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"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful."

Ariella stood on a sail boat, looking out at a lake while Draco spoke to some workers.

She didn't know where they were going, but they'd gone to multiple places tonight and they were finally arriving to the 'surprise' Draco planned for her. They'd gone to the library, and he watched Ariella skim through some books that she wanted to get, they went to a restaurant and Draco got them on the highest floor, a view of New York City in front of them while they ate. He also took her to a park, let her feed the ducks with some bread and then- he adopted a puppy for her.

They named him Klaus, but he was in a car going home because Draco didn't want him on the sail boat.

So now she was just staring out at the lake while they moved closer to a little island, but the thing that was confusing her was a house, buried beneath the trees but tall enough to see over them, that they were slowing moving closer to.

Hands clasped around her waist, pulling her against a firm chest, the familiar smell of mint and cologne filling her senses gave her a sense of comfort. "We're almost there," he kissed her shoulder gently, his hands securing around her waist and settling on her baby bump.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "But this leads-"

"Mm," he furrowed his eyebrows in a playful way, pretending like he didn't know anything about it. "It does lead to a house, doesn't it? Maybe we're on the wrong boat?"

She turned her head, giving him a glare. "If we were on the wrong boat, you would've been screaming at those men over there." When she turned back around to look at the island that was approaching, her face contoured in realization. "Draco.."

"Ella," he mused, taking her hand in his and pulling her away from the side of the boat.

When they approached, a little dock was there, waiting for them to step on and walk up to the house. Draco waited four more months until it was finally ready, until he could show it to her and make her happy. That's all he wanted.

He now had the house fully furnished, a new kitchen remodeled and had everything inside the house baby proofed for the future. Of course, he still kept the outside of the house the same, he knew she loved the old look on it. So he made sure to keep the vines, only he did get a bunch of things to start a garden- he knew she'd miss the one at the other house.

He held her hand until she was onto the dock, his hand sliding around her waist while they walked. "Draco did you.. buy this?" Her voice was soft, almost a whisper from shock. "It's beautiful."

He chuckled, stepping onto the stones that led them to the front door. "It is, isn't it." He unlocked the door with the key he kept in his pocket, pushing open the door and allowing her to walk in first. "I- did buy this- for us. But of course, if you- if you don't like it I can always-."

He was cut off with a kiss, her hands wrapping around his neck and him relaxing into the gesture. When she pulled away, a huge smile was on her face, "I love it." She told him softly, her eyes connected to Dracos. "Thank you."

He let out a shaky breath, "Of course."

She could tell he was nervous about something, but she brushed it off thinking it was the whole house thing.

Her heels clacked against the floor, her body leaving Dracos to go upstairs. He didn't want her to up there- she'd see how hard he tried to put together a baby room, so his feet followed hers in attempt to stop her but she was already pushing open the first door.

The baby room he had set up was pink, a crib in the corner with clouds floating above it, a simple spell he learned. There was a dresser full of everything they needed- he was prepared for this baby through and through.

Ariellas hear melted, turning around to hug him. He was taken back, slightly stumbling but leaning down to press a kiss to her neck, his hands coming around her waist. "You're gonna be a great father, you know that?" She smiled at him, pulling away and turning around to walk into their bedroom.

A big bed was displayed on the left side of the wall, knowing that Ariella likes to sleep by the wall with a window, a large dresser with a mirror stood on it, a piano in the corner, the balcony doors leading to a huge view of the lake with large tall buildings off in the distance.

She turned around to hug him again, but instantly widened her eyes when she saw he was on one knee.

A ring box was displayed in his hand, tears already forming in his eyes. "Ariella- You make me happy, and raising a family means everything to me. And I- I love you with everything I have, so.." his eyes flickered with an emotion she couldn't see, but by now they both on the verge of crying. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, being pregnant made her an emotional wreck. "Y- yes," she laughed while crying, wiping her tears with her arm while Draco smiled widely.

He pulled her into a hug the minute he got up, and slammed his lips onto hers at the same time. He wouldn't ever be able to get enough of her- he wanted her all the time, everywhere he went, it didn't matter where they went. If she wasn't by his side, he thinks he would've lost his mind.

Slowly, he slipped the ring onto her finger and smiled through the kiss. "I love you," he breathed, a final tear leaving his eyes. "I do, and you are mine, do you hear me?"

It scared how dominant he could turn in less than in a second, "I love you, Draco."




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