five. I didn't even have a clue what he was doing at five- he was the same age as me, and he was still the same little sick person he was today.

As of right now, I was getting dressed to go get ready for some poker event for Draco. Since I speak German and he doesn't, he needs me as a translator but apart of me likes to think he just doesn't want to leave me alone. My outfit was a black tennis skirt, ripples as the design and a cream colored turtleneck with a wind jacket on. My hair was on curls at the bottom, my makeup light. I hated using makeup sometimes, it felt like I was layering products on that was useless.

I stepped out of my room, ready to go. It's been a week since we came back from Italy, I was finally off of my period and I intended on settling my hormones by relieving them. Draco could always help with that- or Delilah.

The kitchen was bright, the lights being turned on and three little light bulbs hanging in front of the kitchen island. It was a huge kitchen, one that made me want to bake until I had no more ingredients left. But I could always buy more..

Footsteps interrupted my thoughts, and I turned my body to be met with the biggest bitch I've ever met.


Of course she snarls at me, she's practically obsessed with Draco. "And where are you going?" She raised an eyebrow at me, getting some orange juice out of the fridge.

She's speaking as if it's any of her business. My lips pressed into a thin line, turning my back towards her and strutting to walk away. She was obnoxious, and clearly didn't know that everybody else hated her. My middle finger came up behind my shoulder, "Maybe you'd be included if you weren't such a prude."

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