True Family

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Tommy watched fondly from the porch swing as Purpled, Drista, and Ranboo ran around the front yard, chasing each other with smiles on their faces. He feels someone sit beside him, and he turns his head to see one of his brothers, TimeDeo to be specific. Without any warning, the younger boy rests his head on Deo's shoulder, watching as his kids run around. Laughter erupts from Ranboo's mouth as Drista jumps on him, managing to stay upright with the girl just on his back.

"It's so... peaceful here." He says.

Deo laughs softly. "You say that every time we sit here and they play. All of us in the Bay grew up in chaos. And you're right, it is peaceful. Almost too peaceful at times. But, want to know what I think? Honestly?"

Tommy nods his head, still resting on his shoulder.

"Peace looks good on you. Not saying the chaos didn't, but... the peace accents you in a way that makes everyone else in the room light up even brighter at the sight. And, again, I'm not saying the chaos didn't look good, but, the peace suits you in a way the chaos never could." He explains softly, watching as his niece and nephews run around some more. Ranboo, with Drista on his back, now giving chase to Purpled, who screams in delight and joy.

"Besides, you were barely ever happy in the chaos. And it was never true happiness either. We could all see it, the way you always felt happier when we were together, alone. When we would just sit there, talking, cuddling. Being a family." Wisp adds as he walks up, Luke and Bitz in tow after him. Deo and Tommy scoot so all 5 of them can sit on the porch swing meant for 4. They rock the swing back and forth in a comforting motion. Tommy almost falls asleep.

When he hears a twig snap in the forest surrounding their small area, he's wide awake. The 5 of them stand, Tommy instantly rushing to his kids. He pulls out a sword from his inventory and gestures for his kids to get behind him. They obey, they can tell something is wrong.

Purpled was the oldest, at 11. He had been the first one Tommy had adopted, after finding him abandoned in a village. The rest of the villagers had died, either to monsters or to the ravine that was right beside the village. Purpled was 4 at the time, and already knew how to fend for himself. Something in him reminded Tommy of himself, and Tommy quickly earned his trust by explaining a bit of his childhood.

Next came Ranboo, the youngest at 5. Tommy had found the hybrid child on the side of the road in a box. He was 1 at the time, and barely knew how to even bable. He was so silent that Tommy thought he was dead at first. The mobs had avoided him because they could sense the power of ender and something else radiating off of him. At the time Purpled was 7, and it had been 3 years since Tommy had found him. Purpled accepted Ranboo immediately, knowing what it felt like to not have any family.

And last, but certainly not least, came Drista, the middle child, at 8. Tommy had found her about to be eaten by a zombie, and instantly took her in after saving her. She was 6, at the time, with Purpled being 9 and Ranboo being 3. She explained how her brother had kicked her out after learning she didn't agree with what he was doing to the server. Tommy knew that the older brother had to be Dream, and vowed to never let anyone, especially Dream, harm her ever again. Purpled and Ranboo loved her one sight, finally having a girl in the house full of 7 boys, 5 of them being adults.

Tommy loved all of them dearly, and knew he would do whatever it took to protect them. If it even meant losing his last life, he would trade it in a heartbeat for them. And he had his brothers there as well, Wispexe, a snake hybrid, TimeDeo, god of time, Bitzel, a block hybrid (any block, basically), and LukeOrSomething, god of builds, and Bitzel was actually his champion. Tommy was a hybrid himself, and so were all of his children, well, Purpled was more a demigod, for he was half god half mortal, but, you get the point. Drista was part blob, with Dream and herself being one of the last of their kind. And Ranboo, as explained a bit earlier, was half ender and half unknown. Tommy was half phoenix, and has wide, red orange yellow flame wings that glowed in the sunset. His feathers were also able to revive people, if you had it on their person, but that was a story for another time.

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