Suck It Up

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"So, where to next, my fine fellas?" Tommy asks as he walks the fellow minors.

"Hmmm, if L'Manburg and the SMP and all of them are North, your exile was East, then we should be going West, towards where we need to catch the Lobbyists or the portal to SMPEarth." Tubbo explains.

They all nod, Tommy pulling out his compass (not one of the enchanted ones), and leading the way. They walk for a bit, before they hear a rustling in the distance. They all freeze, hands going towards their weapons. Slowly, groups of people come out. Jack Manifold, Nihachu, Sapnap, George, Quackity, Punz, Technoblade, and Philza. All of them working together just to find a bunch of minors.

"What do you guys want?" Purpled asks, trying to keep his tone even.

"Dream is raging because you 3 left. And we have to deal with the aftermath. So you guys are coming with us." George explains, and the minors notice how pissed they all look. And they laugh.

"What's so funny? Huh? What the hell is so funny in this situation?" Jack asks, trying to make sure he doesn't shout but failing miserably.

"We've had to deal with many of Dream's aftermaths before. Suck it up." Tommy replies simply, all of them a bit amused by how pissed and scared the adults look.

"What do you mean, 'suck it up'?! This is your fault!" Niki exclaims, letting her usual calm, older sister facade drop.

"Actually, if I recall correctly, it's your guys. You guys obviously don't have the mental capacity to take care of traumatized minors, so we're leaving to find people who can. We've all dealt with a Dream aftermath, depending on how much he hurt us physically or mentally, depended on the scale of how far gone he was. And we're done. We've been handling Dream, a grown ass adult, for years, because you guys couldn't, the other adults. You guys were supposed to protect us, shelter us, be adults. And instead, you sent 14 year olds into a battle they should never have been in. You let 14 year olds be abused, manipulated, gaslighted, and traumatized. All of this is on you guys, and we're sick and tired of being the ones who have to pick up the pieces. So, we're leaving. And you guys need to learn to suck it up." Tubbo takes the time to explain, letting venom slip into his voice.

"Well, we could never blame Sam, Puffy, or Eret. They're the only ones who ever seemed to give shit, and tried to help. Or Fundy, he just wanted attention from someone who didn't know how to properly love him, and it seems nobody did for a very long while." Ranboo points out.

"You do not talk to your father or adults that way, young man." Phil says sternly, and Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo snap their eyes to him. Purpled continues to stare at Punz, his supposed older brother.

"None of us are your sons, Phil. You were always off with Techno, doing this, starting that! And Tubbo and I weren't even part of SBI until we were 13! You pulled us away from our family, you pulled us away from Deo, and Bitz, and Wisp, and Luke, because you were scared! You were scared that teenagers could be more powerful than you, so you took us away from the people you trusted! You thrust us into your guys family dynamics, and expected us to play dumb! I am done pretending to be weak, I'm done with your fake family, and I am especially done with almost every single adult here!" Tommy is heated Phil has the audacity to call him that after all they've done to him, to them .

"I heard you needed some assistance?" A voice speaks up from one of the trees, and there, swinging down, is Karl, Sam, Puffy, and Eret.

"Come here, boys." Karl gestures towards Quackity and Sapnap, who obey. Karl mutters something to Sapnap to make his eyes widen, and then the blaze hybrid quickly turns to the remaining fiance. He says something, and Quackity nods. They turn to the other adults.

"Yeah, okay. No, we're letting them go." Quackity says quickly, memories of trauma he shoved down deep inside himself showing in his eyes.

"Quackity-" Technoblade starts, but another voice cuts him off.

"If they're willing to trust adults, even very few of them, after what they've been through, then I'm willing to earn trust from them. You will not harm them, and none of you are bringing them back," Fundy steps forward, sharp claws growing out of his paws, teeth bared, "Or would you like to challenge a kitsune who grew up in a house of monsters?" His 2 tails swish behind him, itching for a fight.

"Guys, go, we got this." Sam says to the minors as the others cause a distraction.

"Are you sure? We might want to leave, but we don't want you guys getting hurt for us." Purpled asks to make sure.

Puffy nods from Sam's side. "Yeah, go be with your true family. And make sure to stay in contact. There's not a lot of us, but we all love with all of our hearts. And it pains to see you go, but this life was never meant for you. Even if half of you grew up in 2b2t, and one of you grew up in Bedwars and one of you just grew up in bad households... no child should go through this. Just remember, we will always be here for you. Sam and I are officially your parents now, and that means keeping in touch, my ducklings." Puffy takes a moment to ruffle all of their hair, before they're off.

And into a life they've been waiting for, and missing for a very long time.

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