SBI Family AU

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Everyone thought Tommy was an orphan, or at least, without a family. What else could they assume? He was only ever seen with Wilbur, who was his closest friend. They were closer than Tommy and Tubbo, something weird in everyone else's eyes, but normal in the eyes of Tommy and Wilbur.

The first time people realized how close they were was back during the first war, just L'Manburg vs Dream Team.

It was right after Eret's betrayal. Despite popular belief, it was not Tommy who went off. It was Wilbur. Without warning, right after the respawn, he went on a rampage. He was swearing and planning and muttering. He was angry, so very angry, and no one knew why. No one could calm him down either. He was on his way to storm out of L'Manburg and go kill Eret, when Tommy came rushing in. Literally.

He had just fully respawned, and as soon as possible, he rushed out. He found Wilbur, and with one hug, Wilbur calmed down almost instantly. They stood there, hugging, for almost an hour. Those outside, who had been waiting for Wilbur, ready to ambush, were dumbfounded. They all stared, and didn't leave until Tommy led Wilbur back inside.

The second time was during the Pogtopia era. And it wasn't just Wilbur this time.

It was right after Techno got peer pressured into killing Tubbo. Tubbo was still, miserably, stuck with Schlatt, who wouldn't let him go, and thought he could control the boy now. Niki, Quackity (who had joined after the execution), Fundy, and Dream (who was there at the time) were all a bit confused. Wilbur, Tommy, and Techno had locked themselves in a room. They heard faint talking, but other than that, nothing else. They came out the next day, looking better, but a bit disheveled from sleeping in a room without a proper bed or new clothing.

The third time was during the explosions, right after Wilbur pushed the button.

Everyone knew Techno was the traitor, (especially Wilbur and Tommy). They expected screaming and yelling from Techno. For him to spawn something big and destructive. And then to run off.

What they didn't expect was, right after the explosions, was for Tommy and Techno to instantly rush to Wilbur and Philza. They didn't expect for Techno to forcibly stop Philza from stabbing Wilbur through. They didn't expect for Tommy to mutter something to Wilbur, who nodded, and then proceed to knock him out. They didn't expect for the 4 to leave, before Tommy came back a week later, Philza following a day after. Both of their mouths sealed.

The fourth and final time they saw how close they were was during the community house fiasco.

Tommy had announced his presence as soon as Dream demanded his disc and Tubbo started contemplating it. That's when it all went downhill.

"You're supposed to be in exile, Tommy." Tubbo says quietly, his face hard and set in stone.

Tommy doesn't falter, but he does internally cringe at Dream being so close. "The choice to exile me was unfair, and we all know it. And, Tubbo, I gave you that disc as a sign of trust. You will either hand it here, or you will burn it on the spot. If you give it to Dream, everything we have is over."

Dream steps forwards, towards Tommy, a slight sense of anger radiating off of him. "Tommy, you don't get to demand anything. You aren't even supposed to be here." he hisses lowly, hand reaching towards his sword.

That's when Techno decides his presence must be known, Phil and Wilbur already messaged.

"You will not lay a hand on him." Techno growls protectively, appearing out of thin air (really just drinking milk), a sword in hand.

"Technoblade." Quackity hisses, but he doesn't make a move, instead choosing to do his breathing exercises his husbands taught him, to help calm his anger (no one notices anyways, besides his fiance, who soon thereafter drag him home).

"Technoblade, it's a pleasure. I'll ask you to kindly step back, or I might have to call in that favor." Dream says, his voice even, but sounding smug.

Techno just glowers at him. "Even if you call in that favor, I'm not leaving. I did that once to Tommy, and so has everybody else here. I'm not making that mistake again."

Tommy smiles appreciatively up at his older brother, and Techno lets himself smile back quickly, before turning back to their enemies.

"Tubbo, the disc." Tommy asserts.

Tubbo looked between Dream and Tommy, before slowly reaching his hand out to start handing Dream the disc. Before anything else can happen, there's suddenly an arrow flying, and the disc is shattered into 3 pieces from where the arrow hit it. Tommy almost tumbles forward at the loss of 3 out of 4 of his pillars, but he manages to stay standing with the help of Philza, who suddenly appears at his side.

"I heard you might need some help, mate?" He says cheerfully, a look of mirth and happiness, yet fierce protectiveness shining clear in his eyes.

"Nice shot." Techno says quietly to his twin, who just simply chuckles.

"Told you the classes would be useful one day." Wilbur replies with a grin, at which Techno rolls his eyes.

"What the hell did you just do!?" Dream exclaims, staring at the shattered pieces of Mellohi.

"I broke his disc, what does it look like? He did say he either wanted the disc back or broken/burned. I went with the first option with such a limited time span." Wilbur explains, the grin still ever present on his face.

"Tommy! It was either the disc or L'Manburg!" Tubbo exclaims.

"Doesn't give you the right to almost give it away to him or anyone else. I trusted you with that disc, and because of you, it had to be broken." Tommy's voice is hard, and yet, still kind of weak from the sudden disc brake.

"Why do you 3 even care? Whatever he's paying you or some shit, I bet any of us could double it. Tommy's always been the most poor one here." Dream asks.

Phil laughs. "Tommy's not paying us anything, he doesn't need to. We'll always protect him in his or our darkest moments."

Tubbo narrows his eyes. "Is this about all those moments no one will ever talk about?"

"You really want to know about those moments?" Tommy asks with a sigh.

Everyone nods vigorously, besides Dream who just nods slowly.

"Wilburs is my twin. Tommy is our younger brother. Phil is our father. We're a family. That's why we protect each other." Techno replies, monotone.

"I thought Tommy didn't have a family?" Fundy asks after everyone takes a moment to process the newly found information.

"I never said I didn't have a family. You all just assumed so, so we didn't say anything. Especially in the middle of a war, which could decide if we lived or died."

"Wait-" Tubbo starts, but Philza cuts him off.

"We'd love to stay in chat, well, not really, but we have to go."

"Ba bye!" Tommy says with a grin, and the 4 of them disappear.

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