Quackity Hurt/Comfort

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Quackity sits in the far back corner of his walk in closet. His legs are tucked up into his stomach. Usually, he would be holding them there with firm hands. Instead, his heads are yanking his hair, trying to ground himself. He rocks back and forth, muttering the same 3 words, "I'm not right", over and over and over again under his breath.

Slow, but steady, his voice becomes louder. The same 3 words. It's a mantra at this point. A promise. A fact.

He falls silent when he hears his bedroom door open. He goes completely still, his eyes which had just been shut tight now wide and fearful.

A memory overtakes him.

"Quackity, get your ass out here! You know you deserve this!" Schlatt exclaims, and Quackity can hear as a beer bottle smashes against the floor. He flinches, making the wall behind him give a loud creak at the new weight.

The door to his small closet slams open, and Schlatt stands there. He reeks of alcohol, the grin on his face proving he's drunk. There's a beer bottle in his hand, which is broken. The pieces are jagged and spiked. There's still beer dripping from the warped piece of glass.

Quackity would be lying if he said he wasn't scared of his husband in that moment.

"There you are, you fucking slut." Schlatt grabs him, and Quackity tries to escape on pure instinct.

Schlatt holds firm, dragging Quackity out of the closet. The older and taller practically throws the short boy on their shared bed. Quackity scrambles to escape, but the bleeding cut on his leg he receives in response is enough tos top him from trying again.

"Now, it's time for your punishment-!"

Quackity is snapped back to reality by the sound of soft singing. He's not in his closet anymore. He's laying down on a bed. At first, he panics and tenses. But, the bed is too big and too comfy to be Schlatt and his.

Where is he?

"Q?" He hears a small voice ask.

He looks over to see Tommy, his younger brother. Tommy looks so relieved, a wide smile breaking across his face as tears leak from his eyes.

"Can I hug you?" Tommy asks quietly, too quietly to be joking.

Quackity nods and Tommy launches himself at his older, yet shorter brother.

The 2 hold each other for a bit, before someone clears their throat. The 2 turn to see the rest of their family.

George and Eret, their older siblings, Purpled, Tommy's twin, and Sam and Ponk, their parents.

"You were supposed to come get us if he woke up, Toms." Purpled teases lightheartedly.

"I needed a hug. I needed conformation it was real and it wasn't another..." Tommy mumbles, trailing off.

"Hallucination?" Quackity supplies, rubbing Tommy's back.

"They got worse after Dream escaped. And especially after we found you." The 5 venture over, and together, the 7 of them fit onto the bed, sitting up (for now).

Quackity nods at George's words.

"What happened?" Quackity asks quietly.

"We found you, passed out from a panic attack, in your closet. You've been out for a few days now. Can you tell us what happened?"

Quackity curls in on himself, remembering the events of that day.

"Am I... wrong?" The duck hybrids question is quiet, but heard by all of them.

"Of course not, Quacks. What would make you think that?" Ponk smooths the hair out of Quackity's face, giving them a perfect view of his inner turmoil on his face.

"Schlatt... Schlatt used to say that being poly was wrong. And that love and marriage and dating is meant for 2 people and 2 people only. Karl and Sapnap confessed and I freaked cause I love them but I can't get hum out of my head-" A sob cuts itself from his throat, and he curls even tighter into himself.

"There is nothing wrong with being poly, Q. Just like there is nothing wrong with being gay, or lesbian, or bi, or pan. You are allowed to love who you love, and love however many people you love. There's nothing wrong with you."

Quackity nods slowly, uncurling. He spreads his arms out, and they do a family hug. After a few minutes of a family cuddle, Sam sits up.

"I forgot, there are 2 others who want to see you." Sam forces everyone else out, before letting the 2 visitors in.

There stand Sapnap and Karl, both looking sad and apologetic.

"Quackity, we're so sorry. We shouldn't have-" Karl starts, but Quackity cuts him off by shaking his head.

"Karl, Sapnap, come here." He pats the spot beside him, and hesitantly, the husbands come over and sit down.

He sits so he can face them, holding their hands, one of theirs in each.

"Whatever happened that day was not your fault. It's Schlatt's, okay? He made me scared of being myself, and being poly. You accidentally made me think of him, and I spiralled, hard. None of that was your fault. I love both of you, so so very much. But he made me hate myself for being poly. And even though I know there is nothing wrong being poly, the scars, whether physical or mental, make it hard to think that way,"

"So, I would like to ask you this; if you still will have me, would you like to date?"

"Of course." Sapnap breathes, giving his hand s light squeeze.

"We still love you Q. Even if we don't know all of what happened, we love you. And wouldn't change that for anything." Karl explains sincerely.

Quackity breathes a sigh of relief, slumping into his 2 friends boyfriends.

"Wanna rest, Q?" Sapnap asks softly, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

Quackity nods. Quackity lets them envelop him with warmth, and with somebody besides his true family, for once, he feels truly safe. He wouldn't change them for the world. 

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