His Final "I Love You"

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Dream will always have a hold on Tommy. That is a true, sick, twisted fact that Tommy has come to realize and accept. Dream would always have a part of him, be a part of him. He would always be stuck. He doesn't know of he could resist Dream if the homeless teletubby actually tried to manipulate him again.
Not just because of exile. No, the 2 of them had history. Yes, Dream was immortal. He couldn't die to sickness or old age, only in combat. He also had 3 lives like everyone else, and still remained looking 21 for years and years and years.
Dream had been the one to slaughter his family when Tommy was merely 7 years old. Dream had been ruining his life for suck a long time, it feltike forever.
But, after revival, he learns to be happy. It takes a bit of time, but he does! He gets married to Ranboo and Tubbo, and they become the platonic power throuple of the server. He couldn't love Michael more than anything in the world. Taxes weren't that bad.
Life was good. He was healing. He was doing better.
He could tale damage without having a mental breakdown. His claustrophobia was getting better. He could look at potatoes again. Green (specificlaly like green) didn't but him ok edge anymore. He reconciled with Technoblade (never Philza though). He didn't freak out at the sight of weapons. He made up with Sam, who he learned to trust as a father figure once again.
All in all, he was doing better than he had been after nearly 3 months after his revival.
Of course, Dream had to ruin it. He had escaped, but no one knew that exactly yet. Their family of 5, consisting of Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael, and Techno, were out on a walk through the woods. They were looking for a nice picnic place.
That's when they ran into the man, and the instant Tommy saw him, he could feel his trauma crawl into the forefront of his mind.
Dream, without his mask, was scary. In exile, Dream would take off his mask so Tommy would trust him. Flash a nice smile, parade his face around. And now, with Dream grinning his slimy, cheshire cat grin, Tommy blanks.
"Tommy, come here." Dream commands.
Tommy's body obeys, and his family are confused. Especially Michael, who was squealing in piglin in hopes that his papa wouldn't walk towards the scary man.
"Good boy." Dream compliments, patting Tommy's head like he's some kind of dog.
"Tommy?" Tubbo asks slowly, but the eyes that look back at him aren't the ones of his Tommy.
These ones are glassy and shattered. They are ones of someone who isn't fully in control, and struggling. The eyes of someone who has been battered and broken and shattered time after time and yet, still moves and lives and breathes every day.
This was part of their Tommy, but not their Tommy. None of them liked it.
"Tommy, do you have a weapon on you?" Dream asks, and Tommy merely nods, pulling out the Axe of Peace from his inventory. After making up, Techno had let him keep it. Especially since he might've grown attached to a fucking axe-
"Good, good. Now, kill them." Tommy turns, on autopilot, eyes still glassy and shattered and unseeing.
He takes a step forward, and Tubbo picks up Michael, Ranboo moving slightly in front of the 2. Tommy takes another step gorward, the Axe of Peace twirling in his fingertips. Technoblade steps forward, standing beside Ranboo, in wait.
"Papa! Papa!" Michael squeals, just as Tommy starts his third step, and he falters. Michael squeals again, something in Piglin that only Techno and Tommy can understand.
The real Tommy flashes in Tommy's eyes, his body going still, and breathing slowed.
"Tommy. Kill them. Now." Dream demands.
Tommy takes a step forward, the sudden clarity gone. In the same moment, Michael wiggles out of Tubbo's grasp to throw himself in front of his Papa.
"Papa!" Tommy raises the axe, hands shaking.
Technoblade lunges forward, shield out and ready to protect Michael. But Tommy doesn't attack his child, no. Tommy, in a fit of clarity, looks his husbands in the eye, silently telling them his final "I love you", before plunging that axe into his own chest.
Tommy turns to look at Dream, all sense of being under his control gone. "You slaughtered my family once. I won't let you do it again."
He disappears in a puff of smoke, leaving behind only one thing; a single allium that Ranboo had weaved through his hair earlier. 

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