It's Lovely, Isn't It? Having People Who Care?

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Tommy knew, okay. He knew that he wasn't wanted by anyone. Especially his family. I mean, who would want him? He was loud (for good reason, though no one seemed to care), he didn't listen (because no one looked close enough to realize he was listening more than they ever would), and so forth. He was adopted into the Watson-Minecraft family, yet, the only one who seemed to care was Kristen, his mom.

And after she died, he was all alone.

He could tell no one cared about him. He could tell by how Phil preferred Wilbur and Techno over him, or even Tubbo, his 'best' friend. How Techno avoided him at all costs, unless with other people in the room. How Wilbur never truly listened, just nodded along and hummed as if he was. How Tubbo talked enthusiastically to everyone besides him. How no one remembered his birthday. How no one cared when he was sick or hurt (besides the nice elders in the nearby village, but they were too far). How no one knew his triggers or that he even had PTSD from his birth dad (who he lived with until he was 6).

Techno and Phil were constantly off on adventures, sometimes bringing Wilbur, sometimes not. When Wilbur wasn't going with, he was out busking til dawn, or getting together with friends, or getting drunk, or some shit. He was left alone in that house so long, that he started calling the house itself his family. Tubbo came by sometimes, but he knew it was only because the elders of his village insisted. The elders cared for him, and other than that, no one did.

Tommy was 8 when Kristen died. And Phil didn't know til a few months later, he had been out travelling with Techno and Wilbur, who were 16 at the time. They had already held the funeral, Tommy had run to get the elders as soon as his mom had collapsed. Tommy, even though he was 8, understood death better than anyone ever should. He knew what it was like to die, he remembered dying once, and being brought back by something deep in his soul telling him he had to. He didn't know why, but he obeyed. And his family didn't even know, because they didn't care to.

The family mourned for a week, before they sprang back, seemingly better than ever. The 3 went back on another adventure, and it took a year for them to come back, before leaving almost right away, Wilbur going to a friends house and the other 2 off on another adventure.

He learned everything he knew either by the village elders, or of his own accord. Instead of taking other people's word for it, the elders took time to get to know Tommy. And they were glad they did, for they knew if they hadn't then the boy would be dead. Truly dead. So, when they heard of Bedwars and Skywars, they knew. They pushed him into it, and when he gave in, well, let's just say he's glad he did.

In the arena, he felt free. He fought, and he got good. He was better than grown adults who had been playing for years (he was simply 11 when he started). He fought, and he fought dirty. Anything and everything was allowed once you were in the arena. All that mattered was winning. He kept getting attention, and still, his family didn't find out, which he was glad for.

Everytime he won, the elders were proud. And that made him happy. And after a year playing, he decided to run away. Which the elders fully supported, even helped cover for him for a bit.

He didn't need family. They never wanted him, so he wouldn't want them back. Simple as that. He didn't need anyone to survive, he was fine on his own. Besides, it was clear no one else wanted him.

Or so he thought...

"Hey! Tommyinnit!" Tommy turns at the sound of his name, finding a dude weaving through the crowd towards him, 2 others following.

He has blond brown hair, a mask covering his face, and he's tall, but still a bit shorter than Tommy. He also wears a neon green hoodie, which makes him stand out. One of the ones that follows him is average height, with brown hair, and dark brown eyes, with clout goggles sitting on his head and a more blue aesthetic. The other one has black hair, and dark brown eyes, a white strip tied around his head like a headband, his shirt white with a fire symbol on it.

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