Parents Day

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AU where Tommy raised Fundy until he was olde enough and then Funfy raised him + Tommy parental figure to everyone who needs it.
Parents have always been a sore subject on the Dream SMP. From toxic relationships, to abuse, to you name it. One prime example was Dream. Puffy was his mom through adoption but no one besides him and Drista knew of their birth parents. They don’t talk about it ever. On the other hand of the spectrum, before the Egg popped up, Bad and Skeppy were wonderful parents to Sapnap, raising him from a wee little blazeborn hybrid to the strong adult he was now. And then the Egg popped up, and it all went to shit. 
All in all, it’s a touchy subject for a lot of members of the Dream SMP. 
So, when XD takes the time to announce at 6am that it’s parents day, and that it will specifically revive Wilbur, Schlatt, Mexican Dream, and Mamacita for the occasion. Not a lot of people are happy. 

When Tommy awakes to someone shaking his shoulder, he knows that the day won’t be particularly nice. 
He opens his eyes slowly and sees-
“Hey Boo, what’s up?” He asks his platonic husband, words slurred with sleep. 
“XD says it’s parents day…” Ranboo trails off. “Wilbur and Schlatt are back.” 
Tommy sits up as fast as he can, eyes blown wide. He scrambles to get out of bed, ignoring the way his body shakes. All he can think about is flock, flock, herd, skulk, pack, haunting, family, family. 
“Whoa, whoa! Toms, wait!” Ranboo grabs Tommy around the waist, holding the boy against his chest. "Take a moment and breathe." Ranboo soothes. 
Tommy's parental instincts flair, his brain screaming because he needs to go and get his family, get his fellow parent (Fundy, who's also kind of his kid), and hold them close. Make sure that the people coming can't hurt them. But he listens to Ranboo, taking a moment to calm down.
Once Ranboo releases him onto his now 2 steady feet, he rushes off to get dressed. Ranboo follows just in case, which Tommy gives him a grateful smile for. Tommy quickly changes into a red sweater over a white undershirt and jeans. Ranboo then tosses over one of his sweatshirts (it's black and advertises someone named Corpse Husband, how odd), and Tommy doesn't hesitate to slip it on. 
Then he grabs Ranboo's hand and they are off. First to grab Michael and Shroud, and then off to grab the rest of his found family. 

Ranboo and Tommy have just reached Las Nevadas (where A. Fundy works and B. Fundy talks to 5up cause Quackity has the best off server hub) when XD teleports everyone. They all land in an empty field, every single member (besides those not on the server) is there, looking around dazed. 
Tommy takes the moment to slip over to Fundy, who is staring at, well, Wilbur. Yogurt rests on the foxes hip, their gaze on Wilbur as well, but the kit is just confused. 
Wilbur looks like absolute shit, to be honest. His hair is greasy and unruly under his red beanie, his shirt and coat still have the holes in them from the stab. His skin is deathly pale, and since it's a temporary visit, he has no white clumps/streaks of hair. 
"I'm scared," Fundy says without thinking. 
"I know kit," Tommy reassures, moving a hand up to scratch behind Fundy's ears. "Shroud and Michael are with Boo, so should we do our usual rounds?" He asks. 
Fundy knows what he means. Don't get Tommy wrong, he wouldn't trade anyone in their family, their flock, their skulk, for anything. But it can be overbearing sometimes, not being able to be a kid. Having to be responsible for multiple people more than yourself and needing to be able to be in mom mode at any given moment. So Fundy helps him out.
Tommy was the one who raised Fundy, and then in turn, the fox hybrid raised him. It was weird, but that was their bond. And Tommy isn't exactly the actual parent, especially not to his partners (/p), but he has that parent mode and persona that everyone speaks about. Only person he has ever refused to parent is Dream. Same thing with Fundy.
So, the 2 start up their rounds. Saying hi to fellow parents (even if they think of the 2 more as kids playing adult than actual adults), and then moving on to their friends/peers/children. 
Fundy and Tommy are talking to Quackity, Slime, and Karl when the 2 feel a pair of arms wrap around their shoulders. Fundy tenses, grip on Yogurt tightening just a bit. Tommy tenses as well, hands clenching. There's only one person who smells like rot and stink and ash. 
"Hello," Wilbur drawls. "How are my fine children?" He asks. 
Fundy feels chills run up his spine, resisting the urge to recoil. Tommy can practically see Wilbur's smirk and it makes him want to hurl. 
"What the fuck do you want, Wil?" Tommy asks, slipping out of Wilbur's grip and moving to stand beside Karl. Fundy follows suit, but moves to stand beside Slime. 
"What? Can a father not hug his children?" Wilbur asks, words covered in honey and fake hurt. 
"Oh, fuck off Wilbur." Quackity snarls, something inside of him screaming to protect mama Tommy. His wings are puffed up in defense. 
Slimecicle is silent, confusion easy to see on his face. Karl's hands are clenched, and it glares at Wilbur openly. 
Wilbur seems to, harden, of sorts. All of his fake round edges seem to sharpen, his eyes narrowing. The honey is gone from his words when he speaks up. 
"Fundy, Tommy, come hug your father. Now." Wilbur commands. 
Fundy jerks forward, his instincts flaring out in danger, but he resists. Yogurt's face is pressed against his neck, ears pressed down against their head in fear. Fundy doesn't hesitate to growl at his birth father, moving to cradle the back of his child's head. Tommy is chirping in distress, hands on Karl's arms to help keep him in place and keep him calm. 
"Wilbur, I suggest you leave." Tubbo says as he approaches, Ranboo on his heels. He holds Michael in his arms, the zombie piglin frowning when he notices how sad and upset his family seem to be. Shroud is resting on Ranboo's head in her spider form, and since she's still a baby, she's small enough to curl up in the middle of Ranboo's crown. 
The 2 move to stand by Tommy's side, Tubbo's eyes hard and cold, and Ranboo's face blank. 
Techno, Dream, and Philza approach next, standing beside Wilbur. 
"What's happening?" Techno asks in his usual monotone voice, an eyebrow raised, arms crossed. 
It's like a standoff. 
"Wilbur is bothering us, so we told him to fuck off." Tommy snaps, eyes narrowed. 
"He's allowed to see his son, Tommy." Philza replies, voice caring and yet… it makes Tommy's throat tighten, feeling as if he just inhaled poison.
"A. That bastard is not my father, and B. If you're going to insist that he is, than at least fucking acknowledge that he was Tommy's father too." Fundy snaps, hoping Ranboo and Tubbo won't mind him cursing in front of Michael and Shroud. 
"Fundy, Fundy, Fundy," Wilbur tsks. "That's not how you treat family." 
Dream smiles at the interaction happening. He thrives off of the pain and hurt in the air. Especially the clear anger and pain radiating off of Fundy and Tommy, 2 of his favorite people to torment. His lover once upon a time and the kid who just causes problems. 
Some old, younger part of Dream whispers he actually helps everyone, loves them and cares for them, but he ignores it like usual. 
"You aren't their family." Karl's words drip pure venom, and its hands are shaking. 
Tommy instantly goes into parent mode at that, moving to hold Karl's hand. 
"It's alright hun, calm down." He says softly, rubbing a soothing circle into the back of Karl's hand. He doesn't stop until it stops shaking, but there is still anger in its eyes. 
He then turns back to look at the group of 4. 
"Karl's right. You are not our fucking family. Haven't been for a very long time. Now leave us be, we're trying to have a good time." Tommy feels like a ticking time bomb or like a rope that's on it's last limb, it's last strand of string. 
Fundy glances over at Tommy to see how he's holding up, and notices right away. He starts to panic, only thoughts being mom, mom, mom, protect mom. 
Fundy opens his mouth to speak, but Wilbur beats him to it. 
"Stop being so selfish, Toms. We're your family, we're allowed to hang out with you." Wilbur's words are harsh, tone full of snark. 
Something in Tommy snaps, something inside of him explodes.
"Selfish!?" He exclaims, taking a step forward, pain, resentment, and pure rage on his face. "I've been stuck being perfect, my whole entire life!" He stomps his foot, hands shaking in rage so he fists his shirt to try and quell them. "And the only thing you have ever done for me is mess. Things. Up!" 
Tommy can feel eyes on him but he doesn't have anything left to care. 
"Nothing is messed up!" Wilbur exclaims, seemingly just as angry, hands thrown up. "You can still be a parent to everyone here!" His arms are crossed now, a scowl on his face. 
Tears fall from Tommy's wide eyes. "I never wanted to be everyone’s parent! I was doing it because nobody else fucking would!" He feels rubbed raw when he realizes what he said, reeling back, fingernails digging crescents into his palm. 
The onlookers, everyone who isn't Tommy or Fundy, seem to watch as layers peel off of him. It's different from exile, different from the wars. They've always placed Tommy on a high pedestal. He's been the loud obnoxious kid who can do a 180 and start parenting you at a moment's notice. For years, ever since he came here, he's been parenting everyone, no matter their age.
And now, pulled back and raw, they see a kid who had to grow up at the age of 9 to take care of his brother. They see a teenager who's too old for his age, a teenager who's childlike innocence has been gone for almost a decade. They see a kid who's never truly been a kid, even if Wilbur had taken care of him until he was around 8 (when they moved here.
They’ve always seen Tommy, always loved him, but they’ve never seen him. The dark dark circles under his eyes, the way his hands seem to slightly shake no matter what. His eyes are so dull again, they all know they have been making progress to help them be light and full of color once again. 
Even Tubbo and Ranboo hadn’t seen it. They love him so much, they know they do, he knows they do. But it’s hard to look through a mask that’s been being built for years, almost a decade. Tommy is 17. It’s been almost a decade since he moved here with his little brother and his dad, all starry eyed, and excited. It’s almost been a decade since he met Tubbo, the other boy his age who’s older cousin the admin owner had brought. 
It’s been almost a decade since the first time he picked up a sword. Since he had to fight men and women alike to survive. Since he went starving for days so that Fundy and Tubbo could eat his rations. Since he protected Purpled, the little alien person, from the bad men who wanted to take star. Since he found Ranboo under a tree in the rain with nowhere to go.
“Tommy,” Fundy starts, but that seems to snap Tommy out of where his brain has wandered. 
Tommy rolls his shoulders, the previously peeled back layers being rolled back up on him. He smiles his motherly smile, hands moving to clasp in front of him. There is blood on his hands from how much he had dug into his palms with his nails, but you can’t see it with how his hands are clasped.
“It’s fine.” He insists to Fundy, eyes closed and head slightly tilted as he smiles his motherly smile at Fundy. 
Fundy frowns. Tubbo opens his mouth to talk, but Fundy gives him a look and he stops. Fundy moves and hands Yogurt to Quackity, before stepping over to stand beside Tommy. He places a gentle hand on the boy's arm which causes Tommy, who had been caught up with something internally, to look over at him. 
“Hello kit,” he says, starting to move a hand to scratch behind Fundy’s ears like he usually does. 
Fundy stops him with his free hand, moving it and gently grabbing Tommy’s hand. He moves Tommy’s hand down, his other hand slipping down his arm to hold onto his other hand. He holds both of Tommy’s hands in his, knowing that if Tommy can manage to scratch behind his ears that he will melt and someone else will approach. That can’t happen, not yet. 
He needs Tommy to break. Not in a bad way. Tommy’s been beaten and broken over and over again, but never because he actually needs to break. When you are traumatized and in pain and just overall not in a good headspace, breaking is the first step into healing. Breaking means letting your walls drop, letting yourself truly feel and cry. 
Tommy had helped everyone else around him work towards healing, he had even tried to help Dream, Techno, and Phil. But nothing changes in a day. And now? It's Tommy's turn. 
"No, not kit. Not right now fledgling," Fundy starts softly, his own parental instincts kicking in. Tommy needs him right now. And he's never been one to let down his brother-father-son. "It's okay to feel, baby bird. You can take a break from caring for others."
Tommy chirps in distress, shaking his head, trying to forcefully stop as the layers peel off of him again. He feels exposed but he's safe surrounded mostly by people he trusts. It should be okay, but…
"No, I have to take care of them," his hands slip out of Fundy's to press the heels of his hand into his head. His eyes are shut tight, trying to prevent tears that just keep bubbling up. "I-I," he flounders for words. "I need to be there. No one else is, it's my job." Tommy feels so close to just breaking down and sobbing. 
"You don't have to, and you shouldn't have had to," Fundy replies easily, moving Tommy's hands again by holding them, this time a bit tighter. "Tommy, you're turning 18 in a few weeks. You've been taking care of everyone but yourself since you were 8. It's been almost a decade, fledgling. Everyone is okay now, we're safe right now. You can rest." 
And that's what sends him toppling over the edge. He chokes out a sob, chirping mixing in, and hugs Gundy tight, burying his tall lanky frame into the smaller somehow. Fundy lets them sink to the ground, giving Tommy comfort and reassurance. 
Philza's bird brain kicks in as he hears Tommy's chirps and peeps. He takes a step forward, but suddenly, Ranboo is there, a hissing spider mob on his head. 
"I suggest you take a step back." Ranboo threatens. 
"I suggest you don't threaten Phil like that, Ranboo." Techno replies right away, moving to grab Phil and yanking him away. 
Ranboo scowls, jaw unhinging, letting out an angry warble. He moves his face so he can stare hiz eyes dead into Technoblade's. 
"Are you challenging me?" Endermen had rules, you could say. One of them being if you are a threat to their haunting that they have every right to attack. The only way to pistpone an attack though was to challenge a duel. Victor has the right to kill the other if wanted. 
"No, just a warning." Techno snaps. 
"Get out of here, or I'll nuke your homes and houses. It wouldn't be the first time important places suffered due to your actions." Tubbo threatens, suddenly standing next to Ranboo, Michael full on glaring at Technoblade. 
"Tommy's still selfish." Wilbur pipes up, about to disappear. 
Sapnap doesn't know when he had moved, but suddenly he's lunging at Wilbur. He had been talking to his parents when this all started (Tommy had helped get rid of the Egg, smothered Skeppy, Bad, Punz, all those under the Egg's control really, with affection and then helped Sapnap see he just needed to talk civilly with his partners), and he'd been ready to throw down since the beginning. 
He didn't think he'd get to act on his feelings though until he's pinned Wilbur Soot down and has a dagger stabbed into the dead man's stomach. 
"You bitch." Wilbur gurgles out before he's dead again.
"You monster, that was my son!" Philza exclaims, moving forward as Sapnap moves off of the body. 
"He was already dead, you had killed him, so shut the fuck up." Quackity snaps, about ready to hurt everyone who ever hurt Tomy. 
Tommy is still crying in Fundy's arms, but he seems close to falling asleep. He's.tuckered himself out. He's so tired, he's exhausted really. He's so ready to sleep for hours and wake up to a safe flock.
"Let's go home, guys." Fundy speaks up, standing with Tommy in his arms. 
"We all can, beside those 3," Ranboo gestures to Techno, Dream, and Phil. "Sleepover at the mansion!!" 
Whoops and cheers can be heard from all around. 
And it will get better.

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