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When Scott leaves 3rd Life for the last time, with only 12 people beside him, he feels numb. He wants to cry so bad, it feels surreal.
Scott's not really one to cry. When he's sad, he bottles it up, and doesn't even think of crying. But this? This is way worse than anything else. 
Scott, if you didn't know, was married. To 3 others. And they had been happy and in love. The 4 of them had gotten married as a joke, but it had blossomed into something more. They all truly loved each other, and Scott wouldn't trade it for anything. 
There had been a glitch, in 3rd Life. The first person who lost their 3 lives became permadead. And who just happened to lose first? 
None other but Jimmy, better known as Solidarity Gaming. And he was one of Scott's husbands. 
Scott went into the game giddy and excited to do 3rd Life with his husband, and left with the worst news ever to tell his other husband's. 
Jimmy's dead. He's not coming back. And its all Scott's fault for letting him die in the Battle of the Sand. 
When the 13 of them emerge from the portal, there are a few people waiting. 
Mumbo, Xisuma, Joe, Impulse, Zedaph, and Pearl for the Hermitcraft peeps. Lizzie for Joel and Jimmy. Hbomb and Wisp for Scott and Jimmy, along with Tommy to make sure nothing happens to his brother. 
Hugs, cheers, and whoops are shared, but there's a sad mood on all of the 3rd Life members. Scott stands by the portal, fidgeting, avoiding looking at his husbands. 
"What's wrong guys?" Mumbo asks, all of them waiting for a response. 
None of them speak up, Scott sitting down on the floor when the deafening silence becomes too much. He holds his head in his hands, trying to calm himself down and hide the fact he's crying. He's never cried in front of anyone beside his husbands before. 
It seems to click in Wisp. It's like a light bulb turns on his head, and the panic settles into his face. 
"Where's Jimmy?" He asks, panic and fear clear in his voice. 
3rd Life is quiet, none of them wanting to admit that Jimmy's not coming beck… ever. 
"Scott?" H asks, tugging Wisp forward so they can crouch in front of their husband, because surely Scott knows where their 4th is. 
"He's gone-" Scott gasps out, before ugly sobs rip their way out of his mouth. 
One of his husbands is gone. And he's never coming back. It's all his fault as well, if he had just been there to protect Jimmy, then none of this would be happening. Jimmy has never been a fighter and Scott knew that. Scott was supposed to protect him, that was his one job. And he failed. 
Everyone else is frozen in shock. 
"What?" H breathes out, his breath stuttering when he receives no replies. 
Tommy takes action first, marching forward, and grabbing Grian by the collar of his red sweater. He lifts the older (yet shorter) man, a deep scowl on his face. 
"What the fuck happened?" He snarls, anger clear on his face. Wisp is his brother, and that means Jimmy is too, so Tommy needs to know exactly what happened. 
"There was a glitch... Jimmy was the first to lose his 3rd Life so he perma died." Grian explains, hands up in a surrender gesture. 
"Put him down Tommy." Wisp says, his voice hollow, lifeless. 
Wisp and H have moved to sit beside Scott, boxing him in. All 3 of them are crying, Scott's sobs being the loudest while the other 2 just have silent tears running down their cheeks. Wisp looks how he sounds, hollow. His eyes are lifeless, dead. H's face is pale, and he's barely breathing. His eyes are full of so many emotions though, pain, sadness, regret, anger. 
Tommy huffs, but drops Grian. Tears prick his eyes but he holds them back, he can't cry right now. He had loved Jimmy, Jimmy was his brother, and yet, just like Wisp had always been, he had also been his parent figure. Wisp basically adopted him when he was 12 and had been one of the only ones to stick around. And yeah. sure, Tommy gave the 3 husbands of Wisp's a hard time when they first met, but he did that to everyone. And slowly but surely, the other 3 had become his parents as well. And now one of them is gone.
"Jimmy's not coming back?" Lizzie asks quietly, eyes wide. Tears flow slowly down her cheeks, a hand brought up to cover her mouth. 
Jimmy had been her brother. They had grown up side by side, they had learned everything together, they had learned to protect each other. And she hadn't been there when he needed her most. 
She turns into Joel, breaking into sobs that get muffled by her husband's coat. Joel comforts her, tears pricking his own eyes. He had known for hours, but Jimmy had been his brother in law. He had loved Jimmy like family, and it hurt him so much, especially because of how much it hurts his wife. 
Xisuma pulls Grian aside to tslk the finer details. The other Hermitcraft peeps congregate, all of them sad. Jimmy had been their friend, they had loved Jimmy like family. Jimmy was a kind soul. He was funny and caring and lovely. And now he's gone, his light being snuffed out. 
Tommy moves to sit on the other side of Wisp, leaning his head on his dad's shoulder. 
And they mourn. 

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