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Tommy couldn't think. He couldn't breath. He couldn't move. He couldn't talk. He just... stood there. Gazing around at the people surrounding him. Niki, Jack, George, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Antfrost, Fundy. A lot of people. There were also people not here, who had tried to warn him. Puffy, Eret, Ranboo, Phil, Techno, Quackity, Tubbo. Oh god- Tommy couldn't help but think of how Tubbo would react to his death, the anger and pain that would ripple throughout the whole server as Tubbo's full power was released because of the greif.

Niki and Jack had convinced a good portion of the server to help them. To help them get revenge on Tommy. To take the one thing away from Dream that seemed to matter more than power. Because why would a god need Tommy alive if he was willing to kill everybody else so easily? Why was Tommy so precious to Dream?

The only ones who knew, of course, were Dream, Tommy, Sam, and people who weren't there. Tommy wished he had stayed away from this place a long time ago.

Why? Because no one knew the truth. Techno might be considered a god, but he wasn't truly one. Dream was, though. And so was Tommy and Sam. And Schlatt. Quackity. TimeDeo, Ranboo, and Eret as well. But they had all promised to help roleplay with Dream, back when this server was just an idea. Well, besides Deo, he just wanted to go do what he wanted.

Tommy was a god, but never acted like it. Him and his siblings roamed worlds. All had their comfort worlds, of course. But almost all of them agreed to roleplay with their second oldest brother, Dream. And as a result, Tommy was about to lose his last life on his older brother's server. To people he thought was his friends.

As he stood there though, he debated just letting them. He had craved death for a while. Because even though it was a roleplay to him and his siblings, he still experienced trauma. Because the trauma came from people he considered friends. Family even. And they continuously backstabbed and betrayed him.

Maybe that's why he left Techno, he thought, forgetting about the people surrounding him, to show someone what it feels like to be truly betrayed. And yet, he knew his brain just craved his best friend.

Tommy snapped back into reality at the sound of someone talking. He whirled around, and his heart shattered. There, holding a netherite sword, pointed straight at him, was Tubbo. His face was set in stone. His lips drawn into a tight frown. Eyes holding no remorse as he spoke, words sharper than shards of a mirror.

"You, Tommyinnit, have been sentenced to death by hand of someone of your choosing. You have stolen, griefed, nuked, killed, and many other injustices to many people on this server, me included. And for that, you will pay with your life." He states, and Tommy holds back the tears.

Not tears of sadness, no, Tommy thinks, this mortal boy does not deserve my sadness. They're tears of rage. He starts to shake, but bites his tongue drawing golden blood to stop. Usually, he bleeds red, like a mortal. To help the act. But dig deep enough into a gods skin, and you draw ichor, the blood of the gods.

They stand there, waiting, and it hit him. The thought of Karl. He remembered hearing Karl tried to convince Sapnap not to go. He, it seemed, knew somewhat of the gods. As a time traveler (also slightly dimension hopping by accident), he knew. He could connect the pieces of what he learns. Oh dear.

If the others come to rage for me, I should leave Sapnap out of this, Karl doesn't deserve that. Plus, Sapnap seemed tense, he probably doesn't want to be here just as much as we don't want to, probably was forced by George. And, Quackity loves him and Karl with all his heart. Yeah, Sapnap deserves to be spared. Everyone else? Not so much.

MCYT Oneshots (Mostly Tommyinnit Centric, Maybe Other Fandoms)Where stories live. Discover now