The Blood of the Covenant is Thicker then The Water of the Womb

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Tommy had barely any clue on how he got here. He remembered his father calling him in for a lecture. His brothers were there as well. The lecture turned into a screaming match, Tommy vs the other 4. Then he remembered running up stairs, slamming his door, locking it, and leaving. He had slipped out the window and ran.

And now he's halfway across town in the parking lot of a Seven Eleven which is open 24/7. He sits outside on the curb, right in front of the store. He was too tired to actually go inside, and he wasn't all that positive he had grabbed his wallet. He sat there, shivering (he had been being dumb and didn't grab his coat), the tear stains on his cheeks making the wind biting cold against his face. He's lost in thought, spiralling, trying to find out how today had gone from okay/meh, to absolutely terrible.

Maybe he shouldn't have skipped 4th Period Math to have a panic attack in a bathroom stall. He was going to go, honestly. But then the panic settled in, and his anxiety roared at him. Plus, it was test day. And he just... had a panic attack for the rest of the period, before continuing on with the rest of his day. It was all fine until he got home, and Phil wanted to have a 'friendly chat' with him, which somehow involved all of his brothers.

He's snapped back to reality when a pair of headlights enter the parking lot. 3 other pairs follow, and Tommy freezes. Connected to headlights are cars, and cars can't operate without people. He really doesn't feel like interacting with his 'friends' who are really just his brother's friends who bully him, even when they are there. I mean, his brother's hardcore bully him as well, so, it didn't even matter, did it?

A giant truck is pulled up, the car sitting sideways in the parking spots. In the back sits a few teens, but sitting shotgun is a female, around his age if he was guessing right.

"Hey, child, what's wrong with you?" The female asks after her window is rolled down, hanging her arm out the window. (He bristles slightly at the nickname, it reminds him too much of his siblings, who would relentlessly call him child).

Her hair is blond, with a light blue ombre, cut short, just a bit past her shoulder. Her eyes are a brilliant green, and shine. On her wrist there are bracelets, upon bracelets, upon bracelets. They seem to full up her whole arm, almost all the way up to her shoulder. Even though it's spring (school just ended today, and it was summer break) it's cold as fuck outside, but she wears a green tank top, and a crop top jacket with barely any fluff that seems warm.

Even with how absolutely horrible he looks, he huffs in annoyance and amusement. "I'm not a child, and nothing's wrong." He replies, adding in an eye roll for affect. None of them seem to believe that, especially the girl, who raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. He can sense the other people from the other cars are watching, waiting to see what happens.

"You are definitely a child, child, and something is definitely wrong. We come here almost every single day around this time, and this is the first time you've ever been here. Plus, it looks as if you've been crying, which means someone fucked with you. We either want a name, or we want to know what's wrong. Your choice." The girl replies.

Tommy laughs. "You barely even know me, woman. Besides, it's something I should be used to by now. I just overreacted."

The door swings open, and another girl climbs over the blond to stand in front of him. She has long wavy brown hair, and horns curling out of her head. Her eyes are a dark, chocolatey brown, and seem full of wisdom, even though she looks the same age as him. She wears a deep green crop top, and jean booty shorts over fishnet leggings. Her shoes are normal Converse, which match the other female's now that he can see her whole body.

The blond female wears ripped jeans with her lime green tank top, and a belt that is full of pouches and other things. For storage or some shit.

She leans down, and grabs his face, gently. He shivers after a small flinch, which she frowns at. She pulls out a wipe from her pocket, and gently wipes his face. It helps get rid of the tear marks, and makes his face feel a whole lot better. After that, she cups his face with both of her hands, and she seems to stare into his soul.

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