The King and His Son

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The instant the doors to his palace flew open, Sam knew something was wrong. He had been feeling it all day, and the feeling didn't cease once the doors opened. No, it just got worse. He rushed forward toward the small group of mobs, zombies, skeletons, spiders, and creepers were working together to carry something, someone. And when Sam saw what it was, or more, who, it was, his blood ran cold.

Sam scooped up his little raccoon into his arms, calling out. "Get the infirmary ready Nook, and inform your sons. My son needs help."

Sam's most trusted advisor (Sam Nook, though most just called him Nook), ran off, already snapping on gloves he always had on hand. Sam took a moment to gaze down at his son, leaning down and kissing his forehead. It was too hot for his own good, and Sam hoped they weren't late. He set his son down on a spider, and the spider scurried off to the infirmary.

Sam let the rage boil inside of him, walking to his quarters, and instantly calling Eret and Puffy. As he did, he started getting ready. Preparing for a battle. He also messaged his son's friends, Time Deo, Wispexe, LukeOrSomething, and Bitzel, telling them to prepare for a battle. Once his fellow rulers and friends picked up, he instantly started talking, not giving them a chance.

"You guys were supposed to watch my son. What the hell happened in the 2 years I let go to SBI for some fun? I only get to call him for 2 years, 4 of those months being radio silence, and then finally see him again, but only because my subjects brought him in, bloody, torn, sick, and on the brink of death! What the hell happened?!" It's quite rare for Sam to get mad, and he can hear his body sizzling with the raw power nestled in his gut.

"Whoa whoa whoa! We have no idea either! After Eret's betrayal, Tommy had to fake hate him even though they discussed it beforehand because Tommy knew that half of the bad stuff between us and him would be fake! Some shit went down, and we helped him, behind the scenes or just out right! No one was suspicious, and we called it a plus! But, a few weeks after Tubbo became president because of Phil killing Wilbur due Wilbur begging him, Tubbo announces that his Tommy went on vacation and he didn't want to be disturbed! We went looking for him, of course, but we couldn't find him. We've continuously been searching, asking around, getting weird looks, but we couldn't find him! Ranboo was gonna show us where he was today, and then you called!" Puffy's voice is laced with concern, worry, and guilt.

"Who did it? Who exiled my son and hurt him beyond relief? Also, I could see older scars, so what the hell happened?" Sam replies, still angry, but trying to keep his composure so he doesn't blow up.

Puffy and Eret take turns explaining what happened during the psat 2 years, and as they continue, Sam grows angrier. By the time they're finished, Sam is already telling his most elite mobs to prepare. He's also still talking to the rest of Business Bay.

"So, basically, everyone betrayed my son because of how loyal he is, blames him, and wants him dead or just gone? And he still clings to them because he has abandonment issues and no one can notice that? And besides you 2, Ranboo, and the ghost of one of the people I trusted him with, they all don't care as a green bastard that was supposedly my friend is abusing, gaslighting, and manipulating him?" Sam breaks it down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Sam. We really tried." Eret apologizes.

"Listen to me; No matter what, none of this is your fault. You were there for him as much as you could be without revealing your status'. I already called in the boys, and my elite. We're storming as soon as we get there. Is there anybody there who Tommy would be devastated if they died, or that didn't do anything wrong?"

"Well, Purpled and Ranboo of course. Tommy used to be best friends with Tubbo, but honestly, after Tommy learned Tubbo was forced to be his friend because Dream is his big brother, I think he'd be better dead. Other than that, I don't think so. Maybe not Quackity and Karl, but then you also wouldn't want to kill Sapnap cause they're engaged."

"But Sapnap will be devastated because of Dream Team." Sam points out, doing last minute touches.

"Umm, not really. Dream only cares about Tommy's discs, and George tried to murder him after Dream told him to. So, Sapnap cut off all ties to them, and is trying to just get married to his fiances."

"Okay then, it's decided. Tell them they can fight for us, fight for their other friends, or hightail it out of there. We won't attack them unless they attack us. Also, will you be helping, or are you still hiding? Because after this, I'm done with hiding and pretending to just be a normal amazing builder with redstone expertise."

"We'll be joining you, of course. We've already called our elite in, and they'll be ready to strike when you are. Just give us the word." Eret's reassurances bring a smile to Sam's face.

"Let's go to war, my friends."

"For Tommy?"

"Yes, for Tommy. I need to have a word with Technoblade and Philza, and everyone else in those lands."

"Of course. They did fail you after all."

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