Time Itself Was Against Him

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Tommy gazes at the broken country and people. Ranboo is beside him, and he can feel his presence but he knows the others can't see him. Ranboo isn't actually there, and yet he is all the same. No one else could see him, only Tommy. And he knew that would have made him crazy, if it wasn't for who he was.

The tnt is finally done with, and all that remains of a once great country is a giant crater in the ground. Everyone from the server had slowly drifted over, to watch the tnt fall. The withers have been dealt with by now, and the 3 who did it all are still here, mingled in with the group. No one is fighting anymore, there really is no need to be. No point whatsoever, it was all already gone.

Tommy feels hollow. Not because he lost the country, no, he knew full well this was going to happen. He felt empty because the people that lived in this country were left behind. They were broken, not as much as Tommy, but still broken. And he hated that. Everyone here on this server was broken, and he was tired of watching people bow down to false gods.

So Tommy, standing off to the side with the group of people only a bit away and Ranboo, his closest and oldest friend, by his sider, laughs. He stands there and he laughs. His laugh isn't one of an insane person, or one of joy, or any of that. It's one of someone who is done. It's cruel, hard, and downright scary.

"Are you happy, Dream? Are you finally happy?" Tommy asks as he turns to face them all, tear brimming with tears, something so few people have ever seen Tommy do.

"Hmmm," Dream takes a moment to speak, and Tommy can practically see his smirk under his mask, "I am, but there is something I would like to do that would make me even happier." He's being honest, Tommy can tell. He's always been good at reading people, you have to to survive what he did so long ago just so he could be here.

"Can you see them?" Tommy gestures to everyone around Dream, "All the people who live in fear of you, and what you can do, and your judgment? The people whose ancestors devoted themselves and sacrificed themselves, sacrificed their families, to you? Can you see them standing there, staring at what you did to their home? Or their friends home? Or their family?" Tommy asks, and Dream pretends to care, looking around for a moment.

"Yes Tommy, I see them. Is there a point to this speech, or are you just trying to get me to feel some type of remorse or guilt? Because we all know that that is never happening." Dream replies, arms crossed.

"You like to think you're a god," Tommy chuckles at that, and he can practically see as Dream narrows his eyes beneath his mask.

"I am a god." He replies evenly.

"You're not a god. You're just a parasite, eaten out with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others. You pretend to be human, when in all actuality, you aren't. But that doesn't make you a god." He bites back, tone full of malice and bitterness.

Dream moves his mask aside, showing his face, full of freckles with emerald green eyes. "What are you talking about, Tommyinnit? Look around you. I have control. I am a god. Nothing more, nothing less."

Tommy bares his canines back, which most are surprised he has. "You feed on them! On the memory of love," he thinks of Karl, Quackity and Sapnap, Niki and Puffy, Ponk and Awesamdude.

"And of loss," he thinks of Niki so overcome with grief her eyes turned disgustingly cold, of Eret and George as they watched everything burn around them.

"And of birth," he thinks of Bad finding baby Sapnap in the nether, of Philza finding Tubbo on the side of the road,

"And of death," he thinks of Philza stabbing Wilbur through with his own sword, Schlatt dying in disgrace to a heart attack in a drug caravan.

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