It's Highschool Darling, You Don't Want Me to Have a Soul

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When Tommy was young, before his world was shattered and broken, he had an older brother. His brother's name started with an A, but that's all he can remember. His brother, just like him, had... weird eyes. You see, where Tommy's eyes glowed without a second thought, continuously, and changing colors depending on what was happening, his brother's were devoid white and only slightly glowed.

Because of this, they learned to constantly wear sunglasses to hide. To help them blend into society around them. Because even with hybrids popping up more and more, hybrids were still heavily discriminated against.

When Tommy was 6, he was separated from his brother. Adopted into the family of Philza Minecraft, while his older brother and only comfort was ripped away from him.

No one besides his brother had seen his eyes, and so, he was a human in the eyes of everyone around him. His 'family' despised him for that, and he didn't understand why.

Why adopt him if you were just going to hate him for being something that was clearly stated in his file.

So, he surrounded himself with people who loved and cared for the true him, whether that be his best friends and platonic husbands (Purpled, Tubbo, and Rnboo), or his math teacher (Puffy). They all also accepted his eyes, which marked him as even different from the different.

(Their marriage we, technically and not technically legal. They were all 16/17, and all of their parents had given legal consent, even Philza, with a bit of trickery. Sam officiated, he had gone to online school just to make sure they could get married. Platonically, of course.)

He had his husbands/best friends, a child (who was really a tiny kitten named Michael that Ranboo and Tubbo had rescued), brothers and sisters (Dream, Sap, Q, Karl, George, Niki, and Minx to name a few), adn parental figures (Puffy, Sam, and Ponk) in his life. He was perfectly content with his life, even if he was constantly slandered and discriminated against in his own 'home' for being something he wasn't.

He, thankfully, had finally convinced Phil to let him move to the same school as his actual family. It was hard, but well worth it on his first day.

He gets led around by a girl with great taste (in his opinion). Pronouns are she/they, she was hyper, a cusser, like him, and honestly just an amazing person to talk to and get to know. She also wears sunglasses just like him.

"Do people ever ask you to take your sunglasses off? Cause like, eyes are the windows to the soul, as others have said to me before." He asks, genuinely curious for his expense.

"It's high school darling, you don't want me to have a soul." She replies with a smirk, slightly pulling down her glasses to show off devoid white eyes besides pupils that slowly fade away, top to bottom. Hers glow, but not as strong and bright as his.

"Tommy, there you are!" He turns to see Niki, Fundy, his platonic loves, and a new familiar looking person. They wear sunglasses similar to his and V's (his guide).

"Whats up fuckers?" He asks, letting himself be his true self. He hugs his husbands, and when they pull back, he holds Purpled's hand on one side, the other holding Ranboo's.

"Oh! Tommy, this is Alaister, but they prefer Eret! All pronouns." Tubbo introduces, and Tommy freezes, snapping his face to look at the taller, sunglasses wearing person.

"Sib?" Tommy warbles in Ghast, confusing everyone on what he said, besides Eret, who stills (and Ranboo, but he's still confused on the fact of Tommy calling this person they literally met earlier this week his sibling).

"Toms?" Eret replies, also using Ghast.

Tommy can feel thick, hot tears run down his cheeks. He releases his husband's hands, and rushes Eret, getting caught easily in a hug.

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