Back In Business, Boys

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The instant Tommy opened his eyes, he knew. He knew exactly where he was, but not at the same time. He knew the builds in the distance, but they were new as well. He knew the place like he knew the back of his hand, yet it was new and unfamiliar. He was home, and he was somewhere foriegn all at the same time.

And he was scared, surrounded by the sleeping body of his friends, enemies, and family alike (most of them enemies, with only really Ranboo, Purpled, Sam, Puffy, and Eret who were friends). He was scared, and yet he waited. He sat there, and waited.

Everyone else woke up at once, and instantly panicked. Tommy just sat there, waiting. And that's when they all seemed to notice him, sitting there calmly.

Dream marches forward towards the boy, grabs him by his collar, and holds him up. Tommy doesn't even flinch, and stares into the mask of Dream's with cold, dead eyes.

"Where are we? Why are we here? What is your plan?" He hisses lowly, his voice full of venom.

"I think I know where we are, but I have no idea why or how we got here. I don't have a plan, I wasn't the one to bring us here. I just happened to wake up first, probably because I know this terrain better than you." Tommy replies, his voice near monotone.

Dream snorts. "The only thing you're better at than me is being annoying, and sometimes, I still have you beat there. Now, where are we?"

Tommy shrugs, his face hardening suddenly. "Can't tell you. That's not my business. Now, I suggest you put me down."

"And why would I do that before I have any answers, Tommy?" Dream asks, pulling out his sickly sweet tone. Tommy was too tired though, too tired to actually listen to the green embodiment of throwup in front of him, so he just sighs.

He had them, he would always hear them. Even if it's been almost 5 years, even if they've been worlds apart, and even if he technically didn't train them. He knew them, knew their sound, knew how they felt. He could feel them, he always could. They were family, after all.

There's an arrow sticking out of where Dream's heart is, before he poofs into a white cloud. Tommy catches himself easily from the slight fall, straightens up, and dusts off his clothes. The chat has the death message about Dream (who instantly respawns where he had just been sleeping about 5 minutes ago), but Tommy's too tired to care to look. Instead, he turns, and finds exactly who he was looking for.

He waves tiredly, a small smile on his face. "Hey boys." he says quietly, and everybody else there just follows his gaze.

All of them are running, and before the Dream SMP can process it, Tommy has been tackled into a hug from the 5 people they don't. They hear laughter of relief, and notice tears of joy. A genuine chuckle comes from Tommy, and all of them reel back, surprised. Tommy's chuckle has never sounded that genuine, even with Tubbo in the earlier days, pre war and everything .

After 5 minutes of them hugging, Tubbo clears his throat. The 5 newcomers instantly spring up, helping up Tommy at the same time. They stand beside Tommy protectively, surveying Dream SMP with narrowed eyes. And when they find Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, and the ghost of Wilbur Soot, they're a bit surprised, and a bit more wary.

"Wait- Deo?" Ranboo asks, surprising them all besides the Bay.

"Hey Ranboo, can you come here for a second? And bring anyone you fully trust around yourself and Tommy?" Deo asks, letting care and kindness sink into his tone, even as his anger rises.

The Bay (+Boffy, if ya couldn't tell), are mad. No, scratch that; they're pissed. Someone dared to hurt their sunshine? And their moonlight it seems? Someone dared to mess with not 1, but 2 , members of their family. And they were not about to let that just fly by.

Ranboo grabs Purpled's arm, who in turn turns and grabs Sam, Eret, Puffy, and Foolish (who's really just a 7 year old in his mom's {Puffy's} arms). Tommy nods as Ranboo teleports the 6 of them over, and they stand with the Bay proudly. Albeit a bit confused, but that's normal.

"Everybody else we trust is back on DSMP." Ranboo mutters to the closest Business Boy, who just so happens to be Bitz. Ranboo's tail also instantly wraps itself around the blue themed boy's leg, seeking comfort. And Bitz gives it freely, ruffling the taller boy's hair and then wrapping an arm around his waist so they are close together.

"Now, the rest of you have 1 minute to explain why you are here on Business Bay lands, or we will reset your respawn points, and kill you." Boffy addresses the Dream SMP.

"We have no clue how we got here. All we know is, we woke up all at once, besides Tommy, who was sitting there, and had been awake before all of us. Dream was questioning him before you interrupted. And we would like to kindly ask you to give him back." Tubbo explains warily.

"Tommy woke up before all of you because he knows this place better than any of you besides Ranboo. His body woke him up once he got here because his body remembers the time here best, and remembered when he used to wake up. No other reason. He obviously doesn't have a clue on how you got here, just like you guys. So, we're here to kindly ask you to fuck off."

"How do you even know Tommy? And where are we?" George questions.

"You, my non friends, are on Business Bay lands on SMP Earth. And Tommy is our brother, and leader of Business Bay, though after the reset he got forced out along with Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Philza Minecraft, and a ton of others. Because of this, we've been running the bay until he gets back, but it seems as if the glitch that caused them to be forced out, forced them back. And anyone who was close enough was sucked here as well." Deo explains. This had happened yesterday as well, just with different people.

"Tommy couldn't lead a turtle to safety if he had specific instructions." George sneers.

The Bay laughs at that, and the Dream SMP stares in confusion.

"That wasn't a joke, mate." Philza speaks up, and the Bay laughs harder.

"Oh, we know. You all fully believe that, which is the funny part. Tommy's got all of you fooled, poor things," Wisp turns to Tommy, "Now, what happened? Summary for now, and full story later."

"Well, war, death, exiled twice, manipulation, gaslighting, abuse, and a shit ton of betrayal from almost everyone. That's basically the lowdown, for now." Tommy replies with a shrug.

"Okay, it's decided. Until you guys leave, you guys are public enemy number 1 to Business Bay. And with that, almost every other faction will be against you, including Pete and the Antarctic Empire. You have 3 minutes to get out of here. Goodbye!" Deo explains.

"And why should we leave? Should we be threatened by 3 teenagers and 2 young adults?" Niki asks with an arched eyebrow, and a hand reaching for her sword.

In a span of 5 seconds, the chat proudly declares Boffy had shot Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, and Dream to death. And they also didn't respond here, Deo had already reset their spawn points to the normal spawn.

"They're at normal spawn, which is mid territory of one of our allies. You'll have a day or 2 until news spreads of your status of number 1 enemy to Business Bay. No one will dare to help you after that. Now, out."

And the all scram, practically running away. And like that, the whole Bay is back together, along with some new family members. And they were never getting split ever again.

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