Platonic (Again)

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Tommy has a lot of secrets. Everybody thinks they know him, but if you really got to know him, inside and out, you would know that that isn't true in any way whatsoever. Even his own adopted family, who claimed to know everything about him, only knew his act.

He tried dropping his act once, with his adopted family (Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, and Tubbo_), but they teased him. They teased and bullied him. So he went back to acting, pretending to take it in stride.

There are few people who he has been really himself around. The only ones he was currently with were Purpled, Ranboo, Foolish, Drista, Lani, and Hannah. They are just chilling in Foolish's large temple, listening to one of them as they rant. Tommy starts smoking some time during it, but no one minds. They know about the boy's tendencies.

"Tommy, I just realized, have you always had that ring?" Hannah asks, gesturing to a multicolored band which is on the ring finger of his right hand. There's ocean blue, cyan/teal, jean blue, and orange, it layered kind of like a cake, but not at the same time.

Tommy nods, puffing out the smoke in his mouth before replying. "Yeah, I have. I don't wear it all the time, but after everything, I thought it would be cool to finally wear it. Not show it off, not yet, but..." He trails off.

"What do you mean, show it off?" Purpled inquires, stealing the cigarette from Tommy, and taking a quick drag. He doesn't give it back, not yet anyways.

"Oh, well, just, here-" he cuts himself off, taking off the ring, and then slipping it on his left ring finger, "I'm engaged. I have been for a while. A few days before we planned to get married, Wilbur dragged me off here, with no care. No one else, not even my 'family' knows I'm engaged. It was supposed to be a private event between us and those who truly knew me." He explains.

"Weren't you... 14, when you came here?" Drista asks, staring a bit in shock.

Tommy giggles softly. "Yeah, it wasn't romantic though. I found my platonic soulmates, and we were ready to get married. It helped with other things, but we just... we knew we could never love others romantically as much as we loved each other platonically."

"So, it was a poly thing? Cool!" Lani replies.

Tommy laughs again. "Yeah. It used to be just me, Deo, Bitz, Luke, and Wisp against the world. And it was lovely. Waking up together and safe. Times before the Bay, we met when I was 12, was not pretty. Then nothing went right here. I'm glad you're all here. I have no idea how long I would've lasted without people who know me."

"Does it hurt? Being away?" Foolish asks quietly.

Tommy nods. "More than any type of pain. It rips into you, and it makes even hell or the void or whatever feel like heaven. I hate it, but I've gotten used to it after almost 3 years. I hope to see them again one day, but with everything happening with Dream and everything else, it's gonna take a while for that to happen."

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Purpled replies, handing the cigarette back over.

Tommy just shrugs. "It's life."

They continue to talk and so forth, but there's a plan formulating in the back of Hannah's brain.

For you see, Hanna was a goddess, goddess of nature and the Earth to be specific. And she knew Foolish was a god, god of life and death. She wanted to help one of her favorite mortals. She loved Tommy like her own son, or brother. And it hurt her to see him hurt. Everyone in that room, when they were hurt, she was hurt. She knew Foolish felt the same. They were their favorite mortals, and she knew that making Tommy happy would make everyone else happy.

They all loved Tommy. He was the youngest, even younger than Lani and Drista, despite their appearances (a story for another time). He was theirs to protect, and protect they will. They all wanted him happy, why wouldn't they want him happy?

If all it took was finding 4 mortals, and bringing them here, then that's exactly what they'll do. Even if the other 4 don't know it yet.

On the day of Tommy's birthday, his family dragged him to spawn, laughing and giggling. He was intrigued, but no matter how many times he begged Purpled to tell him what was happening, the blond wouldn't budge. The whole way there was fun, and he was even more excited once they arrived at their destination.

When they arrive, Foolish and Hannah direct him on how to spawn. He obeys, and waits. He hears his communicator ping 4 times, and when he sees the messages, his heart stops. He whips around, and standing there are the 4 people he thought he would never see again.

"Mes trésors!" He exclaims, rushing towards the 4 boys waiting arms.

Hannah, and Foolish look at each other, and then at their mortals. Tommy looks happier than he ever has, and because of that, Drista, Lani, and Purpled can't stop smiling. Their mortals are happy.

That's all that matters to them.

They are about to head back, when they hear footsteps. They are all instantly on guard, watching, waiting. It takes almost 3 full minutes for the people to arrive. To say the group of (now) 10 are surprised when they see one of them.

"Why is he out of jail?" Drista hisses as soon as she lays eyes on her younger brother. Lani squeezes her hand, her eyes narrowed as she gazes at them.

"It's my server. These 4 newcomers aren't whitelisted. I came to remove them." Dream replies, his emotions unclear as he speaks.

"They aren't leaving. You can't force them out. They can only leave when they want to." Foolish's voice is deep and dark, his eyes narrowed to help hide his anger.

Dream sneers. "How would you know that, brother? It's my server. If I want them to leave, they will leave."

Tommy moves to slightly stand in front of the 4, one of his hands reached back as it holds onto Wisp's (who he has secretly missed the most, but purely because they last time he saw him was a quick moment for forgiveness and how they knew what was happening as soon as it all went down).

Foolish shakes his head slowly with a chuckle. "You can try, 'brother', but it won't work."

Dream sighs, pulling out his admin table. He pushes a few things, and waits a minute. When nothing happens, he tries again. After nothing the 2nd time, he furrows his eyebrows, face pinched. He tries once more, before he looks back up, scowling.

"What have you guys done?" He hisses, anger shining clear on his exposed face.

"You can't change something once a god has declared it certain. They will stay until they want to leave." Hannah explains with a wide smile, eyes closed.

Foolish snaps his fingers, and they disappear, off to his temple.

And, yes, the temple has always felt like home for the 6 of them since they started living together. But, with the rest of the Business Bay and Tommy's true, unfiltered smile, it just feels... better.

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