The Mismatched Calling of Family (3/3)

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The teams were like this; Tommy, Sapnap, Shubble, and Sylvee, George, Ranboo, Scott, and Kara, Dream, False, Hbomb, and Seapeekay, and SBI. Everyone else from their SMP would be cheering them on in the stands. They had told their fellow teammates a bit on what happened between SBI and Tommy (Tubbo was now officially a part of SBI, lucky him), and everyone else was more than happy to target them. Especially False.

Tommy was a Hermit, they were his family through and through. She told fellow Hermits who were competing what was happening (Grian, Stressmonster101, and Rendog). To say the people who found out what happened were pissed would be an understatement.

People weren't afraid to target SBI. Any normal person would be afraid, because they were apparently powerful. But, rightfully so aimed rage was a strong emotion. Besides, SBI wasn't as powerful as they said they were. Gods can die, gods can bleed, gods can be killed. Especially false gods, who are just monsters in distinguished clothing they've spent ages working on.

And the Business Bay, well, let's just say, when they found out, the Antarctic Empire and NewFoundLand never stood a chance (but that is a story for another time).

To say SBI was confused would be an understatement. They were 2nd, with Sapnap's team in first, Dream's team in 3rd, Ranboo's team in 4th, and Grian's team in 5th. SBI didn't understand why it seemed like they were being targeted. What did they do to half those teams?

They were so caught up in each other and the targeting, that they didn't notice the name Tommyinnit climbing the individual leaderboard. Nor did they notice that one of the teams who was specifically targeting them was Tommy In Its own team. They didn't even notice he was here until the final match.

It was Tommyinnit, Shubble, Sapnap, and Sylvee vs Dream, FalseSymmetry, Hbomb, and Seapeekay. Tommy's team won, and he was so proud, as was his family and friends. He even made it in 4th in the overall scoreboards, which he was very proud of, thank you very much.

The Hermits who had come, along with the extra people from the 4 teams Dream Team + Ranboo and Tommy had been in, his DSMP family, and him were celebrating of course. They were talking, cheering, singing, and dancing. It was all fun, and Tommy was having the time of his life.

And then SBI approached.

"Tommyinnit, what the hell?!" Wilbur asks as soon as they are close enough, and Tommy instantly stills, moving behind the closest people, who just so happen to be Grian and Mumbo, with Grumbot and Jrumbot beside them. Ranboo teleports to Tommy, he had been on the other side of the group talking to Purpled, Astelic, and Gamer, who had come to cheer Tommy on after they had fun with their friends, adn hugs him instantly. Mumbo and Grian stand protectively, and Dream Team steps forward to stand in front of the 4 of Sleepy Boi Inc.

"Can we help you?" Dream asks harshly, as Karl and Quackity step forward as well, standing on either side of Sapnap.

"We would like to talk to my son, if you wouldn't mind." Phil says back, just as harsh, anger stirring deep in his eyes. It makes Tommy shift uncomfortably, so Drista, and Purpled step forwards, the minors helping calm him down. Lani steps forward, shoving past the Feral Boys and the adult, to stand directly in front of Tubbo.

She brings her hand up, and slaps the year older boy across the face. Everyone is surprised, besides Lani and Tubbo themselves.

"You are a disgrace to the Underscore name, Toby. You will go home, now, and face mother and father for all you have done. They were so very upset when they found out you left them, not even asking permission, 3 years ago, to be with a family you should have never been a part of in the first place. And then, they learn that you helped a family torment their youngest son, and take their attention away from him. They will not be happy, which means you will be grounded, and you know it. They are not afraid to bind your wings if need be, and we both know this. Now, off. Before I call them here, in front of everyone." She states firmly.

Tubbo nods, afraid of his younger sister, and teleports off to the portal to get home. Lani wrinkles her nose in distaste, and goes back to her friends, helping to comfort Tommy (who hadn't picked up on any of what just happened).

"How do you even know Tubbo? And what the hell did you do to him?" Wilbur asks, all of them still slightly shocked.

Lani looks back, eyes narrowed, and cold towards SBI. "He's my older brother. Because of you 3, he officially left home 3 years ago, without telling anyone. I had permission when I left, he did not. After finding out what happened, they immediately told all of us Underscores that if Toby was seen, to send him home. He is grounded, his bee wings will be bound for a certain amount of time depending on how they feel the punishment should be served." She explains, then turns back to Tommy, eyes softening.

"We need to talk to Theseus." Technoblade states, bringing everyone back to the real reason they were here in the first place.

"His name is Tommy, first of all. Second, whatever you want to say to him, he doesn't want to hear. So if that is all, we will be taking our family, and leaving." George replies sharply, eyes narrowing under his clout goggles (which doubled as his colorblind glasses).

"Excuse you! Thomas is our family. And if Techno wants to call him Theseus, he can. That is his second first name." Wilbur's reply is just as sharp.

Tommy takes a deep breath. He wiggles out of his friend's grasps, walking forward to stand between George and Sapnap. He looks at his old family, and he doesn't feel anything. Not anymore,

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you are. You aren't my family, these people are," Tommy turns to Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl on his right, "Brother? Can we go home? I want to nest, and maybe the others could join. It would feel nice."

Sapnap nods, ruffling his hair. "Of course bubba!" He turns to the Hermits. "You guys wanna join? I assume some of you join Grian when he nests."

They nod, the others like Sylvee, Shubble, Seapeekay, Hbomb, Scott, and Kara already long gone for their own families/friends.

Dream waves with a harsh smile at SBI before they disappear.

And SBI was never heard from again after too many run-ins with the Bay on SMP Earth that even the admins didn't want to hear from them again. 

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