Death of a Child

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Tommy was scared. Not for him, no, he's never been scared for him. He wasn't scared for Tubbo. Or Techno. Or Philza. Or Niki. Or Jack. Or Quackity. He was scared for Wilbur. He knew, he knew that after blowing up his country, he would beg for death. ANd Tommy, well Tommy couldn't let his older brother die. He would do the same for Techno, even if his brother wouldn't for him.

And, well, Tommy wasn't afraid of death. But, not in the sense of he was invincible and could never die. No, Tommy wasn't afraid to die. He has had time to come to peace with it. If he died, he died. No one would miss him. It was glaringly obvious with how much everyone betrayed him, and left him behind.

Everyone is staring at the hole, the giant hole where the wall to the button room used to be. Wilbur is offering his sword to Philza, begging his father to kill him. And Tommy smiles. Because he knows Phil won't do it. As long as Tommy takes action, he would never take Wilbur's last life.

"Wilbur!" Tommy exclaims, making the whole crowd fall silent. Even Techno and Dream have stopped, watching the smaller boy.

"Toms?" Wilbur questions, tilting his head to the side. Some of his insanity is cleared, his eyes not as glazed over. Tommy still continues, knowing if he doesn't, Wilbur will still beg their dad to kill him.

Tommy grips his sword a bit tighter, a peaceful smile falling across his lips. "It was never meant to be." He says the words, loud, and clear, before in one fluid motion, stabs his sword through his heart.

And the world shatters.

"TOMMY!" Tubbo rushes forward, catching Tommy's body as it falls. He holds his best friend close. He sobs, loud, heart wrenching sobs, clutching the body as his last lifeline.

All the insanity clears from Wilbur's eyes in an instant, horrified. Phil picks up Wilbur with ease, and flies over to his dead son's body. Both are crying, and they drop by Tubbo and Tommy. Wilbur cradles Tubbo, knowing he'll need it. Phil leans over Tommy, brushing the hair out of his empty eyes, and leaning down to kiss his forehead.

Sobs, cries, and shocked scouts can be heard all around. Most are sad, or shocked. But Dream, Dream is angry. Angry he lost a puppet. So he screams in rage. Niki sobs into Jack's chest, Jack crying as well. Karl and Sapnap are trying to console Quackity, who's having a panic attack. George is crying, as are Skeppy, Antfrost, and Bad. The 4 migrate to each other, all crying over the loss of someone so young. Those like Puffy, Eret, and Sam are all shocked, but tears flow steadily out of their eyes.

And Techno, he stands there. Tears fall out of his eyes. His chat is absolutely silent. The rage bleeds out of him. Anything he holds drops out of his hands. He walks slowly, ever so slowly, to his family. And when he arrives, he falls to his knees beside Tommy's body. He continues to cry, but can't talk. He can barely breathe. Emotions swirl within him, but most of all, sadness and grief.

I didn't even tell him I loved him, I forgot to do it before we fully left the vault .

And from that day on, well, if war was avoided at all costs, who could even blame them?

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