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"Fundy, Fundy!" Tommy exclaims, rubbing over to the man. The fox hybrid turns and smiles softly when he sees Tomm, Tubbo, and Purpled. 
He picks up Tommy once he's close enough, holding the boy on his hip. 
"What's up?" He asks. 
He's been tasked to take care of the children while his 'father'(really a 22 year old who proclaimed him his son) negotiates with Dream. Or something like that, be wasn't paying attention well, he was just happy to be able to play with the younger ones. 
"When's Wilby gonna be back? He said we could play more when he does!" Tommy asks. 
Fundy smiles. "Aww, I can play a game with you bug! Can you explain the game?" 
"Yeah! Wilby gives me and Tub and Purp real swords and we get to fight these soldiers that Wilby says are friends of Dream! Wilby says its important and it's a fun game!" Tommy explains. 
Fundy stills, eyes going wide. "He what!?" Fundy exclaims, surprised and upset. 
"Did I say something wrong?" Tommy asks, head tilted. 
Fundy shakes his head vigorously. "No, no, bug, you didn't say anything wrong. Go run with Purpled and Tubbo, okay?" Fundy sets Tommy down, giving the 9 year old a fake smile. 
Tommy nods, running off. He rushes after Purpled and Tubbo, the 3 boys laughing as they run around. 
He walks over to Niki's bakery, which is across from the clearing the boys are running in. The bakery had open windows in the front so Fundy can watch the boys while he talks to Niki. 
"Hello Fundy!" Niki says cheerfully, a smile on her face. It drops as soon as she reads Fundy's mood. "What's wrong?" she asks. 
"Niki, did you know Wilbur is sending the boys to war against Dream's soldiers?" Fundy asks, voice hard. 
Her eyes widen, shock and horror written all over her face. "He's doing what!?" 
"Tommy just told me that Wilbur said they could 'play more' when he got back and when I asked him to desxribe the game, Tommy said that Wilbur gives them real swords to fight with Dream's apparent friends." Fundy hisses. 
His fingernails grow into claws, his teeth sharpening. A growl builds in the back of his throat, hands clenched in anger. 
"Oh god…" Niki's horrified, hand brought up to cover her mouth. 
"Can you watch the boys?" Fundy asks. 
Niki nods. "Yeah, I'll call Jack. Go confront him." 
Fundy nods in thanks, and teleports off to Wilbur. 
Wilbur sits in a council room, right across from Dream, George, and Sapnap. All 4 of them are surprised, but especially Wilbur. 
"Fundy?" Wilbur asks, hands wringing nervously. 
"You're interrupting something really important-" Dream starts, but one glare from Fundy shuts him up. 
"Wilbur fucking Soot-Minecraft, how dare you!" Fundy exclaims, grabbing Wilbur by the collar of his yellow sweater vest. 
"Fundy-" Wilbur starts, but Fundy cuts him off. 
"No, no! You don't get to say anything! You tricked 9 year olds into thinking warring with trained soldiers was a game! You sent kids into war! What the hell in the world made you think that was okay!?" Fundy's angry, very angry. His eyes glow a deep ruby red, nails digging into Wilbur's skin as he holds him. 
Sapnap, who had taken a drink of his water, spits it out. The 4 are all shocked, horror written all over their faces. 
"You were sending kids to fight our soldiers!?" Dream exclaims, clearly upset. 
"Guys, listen-" Wilbur attempts. He's upset he's been caught. He thought he could do this for at least a little while longer! The 3 boys were amazing fighters, complete naturals. He needed them to win. 
"Never!" Fundy uses his claws to pierce Wilnur's chest.
Wilbur gasps, pain brightening his being. 
Before he dies, Fundy growls, "You're not welcome anywhere near the kids. Come back and you will not like what happens next." 
And then Wilbur dies, his body disintegrating into particles.
"The war's off." Fundy says to the Dream Team, before teleporting back. 
There he finds Niki sitting in front of the clearing, watching as Jack chases around the kids. The 4 are laughing as they run around. Fundy smiles softly, sitting beside Niki. 
"How'd it go?" Niki asks softly, leaning her head on Fundy's shoulder. 
"I killed him. And then called off the war. If you see him near the kids, tell me." Fundy explains. 
She nods. "Will do." 
Fundy watches fondly as Jack picks up Tommy, the boy shouting and screaming in joy as Jack starts to tickle him. Its his family and he's happy.

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