Family and Husbands

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Business Bay is a strong group, built with some of the most powerful players. 
The leader. Smartest around, strongest weapon an axe but skilled with all, amazing with helping his fellow faction members, sly, sharp, loyal. 17
Time Deo; 
Tommy's right had man. Quick witted, funny as hell, strongest weapon a sword but skilled with everything. 20
The more chill one. Kept them on their feet and on track, mainly chill, photographic memory, jack of most if ot all trades but master of none. 17
The builder and hacker. He was the best builder structure and decorative design wise, was their tech guy due to insane hacking skills, skilled with all weapons. 16
The mother hen. He mothered them all, was smart but with a dry type of humor that they appreciated, skilled with all weapons but master of the death stare. 21
The chaos ensuer. Wasn't really a follower of any rules, loves to sue chaos everywhere, has dry humor to match Wisp, strongest weapon bow and arrows but skilled in all. 16
They are powerful, very much so. They are also overprotective of each other, don't take shit or no for an answer, and love to cause chaos and panic. They were server hoppers, settling down for tiny amounts of time before hopping again. They were an unbreakable team, never betraying one another, always sticking together and hurting anyone who tried to separate them. If you messed with one of them, you messed with all of them.
But, if you were anyone than you knew of SMP Earth and what happened between Business Bay and the Antarctic Empire. To this day, it still confuses everyone on just how the Antarctic Empire got Wisp to join their side. Especially since, besides Deo, Wisp was the most loyal to Tommy. Not saying the others would betray them, but Wisp had always been loyal to a fault. 
It honestly still confuses even the Business Bay to this day. Not even Tommy knows what really went down, just that Wisp was apparently offered money and was either tortured or threatened. When Tommy wanted an explanation on what really happened, Wisp broke down and went full mental breakdown mode for an hour before passing out. The Bay still loved him, of course, so they never asked again and just accepted him back.
Its been 2 years since SMP Earth. A lot has happened, especially to their leader. Wisp thinks he's ready to tell the others what happened. He's not positive about how much he can get out, but with fake confidence and the 3 rings that hand around his neck, he thinks he will be okay...
Wispexe whispers to Tommyinnit: boss can u call a meeting in the living room? i have something to tell everyone
Tommyinnit whispers to Wispexe: ofc boss man! 1 sec
Wisp stops looking at his com, taking in a deep breath. He grabs his rings, holding them for a tiny moment for luck and confidence, before walking downstairs and into the living room. Everyone else is already there, the 3 minutes up and Wisp having arrived just in time. Boffy and Bitz lounge on the couch, Luke curled up in Bitz's lap, half awake and half asleep. Deo sits alone in a recliner, Tommy sitting alone for once. When Tommy sees Wisp, he pats the seat beside him on the 2 person couch. Wisp goes over and sits down beside his leader, stomach feeling a bit queasy, his chest tightened. He's never told anyone besides them this, and no one even knows about them in the first place, so it makes him nervous. 
But he trusts and loves these guys. He trusts them with his life and they are his life. For god sakes, these 5 are his fucking brothers in arms! His family! He shouldn't doubt that they love him and he shouldn't think that they would be anything but supportive. 
"Wisp has something he wants to tell all of us." Tommy explains as soon as Wisp has settled down beside him.
Tommy takes one of Wisp's hands and squeezes gently. He glances around and he has everyone's rapt attention, all of them sending reassuring smiles and glances. His chest feels lighter, untightening. He takes in a deep breath, squeezing Tommy's hand just as gently back. 
"I know..." he pauses, "I know you all want to know what happened between me and the Antarctic Empire and I think, I think I'm ready to tell you guys." Wisp says slowly, voice low and quiet. 
"Wisp, you don't have to-" Luke starts, all of them startled about the subject. They never expected Wisp to ever take about it. 
Wisp cuts him off. "I know Luke, I want to. You're my family, you deserve the right to know." 
"Only if you're sure, Wisp. We never want to make you uncomfortable." Deo says, sitting up and leaning forward in his chair. 
Tommy nods along. "Yeah. If it become too much, its okay to stop. You don't owe us anything." He smiles his soft smile reserved for them, Shroud, Michael, and Bee Duo. 
Wisp smiles back just as soft. "I will, I promise." 
"Take your time." Boffy adds. 
Wisp takes in another deep breath. "When I joined the Antarctic Empire, it was never because of the money. All of us know I would never do that for money, its basically useless," Wisp starts, looking down at the floor. "Technoblade and Philza threatened me, or, really, the 2 threatened some people very important to me. You see, earlier that year, I got married to 3 others. It started as a joke and a ploy, but blossomed into something only meant for the 4 of us, and Technoblade and Philza somehow found out and threatened them with permadeath. I never wanted to join them, but I couldn't let them hurt those 3," he takes in a deep frustrated breath, his free hand gripping into the opposite arm. "I couldn't do anything and it made me so frustrated because if I did anything wrong or tried to not do certain things or even slacked off, Technoblade and Philza would threaten my husbands, and I couldn't do anything about it." Tears prick his eyes and he shuts them tight to try and hold back tears. "I love you guys so much, you're my brothers, my family. But its different with my husbands and I couldn't, I can't lose them. We're already SMPs apart, knowing they died because of me would tear me apart, break me into pieces." 
Wisp feels a comforting arm wrap around his shoulders, pulling him close to Tommy, basically tucking him into the youngers side. "Wisp, why didn't you just tell us? We would've understood. Hell, we would've even gone as far to risk ourselves for them. You are our family, Wisp, and they are your husbands. Legally, that makes them family as well and we always stick with family." Tommy soothes. 
Wisp hears different noises of affirmation, and he looks up at his family. 
"I was just so scared and I felt utterly helpless, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think and they were pressuring me. I feel so dumb now, but then? I was 19, fresh out of my wedding and teen years and I didn't realize a fucking thing." Wisp buries his face in his hands. 
Tommy rubs soothing circles on Wisp's shoulders, Bitzel speaking up. "It's okay to be scared, Wisp. Anyone in your situation would have been scared, especially if some of the most important people in their life were at risk. All that matters is that you and your husbands are safe and you're with us. We still love you no matter what. You're our brother." 
"Bitz is right. To quote a good movie, 'Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.' We're always gonna love you." Luke adds on, sitting up in Bitz's lap and beaming. 
Wisp laughs wetly, looking up again and smiling. "I couldn't ask for anything better." 
"Well of course not! Who's better than us?" Boffy states proudly, grinning at Wisp. 
"No one is." Deo agrees, nodding along. 
"My husbands." Wisp deadpans. 
He's met with 5 fake affronted stares, which makes him giggle. 
"They don't count!" Tommy cries out, arms moving to cross in front of his chest. "You love them! That's different!" 
"Who even are these proclaimed husbands!? We have to meet them! Who else will give them the shovel talk!?" Deo exclaims, smiling and eyes shining bright behind his sunglasses. 
"You are not giving them the shovel talk." Wisp huffs, crossing his own arms over his chest. 
"To hell we aren't! Names please, now." Tommy turns to face him, giving him the leader stare. 
Wisp death stares right back. "They're Scott Smajor, Jimmy Solidarity, and Hbomb." 
"YOU MARRIED SCOTT SMAJOR AND HBOMB!?" Tommy exclaims loudly, surprised. 
"What Tommy said, except the rest of us don't know Hbomb!" Luke exclaims right after. 
"Yes, I did. And Jimmy." Wisp replies, giving all of them the death stare as they all stare at him incredulously. 
"You married one of the most powerful men ever, a literal starborn who comes from Space itself and commands over it!?" Boffy asks, eyes wide like the rest of them, but his stare at Wisp is in respect. 
"Who is also one of the co leaders of MCC that devises all the teams!?" Bitz adds. 
Wisp laughs. "Yeah yeah. The 4 of us got paired up during MCC 14, and we knew each other a bit or at least knew of each other. Scott is the one who proposed, actually. He slammed the rings down on the table and said 'We're getting married, no it's not optional, Hbomb that means you.' And then we fell in love, platonically, romantically, doesn't matter what kind." He explains. 
"You married Hbomb on purpose!? You married the man you wears a maid outfit who follows around Fundy on the Dream SMP and tries to get Fundy to do whatever it is he wants with him!?" Tommy asks, looking completely flabbergasted. 
Wisp snorts. "Yep, thats H for you. He can be serious, don't get me wrong, but that has him written all over it. Besides, Fundy is engaged to 5up, right? They are legit a power couple, H isn't being serious." 
"Who is Jimmy Solidarity-?" Deo asks. Don't judge him, there are a lot of people in the world. 
Wisp smiles fondly. "Jimmy's a sweetheart. He's really kind, and nice to most people. He cares deeply for his loved ones and gets very overprotective. He's not the best fighter or builder, but he's not terrible. He has a kind heart that has enough love for everyone. He's also participated in every single MCC ever, and is also known as SolidarityGaming, Mr. Gaming, etc." 
"Wisp is in love." Luke teases, and the others around him giggle, besides Wisp who just smiles. 
"I guess I am." 

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