Bust Your Kneecaps

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Tommy remembers that day vividly. He remembers exactly how cold Tubbo's eye looked. He remembers exactly what he said.

"Tubbo, you can't leave me! You said you stay and love me forever!"

He chuckles lightly, humming softly to himself, and sings 10 words he knows all to vividly.

"Honey, believe me. I'll have your heart on a platter."

He falls asleep with his special item, and hums in content. The time will come.

The next day, he remembers Dream. He remembers what he said in that prison, after killing him and bringing back. After killing him relentlessly, over and over again until Sam found him alive.

"I am a god! I'm the god of life and death!"

He chuckles, singing the next 12 words,

"Johnny, you told me, you were no fool, you were no chump."

That night, he falls asleep to soothing clips and voices.

The next day, he suits up. He could spend days and days on ends connecting lyrics to people. But, the time has come. No more waiting for him. His family was here.

He suits up, putting on an old outfit he hasn't worn in a few years. He straightens his hair a bit, and fixes any creases or folds in his outfit. He clutches his special item close, before tucking it away in his inventory. Humming under his breath, he sets off.

He remembers a time where Phil would yell at him to stop humming. He remembers a time where humming was only allowed to be done by Wilbur. A time where his supposed brother's never cared enough to stand up for him.

Oh how he hates those times.

When he arrives in the community house, everyone is waiting. Even those not as involved, such as Hanna, and Foolish, and Ponk, and them are here. Perfect.

He steps forward, his eye twitching slightly when he sees Dream standing in the center of everything. Dream turns to him when he enters, a smile adorning his exposed face. He smiles right back as every eye turns to him.

He walks forward confidently, and faces Dream.

"Hello, Tommy." Dream drawls, and Tommy sends a sharp toothed grin in return.

"Hello, Dream." He replies, his monotone voice sending everyone reeling. "I assume we're here for a reason?"

Dream nods. "Actually, yes, we are. After some... shocking information we learned, it has been decided for you to get sent to Pandora's vault."

Tommy can hear the glee that's supposed to be hidden in his voice. All he does is chuckle though, and Dream narrows his eyes, caught off guard.

"Is that all your reaction is Tommy!? You're going to jail!" Tubbo exclaims from Ranboo's side. Ranboo is faking being upset while holding Michael walking away from Tubbo, and Tubbo is just as cold as that fateful day, oh so long ago, not even noticing as his platonic fiance walks away from him, over to an empty spot in the community house.

Tommy just hums in response, an unfamiliar tune. He turns back to Dream, and sings, "Dream, there's still time."

"Time for what?" The usually masked man asks, his eyes narrowing even more.

Tommy ignores him, turning to Tubbo. "Together I know, we'd go so far." He sings to the older, and all Tubbo does is scoff and roll his eyes.

"No way, Tommy."

Tommy shrugs, turning to Ranboo. He raises an eyebrow, and Ranboo just shrugs.

He turns his face upwards, eyes closing, as he sings the next part. "I'll tell brother Drista, to call off the guys with the..." he trails off for a second, snapping his head back down to look Dream in the eyes as he sings the next words, "crowbars."

"Tommy!? Murder is a crime!" Philza hurriedly reminds.

Tommy shrugs, turning to the man who proclaims to be his father, but never has been. "You call it crime," he sings, "We call it smart family business! And the family is famous!"

"Bust some kneecaps!" Sapnap exclaims from the back of the crowd suddenly, hands cupped around his mouth and Tommy grins at his father.

"Bust your kneecaps, bust your kneecaps." Karl, George, and Quackity sing in unison.

Tommy sighs, before continuing to sing. "It's such a shame, you became such an issue. Oh dear 'friends' I'll miss you."

"Bust your kneecaps." The trio starts again, Sapnap singing as well.

"Ooh wop de doo wop de do." Ranboo sings right after, as well as 5 unfamiliar voices, 4 of them male, and the other female.

"Bust your kneecaps!" This time Ranboo and the other 5 voices sing it, and right after, the quintent join in with "Ooh wop de do wop de do."

"They'll bust your kneecaps." Tommy sings, and this time, Foolish sings right after, "That's what they're going to do."

Hours later, when they arrive home, no one is surprised.

"Did you at least leave the innocent ones alive? Or, let me rephrase that, the innocent like ones?" Corpse asks as he, his husband Sykkuno, his best friends Toast, Rae, Jack, and Poki, and another close friend, Mark, start helping the group clean up.

"We left Sam, Ponk, Hanna, Bad, Skeppy, Ant, Punz, Purpled, Puffy, and then got rid of the egg in a safe way, leaving the real them intact." Deo offers, taking out a washcloth to start helping George clean the blood off himself, the red was a black to him.

Eret sighs from beside their friends, the Dropshippers.

"Of course you did, Deo. Luke, Bitz, Dris, Tommy, Quackity, and Karl, your clothes aren't salvageable. And you'll need to shower. Prime, were you doing the most, or just caught in the middle?"

"Both." Tommy replies cheekily.

The adults in charge sigh. "Of course." Toast mutters.

"To be fair, they were all planning on locking up Tommy, and the people we spared didn't even try to do anything about it." Wisp points out, using a washcloth to carefully wipe away the blood on Tommy's face.

"What?" Sykkuno asks, dangerously.

"Yeah! There wasn't even a plausible crime! Assholes!" Drista exclaims, scrubbing harshly at the crusted blood in her hair.

"You're going to have to excuse us for a bit." Mark says in an unreadable tone, and the adults who had been here during the massacre slip off.

Tommy snorts.

"They're all dead, aren't they?" Karl asks with a sigh, trying to help his husbands get out of their blood soaked sweatshirts/overcoats.

"And the land will be ravished." Ranboo adds.

"Quick question; why is Foolish here, exactly?" Sapnap asks.

"Oh! He's the actual God of Life and Death. Us gods and demigods don't take nicely to false gods. Especially since my mom is Clara, and Foolish is my patron, along with my mother's direct son, so we're half brothers in a way. When Dream claimed to be the god of life and death, we did not take too kindly to it, as you can see." Tommy explains, letting Wisp continue to wipe the blood of his face.

All of them are surprised, besides the Bay and Foolish, who just sigh.

"Sometimes, I forget you're a demigod." Bitz says, him and Luke helping each other wash up, along with Ranboo, who's sensitive to water.

"I should've called it!" Drista exclaims.

"We should actually try to finish washing up, now. Especially since half of us need to shower." George pipes up, and they set to work.

When the adults come back, they are spot free. They do change their clothes, they smelt a bit. After that, they find the others curled up in the living room, sleeping.

They smile at their family, before taking pictures (for blackmail, of course).

"I'm really glad we accepted Tommy's call that day." Jack says softly.

They all nod in agreement.

"Yeah, me too Jack."

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