The Mismatched Calling of Family (2/3)

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It's been 7 months since Tommy joined the Dream SMP. Tommy couldn't be any happier. He was loved, and he loved them all back. They actually cared. They didn't hurt him, or ignore him, or talk to him like he was dumb. They patched him up with only questioning why he was hurt. They let him be loud and silent. They helped him discover he was a phoenix and all that went with it.

They were family. And he was so close to all of them, but especially Dream, George, Sapnap, and Ranboo (and Karl and Quackity, but that was a given, for those 2 and Sapnap were engaged and Tommy was happy for them {especially with all that shit that went down with Schlatt and what he did to Quackity}). He liked being happy with his family, it was a feeling he wasn't really used to.

The biggest sign he knew his family loved him? Wings growing in hurt as hell. He remembered Phil talking about it once, when he thought he was alone with Wilbur and Techno. Even though they were piglins hybrids due to Kristen (their birth mom, but she always made sure to spend time with Tommy) he expected them to grow wings. Tommy wasn't even his real son, Phil had adopted him when he was 6, after Tommy's parents died (which he was happy about, they were very bad parents, they hurt Tommy, and Tommy hated remembering them), so Phil didn't expect him to grow wings.

When they came in, his family were there. He remembered Ranboo squeezing his hand, talking soothing words. Dream had his head in his lap, while he ran his fingers soothingly through his hair. Quackity had been directing everyone along with Sam and George, Sam and George had been there when Quackity grew in his and the 3 of them knew what to do (Sam was Quackity's dad, and George was his brother). Sapnap and Niki made healing pots and gathered other supplies, to help heal his back once they sprang out. Ponk was singing softly, and his voice was soothing, more so than Wilbur's ever had been. Puffy was humming along, and he could feel Eret and Fundy rubbing soothing circles into his back, careful to avoid where the wings would split out of his back. Bad, Skeppy, Purpled, and Punz were a constant presence there as well.

After his wings came, and his back healed, he made a nest. He took things from everyone and made a big nest. The next week was spent there, with the older adults making food at the appropriate times. And Tommy knew, this was his flock, his family. He would do anything and everything for them, and he knew they would do the same.

Today, him, Dream, Sapnap, George, and Ranboo were signing up for MCC. They were already on their way to Noxite HQ. The 2 teens were bouncing in excitement, and George had to remind them several times to calm down. They were both 16 already, so they could finally apply. This would be their first tournament, and to say they were just merely excited would be an understatement.

When they arrive, the teens can't help but be amazed at the giant build. The building was amazing, and reminded Tommy a bit of the Hermits (he remembered meeting them once, after a skywars game, and they let him explore Hermitcraft for a bit, and they were like a second family, especially with Fundy who regularly visited there, so the fox hybrid brought Tommy with him as many times as possible). They twirled and stared, amazed, for almost 2 minutes, before George snapped them back to reality.

With bright faces, and giggles, the group of 5 entered. They joked and talked as they waited in line, Sapnap even calling the others back home so they could talk for a bit. They were all proud of the teens (Purpled was gonna come, but MCC was on a day reserved for Gamerboy80, Astelic, and his close group of friends), and were happy to talk with them. Purpled, Lani, and Drista (who hadn't been there when his wings grew in, but only because the girls had been busy in her own world, some admin things and shit) bragging about being their best friends. It was super fun, and Tommy couldn't help but feel loved.

He had turned, about to place his ender chest really quick to grab something, when he sees it. Or more, them. He freezes, back going ramrod straight. There, only 2 lines over, are his old family, talking and joking. They were laughing, having fun, just like he had just been having with his friends. He suddenly couldn't breathe and he didn't know wy (oh, but he knew why more than he knew anything else in the world). He couldn't move, trapped, standing straight instead of hunched, eyes wide, mouth open, no breaths coming in or out.

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