The Mismatched Calling Of Family (1/3)

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Tommy meets George first. He's 10 at the time, George being 18 (though the blond brit doesn't learn that til way later). He had tried to get his father to pay attention, his arm was bleeding and it hurt like a bitch. He hadn't even spared him a glance, telling him to 'go bother someone else, Techno is about to win the duel' (he definitely didn't purposefully hit his wounded arm, no, it had to be a mere accident). He wasn't exactly surprised, it had happened plenty of times before, he was never important enough for his father, not like Technoblade, or Wilbur, or Tubbo. He'd just go home, and get a healing pot.

Except they were out. So, instead of doing the rational thing, and getting his father (he knew it was pointless, and deep down, he was afraid of getting hit, even if it didn't hurt that much, but it still could hurt if he started using his full strength) he went to the shop himself. It was a bit weird, and intimidating, but he didn't falter. His arm still hurt, and he was still bleeding. None of that was good, he knew that. He knew when wounds were bad, especially on himself. He had been healing his own wounds since he was 7, and was deemed 'knowledgeable enough to take care of himself'.

When he arrived, the colorblind brunette had been typing away at his communicator in the corner, seemingly waiting. The blond was a bit confused on where stuff was, so he approached slowly, slightly wary.

"Excuse me, sir?" He asks when he's a few feet away, and the brunette looks up.

"Is something- Whoa, what happened?" The brunette changes words quickly when he sees the blond kid's bleeding arm, stepping forward and grabbing it to examine it.

Tommy huffs. "I'm fine, big man, I just need a healing pot is all. I was wondering if you knew where they were."

"Come on, I'll buy it. You don't look old enough to have any money, and your arm needs the pot now." The brunette replies, grabbing his non injured arm, and pulling him after him.

George grabs the right potion, grabbing a few extra just in case, and pays for them quickly enough. Then, with practiced care, the brunette bandages the kid's arm. He soaks the bandages in one of the healing potions, and wraps his arm after cleaning away any excess blood. The cut was big, and pretty nasty.

"I'm George, by the way." The brunette introduces himself to the blond after wrapping his arms.

"Tommyinnit. How'd you know what to do?"

George chuckles. "Believe me, my friends get into more trouble than you could imagine," he pauses for a second, before handing the kid the extra healing potions, "Don't let anyone take them from you, okay? I have a feeling you're going to need them, but do be careful. Consider them a gift." And with that, George leaves, teleporting off to another server.

After that day, Tommy was careful when exploring the woods and getting into fights. He only used the gifts from George when absolutely necessary, using other healing pots around the house (the kind you drink or splash). No one else discovers them, ever. And he's glad potions don't expire. He doesn't know what he would've done if he had just let the gifts waste away.

The next one he meets is Sapnap, nearly 3 years later. Tommy had been bored all day, so he had started copying his older brother, Wilbur. It was funny to see the piglin hybrid get annoyed, because he knew even if Wilbur didn't care about him, just like the rest of his family, he wouldn't harm him. None of them would (unless Techno lost control of the voices, he'd done so before, on multiple occasions, and during most of them, Tommy was forced to use George's gift, or if one of them was especially annoyed even though Tommy was only lightly teasing).

Wilbur hadn't hit him (of course not, it was more like a playful shove... yeah), but he did shout at him.

"Out Tommy, now! Go find something better to do than just copying me! I have work to do!"

MCYT Oneshots (Mostly Tommyinnit Centric, Maybe Other Fandoms)Where stories live. Discover now