My Fault?

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Tommy doesn't understand.

People are screaming, and shouting and fighting. With each other or at him, he can't tell who is doing what. All he knows is there is noise, and there is a lot of it. And he's in the center of the circle, which makes him the center of everything, the center of the chaos.

He can't hear anything, but one shout over all the rest of them he hears. As does everybody else, it seems, for everyone goes silent.

"It's all Tommy's fault that this happened! He's always selfish! He should've stayed dead!" Niki exclaims, anger clear in her voice.

Tommy stills, his breath faltering. He glances around, and can see as a lot of people silently agree with Niki's statement.

He doesn't grow mad, he's too exhausted to be mad. But he does get upset.

"Wait- this is all my fault?" He asks incredulously, turning to stare Niki dead in the eyes,

She nods with a glare. "Of course it is! Who else could it be!?"

"I'm confused-" He starts, but Jack Manifold cuts him off.

"There's nothing to be confused about!" He exclaims, and Tommy glances at him.

"Let me finish," He demands quietly, which shuts Jack up, so he turns back to Niki.

"Again, I am confused. How is this my fault, again?" He asks quietly, an eyebrow raised.

Niki practically fumes. "It's you and those damn discs! It's always been about them and never anybody else, besides maybe Tubbo!"

"So, what you are saying is, it's my fault that Dream decided that taking the 4 things I have left of my family while here, was a good idea?" He asks in return, and Philza bristles at that comment.

"We're your family, Tommy." Technoblade states, as monotone as ever.

Tommy sends them a look that none of them can read. "What? No, you aren't. I have no clue where you got that idea from, but you are not my family."

"Tommy, that still doesn't change the fact that this is all your fault!" Niki yells, catching Tommy's attention.

Tommy simply shakes his head. "I- I honestly don't understand, Niki." He says, and Niki's anger grows even more.

"What could there possibly be that you cannot understand?" Tubbo asks, voice full of snark.

"I can't understand the fact on how you all decided, like, unanimously, that this is my fault. That it's my fault Dream gave Wilbur tnt and sent him on the path of insanity. That it's my fault that Wilbur gave into his urges and finally blew up his country. That it's my fault Philza was too much of a coward, and stabbed his son. That it's my fault Dream decided to manipulate you all into exiling me for a small crime that has happened multiple times to so many other people. That it's my fault Dream decided to emotionally and physically abuse and manipulate me to the point of suiced. That it's my fault that Dream decided this country was a big 'no no' and that it had to go. That it's my fault that Dream decided he wanted to take any and all attachments because he's a power hungry man with a god complex who hates to lose. That it's my fault about any of this." He explains honestly, too tired, emotionally and physically, to scream or sugar coat his words, or even care enough to feel hurt.

Everyone stares, mouths agape, and confused. Besides Ranboo and Purpled, who are just disappointed with their supposed friends.

Jack Manifold snaps back to reality first. "It's still your fault! You are at the root of everything! We were all better off with you dead!"

Tommy gives him a look, his most blank dead stare. "You don't think I wanted to stay dead? I was finally free, to be with Wilbur, and Schlatt, and Girl Dream, and Mexican Dream, and Drista, and Lani. I was finally free to go and play solitaire in a white void with my friends. Do you know what it feels like to get revived after getting beaten to death with 2 fists and a potato? It hurts like hell. You can feel as all your molecules get put back together, and healed. You can feel as your body repairs itself, inch by inch, until you are left with scars. And do you want to know what the icing on the cake was?"

"What, Tommy, was the icing on the cake?" George asks sarcastically, rolling his eyes underneath his clout goggles.

"Well, there are 2 things. First, time in the void is different. A day or 2 up here is a month down there. Because of that, I was fully settled into the afterlife when he yanked me back. And, guess what?"

"What?" Puffy asks, slightly scared of the answer that is to come.

"He didn't kill me just once. If I did anything he didn't like, he would kill me and revive me right after. Do you want to know how many times I died? 454 times. I died 454 times, only to be revived. I spent more than a year in the afterlife in a broken, choppy timeline. I spent time after time being ripped away from the people I wanted to be with after only 2 to 4 weeks with them. I was beaten to death over and over again, sometimes with a potato and sometimes with pure fists. I'm only still alive because Dream is a power hungry maniac who wanted to prove to me countless times that he was a god, but he isn't. And I'm glad I'm the fuck out of there, but not glad on with the people I'm stuck with,"

"Because, apparently, it's all my fuckign fault that Dream decided beating me to death over and over again, just to revive me right after, was a fun pass time. He decided that if I was too loud, or too quiet, or moving too much, or not moving enough, or breathing too close to him, or getting too close to something, that death was a punishment. And it's all my fault, but simply existing, and wanting to be a child for the first time since I Was 13."

They all stand there, taken aback. Tommy sighs at them, too tired and exhausted to deal with their crap. He turns to Purpled and Ranboo, offering his hands to the 2. They step forward instantly, latch onto him, and without warning, 3 messages are seen in chat.

Tommyinnit has left the game

Purpled has left the game

Ranboo has left the game

One side of the universe weeps for the boy that got nothing in return for everything he gave. And on the other side of the universe, a family of 4 welcomes back their 5th member, along with 2 new brothers.

The Bay might've been stamped out on SMPEarth, but you would never be able to stamp out their love for each other.

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